You are the witness to this proclamation to serve the Lord, as Joshua said to the Israelites long ago, so make the choice to put your service to God before everything else and know He will be greatly pleased with His good and faithful servants!

We will not give our hearts to another

Will not give our hearts to another

We belong to the Lord

We will not give our hearts to another

Will not give our hearts to another

We will only serve the Lord

Download As For Me And My House We Will Serve The Lord

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But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. Joshua 24:15

Perhaps in your life there will be no opportunities to discover new lands or to conquer countries and kingdoms and have a short and glorious life that will be remembered for centuries upon centuries. However, we aspire to another kind of glory. The kingdoms and worlds to rule are framed in the heavens. Open your eyes to the horizon, and you will see. The battle that is in front of you is real and has a commander in chief: you. You are the captain of your ship, the discoverer of new lands, the general of your army, the conqueror of your kingdom. The glory that we aspire to and that we will receive for the victory of that battle is in front of us, in front of you. How can we overcome this great battle and obtain the desired and promised reward to the victors? 

Without diminishing the merit of Alexander the Great, whose place in the history of the world is indisputable, let us consider another conqueror who lived before Alexander and whose story was written in the book of the earth and the heavens. 

Of his life one could write, "Long life with glory." 


Joshua was chosen by God to succeed Moses as leader of the Israelites during the conquest of Canaan. Joshua conquered most of the territory of the promised land and distributed it among the twelve tribes of Israel. This took place possibly around 1230-1210 b.c. He is revered by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He died at age 110. tag_hash_108 

Joshua, the son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim, was first called Hosea, meaning "saved," "a rescuer," or "savior." Subsequently, Moses, guided by the Spirit, named him Joshua, meaning "he saves" or the "salvation of Jehovah," referring to the role he would play. At the end of his life he brought the people together to give them a blessing, as well as final advice and a warning: "Choose you this day whom ye will serve; ... as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."[2] 

How did Joshua reach that level of commitment? Obviously, they were not words spoken lightly. His life had been in the service of God, and his statement was a declaration of his conduct for many years. How can we reach that level of commitment to also say, "Today, I and my house will serve the Lord"? 


Let us first speak of one of the intrinsic components of this statement: knowledge. Knowledge has its origin in the Greek word gnosis. That means personal or spiritual knowledge or specific knowledge of the divine. Knowledge is the act or effect of knowing. It is the capacity of man to understand, through reason, the nature, qualities, and relationships of things. 

You are in one of the meccas of knowledge. It is called the temple of learning. Nowadays, the power to obtain knowledge is within the reach of everyone more than at any time in history. The university will guide you to obtain it and teach you how to apply it; in turn, you must form discipline to increase your knowledge through a diligent personal search. However, the application of this knowledge has its roots in the land of desire, and its fruits bloom in the branches of action. That desire for greater knowledge led the ancient and modern prophets and others to increase their level of information and understanding. 

Abraham expressed: "And, finding there was greater happiness and peace and rest for me, I sought the blessings of the fathers, ... having been myself a follower of righteousness, desiring also to be one who possessed great knowledge, and to be a greater follower of righteousness, and to possess a greater knowledge, and to be a father of many nations, a prince of peace, and desiring to receive instructions, and to keep the commandments of God."[3] 

Abraham passed from great knowledge to greater knowledge, from follower to a more faithful follower, because of his desire, search, learning, and action. 

Joseph Smith had the desire to obtain wisdom: "I was one day reading the Epistle of James, first chapter and fifth verse, which reads: If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.... 

"I reflected on it again and again, knowing that if any person needed wisdom from God, I did."[4] 

And the resultant act initiated the First Vision. Desire, curiosity, faith, knowledge, more faith, more knowledge, action, fruit. Knowledge without action will not provide development. 

A clear example of this is the following artifact, a children's toy, from the Mayan culture. We can see, in that toy, that the knowledge of the wheel was there, but they did not use it for other purposes.

