You are the Night Guard at Ravenhurst Mental Asylum. You have the night watch, making sure the Patients don't escape or kill you in the process. Using Motion Trackers, a Map Layout, a Reinforced Steel Door and CCTV cameras, you must use the equipment, Facing the Technical Failures and stay alive, for five nights.

The Player has gotten a letter from management that says he has been moved to the Basement Shift, as Mr. Giggles filed a complaint about The Player. When the player gets there for his shift, Jake calls him on a Walkie-Talkie, and explains that the Basement wasn't Intended for holding patients. However, they had a lot of patients coming in, and were running out of room.

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It seems that Dave has fixed the problem with only being able to close 3 doors on the map layout. you are now able to close as many as you like. Unfortunately, the Basement, while being renovated to add security equipment, they were unable to connect the equipment to the main power supply, meaning that they had to add a wall mounted generator with a hand crank. the player must keep turning the hand crank throughout the night to keep the power enabled. The more doors shut, the faster the power drains.

Doors: Needed. You can use the Doors to trap The Ripper in a room. This may lose power but this can easily be gained using the generator. You can also use the Doors to stop The Ripper from coming into the hallway. You can do this the whole night.

Lockdown button: You will definitely need the lockdown button. Don't forget though: it lasts for a short period of time and is used as a last resort, and it also kills the power once it finishes. You may need the lockdown upgrade which allows 3 lockdowns per night. The normal game only allows one.

Doors: Use them. Trap patients in rooms. This is the night where they get very aggressive. You will probably hear Benji bark every 10 seconds. Use as little Doors as you can. Also, you don't have to trap every patient: trap 2 or 3 (one of which being Doctor Death).

Hello! I used to work at Ravenhurst Mental Asylum as a security guard and had to keep an eye on the place at night. I was hired there to keep an eye on the "patients" and there's a few other people too such as Jake (The Phone Person) and Dave (The Technic Guy). The place has a few floors, a basement, and my security office. There's around 4 patients in the building and their all insane too. I had to work for 6 hours from 12 AM to 6 AM.

I looked around my office and I saw a camera system, a warning alarm, a tracker device, an alarm clock, sound devices and my security office door. Then I heard the phone, so I picked it up and there was guy named Jake speak to me about my training. I asked him to see if there was any patients tonight and he said that there only one patient tonight on my 1st shift which was a freaking killer clown who was holding balloons.

"Hey, buddy! It's Jake here down at Level 2. Welcome to the Mad House. I'm sure you'll feel right at home here. I have no idea why they put you on the heightened security floor for your 1st shift, but thankfully there is only one patient up there tonight: Mr. Giggles. Mr. Giggles used to be a children's entertainer. He was a favorite at kids parties ups and down the country: until the kids started going missing, that is! It turns out Mr. Giggles isn't the cheerful entertainer his name would suggest! Anyway, I doubt he cause you not much trouble tonight, he tends to keep himself these days. But if he does break out of his cell, a warning light on your map will let you know. It is a good idea to activate the tracker device if this happens. The tracker device battery won't last at night, though once it dies you'll have to watch the cameras to keep track of what Mr. Giggles is up to. The doctors tell me that since his lobotomy, Mr. Giggles is completely harmless. (Inaudible) Use the the map console to open and close the automatic doors around the asylum from getting into your security room. There's a technical problem right now, though which means 3 doors can be closed at once. Dave in the maintenance is working on getting it fixed (well, that's what he told me anyway). Well that's it! You're all ready for your shift. Keep an eye at that warning alarm on your desk too: It'll let you know if Mr. Giggles is in the hallway outside your room. I suggest you shut your door pronto if it goes off. Okay, buddy! Training over! Enjoy your 1st night."

The call ends for my 1st shift. Mr. Giggles didn't really get in my way either but he just wandered around the place because he was probably new here. I survived my 1st night and came back tomorrow night for my 2nd night to see there was a new patient coming in.

