I'm trying to send a trigger in my Labview program to an external device through an NI DAQ board (PCIe-6361). The trigger cable is connected to a digital line (P0.0). In MAX, I can do this by manually turning on and off the line.

An automationAutomations in Home Assistant allow you to automatically respond to things that happen in and around your home.

[Learn more] can be triggered by an eventAn event is when something happens.

[Learn more], a certain entityAn entity represents a sensor, actor, or function in Home Assistant. Entities are used to monitor physical properties or to control other entities. An entity is usually part of a device or a service.

[Learn more] stateThe state holds the information of interest of an entity, for example, if a light is on or off. Each entity has exactly one state and the state only holds one value at a time. However, entities can store attributes related to that state such as brightness, color, or a unit of measurement.

[Learn more], at a given time, and more. These can be specified directly or more flexible via templates. It is also possible to specify multiple triggers for one automation.

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All triggers can be assigned an optional id. If the ID is omitted, it will instead be set to the index of the trigger. The id can be referenced from trigger conditions and actions. The id does not have to be unique for each trigger, and it can be used to group similar triggers for use later in the automation (i.e., several triggers of different types that should all turn some entity on).

The second variant is setting variables that are available when attaching a trigger when the trigger can contain templated values. These are defined using the trigger_variables key at an automation level. These variables can only contain limited templates. The triggers will not re-apply if the value of the template changes. Trigger variables are a feature meant to support using blueprint inputs in triggers.

The payload option can be combined with a value_template to process the message received on the given MQTT topic before matching it with the payload.The trigger in the example below will trigger only when the message received on living_room/switch/ac is valid JSON, with a key state which has the value "on".

If for your use case this is undesired, you could consider using the automation to set an input_datetime to the desired time and then use that input_datetime as an automation trigger to perform the desired actions at the set time.

Fires when the state of any of given entities changes. If only entity_id is given, the trigger will fire for all state changes, even if only state attributes change.If at least one of from, to, not_from, or not_to are given, the trigger will fire on any matching state change, but not if only attributes change. To trigger on all state changes, but not on changed attributes, set at least one of from, to, not_from, or not_to to null.

The not_from and not_to options are the counter parts of from and to. They can be used to trigger on state changes that are not the specified state. This can be useful to trigger on all state changes, except specific ones.

Since the duration of twilight is different throughout the year, it is recommended to use sun elevation triggers instead of sunset or sunrise with a time offset to trigger automations during dusk or dawn.

With the time pattern trigger, you can match if the hour, minute or second of the current time matches a specific value. You can prefix the value with a / to match whenever the value is divisible by that number. You can specify * to match any value (when using the web interface this is required, the fields cannot be left empty).

You can run this automation by sending an HTTP POST request to -home-assistant:8123/api/webhook/some_hook_id. Here is an example using the curl command line program, with an example form data payload:

By default, webhook triggers can only be accessed from devices on the same network as Home Assistant or via Nabu Casa Cloud webhooks. The local_only option should be set to false to allow webhooks to be triggered directly via the internet. This option can also be configured in the UI by clicking the settings gear menu button beside the Webhook ID.

Payloads may either be encoded as form data or JSON. Depending on that, its data will be available in an automation template as either trigger.data or trigger.json. URL query parameters are also available in the template as trigger.query.

Zone trigger fires when an entity is entering or leaving the zone. The entity can be either a person, or a device_tracker. For zone automation to work, you need to have setup a device tracker platform that supports reporting GPS coordinates. This includes GPS Logger, the OwnTracks platform and the iCloud platform.

Geolocation trigger fires when an entity is appearing in or disappearing from a zone. Entities that are created by a Geolocation platform support reporting GPS coordinates.Because entities are generated and removed by these platforms automatically, the entity ID normally cannot be predicted. Instead, this trigger requires the definition of a source, which is directly linked to one of the Geolocation platforms.

Device triggers encompass a set of events that are defined by an integration. This includes, for example, state changes of sensors as well as button events from remotes.MQTT device triggers are set up through autodiscovery.

A sentence trigger fires when Assist matches a sentence from a voice assistant using the default conversation agent. Sentence triggers only work with Home Assistant Assist. External conversation agents such as OpenAI or Google Generative AI cannot be used to trigger automations.

Adding one or more {lists} to your trigger sentences will capture any text at that point in the sentence. A slots object will be available in the trigger data.This allows you to match sentences with variable parts, such as album/artist names or a description of a picture.

It is possible to specify multiple triggers for the same rule. To do so just prefix the first line of each trigger with a dash (-) and indent the next lines accordingly. Whenever one of the triggers fires, processing of your automation rule begins.

It is possible to specify multiple entities for the same trigger. To do so add multiple entities using a nested list. The trigger will fire and start, processing your automation each time the trigger is true for any entity listed.

The reason I ask is automations are basically scripts but that have triggers and conditions etc, where as if you want to simply call a series of actions for example this is what a script is designed for.

You can trigger a script and or an automation via the dashboard, however note that if triggering an automation like this it will ignore all triggers and all conditions and simply carry out the actions.

If you only ever plan to have this run when you manually trigger it, then you could create a script instead and then add a button card to the dashboard (without an entity) and set the button to call a service when you press it and have that service be script.turn_on for example.

This one is pretty straight forward. I'm trying to use the Google Assistant trigger in MacroDroid to trigger a pop-up message as a test. I get the prompt to choose between Assistant or MacroDroid and neither option triggers my macro. Nothing shows in the log for the trigger being activated. If it makes any difference, I'm triggering the Google Assistant from my Bluetooth headphones. Choosing to launch Assistant itself also does not trigger the macro.

I am looking to setup an automation that will basically turn on my tv (with a google tv) attached and open an iptv app linked to my tv tuner (which will start a channel). The trigger is a hue motion sensor. I have the automation working but i only want this to run in the morning only when i go into my kitchen before work. Whats the best way to only allow this automation run once a day?

I am trying to build a simple app which can be triggered by google assistant.Like if the users say, "Hey Google, Open TestApp" or "Hey Google, perform xyz from TestApp".What would be the best approach? Dialogflow?

The tittle says it all. I am trying to figure it out with no success.

Here is what I have:

When motion is detected a script triggers. This script is triggering one notify service, one shell command, one counter and one automation (lets call it A). This automation (A), is to take a camera snapshot.

Now, I am trying to send the snapshot on my phone only when I am not home. I created another automation (call it B) that sends me the file with success. The problem is that I cant trigger this automation (B) when (A) triggers.

EDIT: Just to clarify, you may need to turn logging to debug to catch the event and use the proper trigger attributes. the service may not be turn_on and the domain may be different as well. But the platform and event_type are correct.

@anon43302295 This was the obvious way to do this and I also thought it would work when I created the automation yesterday. While it triggers the automation, it bypasses the condition (when i am not home) written in automation (B).

@petro I cant work because of that. It just triggers the automation no matter if I am home or not.

I still want all the things in the script to work no matter what, but when I am not home, I want this extra automation (send me the file) to trigger.

And then I had automation B sending me the snapshot using the boolean as a trigger and condition when I am not home. Automation A remains the same as before, that means always save the snapshot no matter what. ff782bc1db

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