I was able to use artcut about a wek ago, b ut when I try to open the program now I get an error message saying to insert the cd-r and press ok. When I put the program CD in he drive and press ok, it then kicks me out the the desktop and, nothing happens. I tried to reinstall the program but it did not work.

I am having the same problem was working find I have uninstalled and reinstalled the software when it asks for the cd-r I put in the white cd and get the artcut 2000+ page for a second then it goes away nothing else will work from there

Download Artcut 2009 Graphic Disc

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I am also having the exact same problem. I've reinstalled artcut, scaned for viruses, inserted the white disk and nothing seems to work. I have cut hundreds of yards of vinyl through artcut and all of a sudden today it is asking for the disk and nothing works to get it back up and running. I have a job that needs to be cut by tommrow and I'm getting a little worried. I really can't see buying another expensive program to do my cutting when despite the metric conversions artcut works just fine for me. Must be because I gotten so used to it I appreciate any other help you may have

I feel the same way. I've gotten use to the piece of junk and have lots of designs already done that I need to cut. If I cant get artcut to work then I wont be able to export the files to any other program. I'm screwed!

Hmmm.... I went back a week and then 2 months and it still won't work. I got the job I needed done in the signpro trial but would like to get back to artcut. I much prefer the way it vectorizes raster files compared to signcut.

I had this problem with the desktop computer I use now so I went back to my old lap top I used artcut on months ago and tried to open it on there and it has the same problem too. It work fine when I retired the computer and now nothing. Wierd. They were installed off the same CD at differnt times on differnt computers and all of a sudden they both stop working at the same time!

Yes Ken,they're ignoring you!(hehehe) Actually I think it's part of a great conspiracy.They are upset because their software used to be bundled with the cutters and now they are bundled with signcut.So,they sent a seeker virus to find and disable all of the artcut running on uscutters.

To make it a complete sign making solution, Artcut 2009 is a complete graphic design package for basic signs and vinyl graphics. The Artcut feature list includes outlines, a distortions menu, node editing, basic geometric shapes, grouping/ungrouping and welding, basic text editing tools (including access to all installed true type fonts) and a modest clip art and logo collection.

The design process is clean and tidy, so you can do your entire design efficiently. There are many functions that support you during the design process, such as scanning, color photo tracking, multiple neutralization, re-editing, exporting files, and grading levels. Cutters There are many tools in a box such as a graphics disk, a software disk in addition to a guide. The user can import multiple files such as . JPG, .ai, .plt, .ps, .dxt and .dxf. The program also allows the use of a variety of ports, including the Toolbar Jungle. These are the fourth units you can use, such as mm.cm.m.inch. In short, Artcut 2009 is the best vinyl-cutting platform and is available in a variety of languages.

Artcut 2009 Software has a quality that can help the client where everything is offset with the contribution to a similar path as the setting interaction. Round corners, which are the essentials of design, consistently keep clients occupied with the expert calling. It is easy to understand programming with a 100% flawlessness level. This product never requires exceptional abilities to do this. You Can Also Get artcut 2009 free download

Artcut 2009 Graphic Disc ImageDownload Unify your publication with your choice or treatment of pictures. You can give pictures a consistent look in several ways. For example, you can use a small palette of colors or a single accent color, a common graphic style, the same camera angle or point of view, or consistent lighting. You can also apply the same filter effects to each image, or you can use the same human models in a progressing story line. 28789f854f 2351a5e196

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