"Hey buddy! It's Jake here down at Level 2. It's nice to see you come back for your 2nd shift. The good news is we've got a 2nd patient tonight: Little Alice. Little Alice was once a normal little girl who was happy, care free and loving. That was until her parents had the misfortune of booking Mr. Giggles as the entertainment at her 10th birthday party. Since then, things haven't been quite the same for Little Alice. Let's just say she's developed some rather violent stuff, she's certainly the one to keep an eye on. The bad news is that Dave in maintenance was off sick today, so your stuck with just being able to close 3 doors at a time. Oh, and the Day Shift told me that the warning alarm on your desk is playing up a bit too, so try not to rely on it too much. You may also noticed that your room door only stays shut for a short period of time, and then takes a while to charge again. Well this is another one of those technical problems. Dave in maintenance has promised to make this a top priority. But for now, you're just going to have to use the door wisely, and only shut it when you really need to. Here's a little tip: you can attract the patients to the Food Hall or Recreation Room by activating the switches on your 3rd monitor. Don't overuse them though the patients may be mad, but they're not stupid! Okay, buddy! I'll leave you to it. Over and out."

The call ends for my 2nd shift. Mr. Giggles was little bit more active but still kind of did the same thing again and Little Alice was a bit more active than he was because she wanted me to die. I survived my 2nd night and came back tomorrow night again for my 3rd night for the 3rd patient.

I checked the cameras and everything, until I got another call from Jake which made me a little mad because Dave didn't have any news for us. I picked up the phone waiting to see if a new patient has moved here and turns out there was a patient who was wearing a Jason's mask and a chainsaw. I also have no clue on why he brought his chainsaw in the asylum in the 1st place.

"Hey, buddy! It's Jake here down at Level 2. Me and the guys had a little wager that you wouldn't last more than 2 nights, looks like I'm out of pocket! You've got a 3rd patient in tonight: Buzzsaw Barry. Buzzsaw Barry is a regular here, and it seems he's back to his old lunatic ways. The doctors have allowed him to keep his chainsaw, they say it helps teach him the value of responsibility. Personally, I would at least empty the fuel out but hey, what do I know, I'm just security! No news from Dave in maintenance today, so I'm afraid you're still stuck with just being able to close 3 doors at a time. Well, that's it buddy! You're going to have a busy night, so I'll leave you to it."

The call ends for my 3rd shift. The 1st two were moving faster and Barry was trying to kill me so he can be the next Jason Voorhees for some reason. But I survived my 3rd night and came back tomorrow night for my 4th night for my final patient.

"Hey buddy! It's Jake here down at Level 2. And I've got exciting news, you've got a full house tonight. The police brought in your 4th patient early today, and this guy's a full on creepy dude. He's been lurking in woodlands up and down the country for years, scaring the hell out of anyone he meets. We don't know much about him yet, the doctors will assess him tomorrow but he goes by the name of Slender. Oh, turns out Dave in maintenance is actually on holiday this week, so it looks like you aren't going to get your faulty equipment fixed anytime soon. Okay, buddy! Good luck tonight!"

The call ends for my 4th shift. The 1st three were moving even faster and for some reason when you look at Slender on the cameras it turns into static so I'm not sure why that happens but lets just say he doesn't want to be looked at. I survived the 4th night and came back tomorrow night for my final night.

I was happy when I was about to finish the week and get my paycheck for working good. But this night was stressful because the alarms would break a lot, the trackers being broken and the stupid door takes a while to recharge. I got my last phone call from Jake and it was not so good at all either. He told me the place always falls apart when Dave is on his holiday break and they tried to call him all day but he turned his phone off. I was angry because he was being a freaking jerk.

"Hey, buddy! It's Jake here down at Level 2. We've got all sorts of technical problems down here right now. This place always falls to pieces as soon as Dave in maintenance goes on holiday, and I've been trying to call him all day, but he's turned his phone off. You're probably going to have few technical glitches up there tonight too, so expect a busy one. At least it's almost the weekend! Good luck, buddy!"

The call ends for my last shift. All of them were at maximum overdrive mode and kept getting to my door in a few seconds. The final night was stressful but I survived from being killed and got my paycheck to get the heck out of there. Jake told me I did a great job and someone reported me for no reason so they decided to move me into the freaking basement with new patients I have to deal with. I have no idea on who on earth reported on me for no reason and decided to move me to the basement shift. Stay tuned for the sequel on what happens next in the basement shift and thank you for reading my story. There will be a sequel coming soon so be prepared on when it comes out. Goodbye and enjoy your day! 2351a5e196

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