And Joshua made a covenant with the people that day. "[He] wrote these words in the book of the law of God, and took a great stone ... and ... said unto all the people, Behold, this stone shall be a witness unto us; for it hath heard all the words of the Lord which he spake unto us: it shall be therefore a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God."[28] 


We can raise our voice and say, "We will serve Jehovah," and symbolically place a stone in our room that reminds us of the covenant we have made with Him. Better than that, we can keep our "stone" with us: our temple recommend, which will remind us of our covenants to obey Him. 

"Ye are an example to the world: follow not after them."[29] 

Obtain knowledge and testimony of the plan, apply it, and teach it. Do not be distracted by social movements that are contrary to the truth. Be kind but firm. There are many noble causes to fight for. Be one of those who paves the road and makes a difference. Remember, you are a winner, born a winner. You really can make a big difference. 

Choose a noble cause for the Lord by which to fight, and apply your energy. There are people to help, hands to lift, weakened knees to strengthen, prisoners to visit and rescue, hungry to feed, naked to clothe, and sick to heal. Raise your voice. Be true to yourselves and loyal to your mission. 

"Ye are the 'hope of Israel.' The heavens are watching you, and the earth is waiting for you."[30] 

Mark the difference. Establish your personal covenant with Him, our Savior, and say, "For me and my house, we will serve the Lord." And doing so, others also will be blessed. 

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

There are certain moral choices we make that shape our entire destiny. Some decisions change everything. At some point, we all need to make this fundamental choice towards God, by means of which there becomes a total commitment of oneself to God. Are we going to give Him everything? As disciples, we are ultimately called to make this radical decision. This radical choice:  That is, for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Ignatius said there is a mental representation for this; a great plain comprising the whole region of Jerusalem. This will be the sovereign kingdom of the commander in chief. All that is good in the Lord. Then there is another plain. The region of Babylon, where the chief enemy is Lucifer. It is up to you to make a choice. Which side will you choose? Which flag will you be under? Which standard will you be under? What choice will you make as to who you will serve? You have to serve somebody; it is either the devil or the Lord.

As I look over this world that we live I, I see whereas our home is in trouble. Not only are they in trouble, but they are troubled, and if I could give you some Godly advice, then maybe we can say as Joshua said, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.

Do you know your neighbors? Have you invited them over to dinner or asked them to join you for a glass of lemonade on the porch? We reach the lost by extending a holy welcome to those we may not know right where we are. Inviting the lost into a home dedicated to the Lord is a powerful way of showcasing Jesus to the lost. They will see how you serve and love, and in turn, they will see Jesus.

None of us are perfect. The walls of our house will hear arguments and struggles. Our homes hold tears of brokenness and shouts of joy. They are where we experience the good and the hard realities of life. Joy and pain can coexist in our homes. Jesus extends much grace when we fail to love and serve others well. Most importantly, Jesus can be glorified in our lives through how we establish and build our home to honor Him.

One of the most powerful ministry opportunities is allowing others to come into your home and experience your interactions together. I think of all the amazing people of the faith who used hospitality as a catalyst for the Gospel. Priscilla and Aquilla are wonderful examples. The house can also be a place to serve believers. In the early church, Christ-followers met in homes. When we include other Christians in our home, our children are able to see their faith and be invested in by other voices. We can encourage one another as the family of God.

Missional living is a wonderful way to help a household serve the Lord. As a unit, you can serve outside of your physical house by partnering with a local ministry, blessing your neighbors with cards or food, visiting the elderly, or helping the poor. A family that serves the Lord inside of the home needs to also serve Him outside of the home. By doing this we are modeling that we love each other, and we love the world. I would pray as a family about what your specific passions and callings are to reaching others? How are you each gifted and how could you share the love of Jesus with others? When we participate in the act of extending that service, we are modeling evangelism in inviting the world to join the family of God. ff782bc1db

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