I was making user flows with some general shapes including rectangles, circles, lines, and got short of space on my main frame (artboard). When I tried to increase the size of the artboard(by selecting it from its name), I found that all my components were moving along with it. I searched for solutions online and found that if we keep Ctrl (Control on Windows) pressed and the resize the artboard will resize only and all other components will go untouched. But when I did that my problem was still there and I was not able to resize the artboard only.

Please help me. I even created a new artboard, with more size, and pasted all components on that, this temporarily solved my problem but the actual problem is still there. So is there any way we can resize the artboard only and not the components with it?

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Is it possible to hide the artboard names? I'm working on some small icons and like to evaluate them zoomed out. But the artboard names appears over the icons, so I can't evaluate them properly. Is there a way to hide the artboard names (temporarily)?

You can select an artboard with no content by clicking anywhere on it in the workspace window, but if it has any content, the only way to that (other than in the Layers panel) is by clicking on the name of the artboard. This is how it works on Macs; I assume it is the same for Windows.

It sounds like you may not have discovered the "Advanced" mode of the Navigator panel (or it is not a feature of the Windows version). Beginning about half way down in the Navigator Panel help topic, start with the section named To add, remove and rename a view point to see how it can be used.

At the 'bad' 100% zoom level how much does it actually matter that you can't see everything in some of the artboards clearly? If you are trying to see the differences among them, why not just zoom in farther so you can see that far more clearly?

I was asking about the end use of the icons, like if they will be used as buttons on web pages (where there is no guarantee that their 'actual size' would be the same in every browser), or as you mentioned as decorations (?) on a poster that might be viewed from different distances.

I moved away from using artboards because of this problem, and doing so makes things more awkward. E.g. Export Slices have to be manually created and if I move the icons around I have to re-create the slices.

Unless I am missing something, in the Export Persona you can use the Layers panel to create slices from your artboards (if they are not already created automatically for you), & then if you move or resize your artboards later in the Designer Persona, the slices automatically adjust to those changes.

R C-R,

Affinity creates slices automatically for each artboard without the need to do anything. That's what i believe GarryP meant. If you use rectangles you have to generate them from the Layers panel yourself in Export Persona.

1) Is there a way to fit an artboard to a graphical element (like in Illustrator, with I believe doubleclick on an object)?

2) How can we use snapping to snap the artboard-bounds (with the arboardtool) to a graphical element?

(2) If you have the appropriate snapping options set (I think, Snap to Object Geometry) then if you start drawing an artboard just to the left of the upper left corner of an object, you can get 3 sides (top, bottom, right) to snap to the object. It seems you need to adjust the 4th side (left) by hand without the benefit of snapping. However, see (1) below.

I didn't know about 'Convert Object to Artboard'. That's a nice one to know. Thanks. But it's not really what I'm after. I don't want to convert the object into an artboard, I want to fit an artboard directly around it without any gaps. With your suggestion I tried adding a rectangle and convert that into an artboard (because I can snap rectangles), but then the background of the Artboard is set by the rectangle, and I need no background (it must be transparant and if I set the opacity of the rectangle to 0 is gets exported as an extra object, which I don't want). I also looked at converting the object itself (the one I want to snap to) into an artboard, but that's not what I want, it seems to lose the edit-capabilities and there is no checkerboard background.

Affinity Photo doesn't appear to have any snapping ability to the edges of the artboard no matter how many snapping settings you turn on for some reason. But if you add guides to the very edges of all four sides of the artboard, then objects will snap to the edges of the artboard. But this is cumbersome to do in AP because the guides don't snap to the edges of the artboard either, so you have to use the Guide Management window to nudge them to the precise edges of the artboard. Also, because the guides in AP are only visible when on the visible part of the artboard, when you let go of the guide on the edge the artboard it appears to disappear, but it's actually there.

I don't understand some of what you're trying to accomplish. You say that if you convert an object to an artboard that the artboard background is determined by the object. And you say that you need a transparent background. But if you have an artboard the same size as an object (as you say you want) how would you ever see the background? It would be completely hidden by the object, wouldn't it?

That's right if your object has a rectangle shape and doesn't use transparencies/holes. But my object is an ellipse. If you convert that ellipse to an artboard 1) the ellipse is suddenly something I don't want; an artboard. 2) There's no rectangular artboard with a checkerboard background to show transparancies, but suddenly the ellipse is visible directly on the dark GUI of Affinity, which I don't want, because all other artboards in the file do have a checkerboard background so it would make a mess to have all different kinds of artboard in the file (one with and the other without a checkerboard for instance) and I also would like to view all objects on the same type of background (so the checkerboard). 3) I just want to use an artboard and snap it to the object. Not making artboards out of objects or whatever strange workflow to accomplish such a simple and very common workflow task. Just like Illustrator, where you even just doubleclick an object or a group to make the artboard fit tightly around it. It's a big mistake in my opinion if that feature is missing in Affinity. If we could at least snap the artboard bounds to the object that could compensate that missing feature (for now), but even that doesn't seem to be possibe. I think it's crazy we have to set values for x, y, width and height, by hand everytime we just want to snap artboard-borders to an object. I just can't believe even that's not possible.

No worries. Yes, I think so too that it would be better for us to have seperate forums for those products. But chances are they are in fact the same software with the same codebase underwater with only a different GUI, so maybe Serif thinks for that reason it makes more sense to just have one forum for both and it prevents all questions and problems will be mentioned double, instead of just once. The mac version is obviously a different codebase, so does have a seperate forum and different version-numbers.

I've just recently started learning Illustrator and have used photoshop for a long time. I have been getting on OK and yesterday had a file open with about 4 different artboards (was making wedding invitations) and went to start a 5th one and decided to add a new layer to this artboard and it then struck me that all the artboards had exactly the same layer! Now as a photoshop user this bamboozled me and the photoshop part of me gets annoyed, because I would like every artboard to have a different set of layers so that they are always separate. Can anyone tell me if I'm just not grasping how illustrator does things or is there a way to set up illustrator to have a new set of layers for every artboard? Is it just a case that I have to create a new layer for each artboard manually?

Multiple artboards is a response to a long standing complaint that AI didn't support multi-page documents like Freehand. What we're offered is a poor attempt to shoehorn a new feature deep into an aging code-base. The real time math-interpreter nature of AI seems to hog %100 of adobe's illustrator team which is really a shame since they should devote a huge amount of resources towards aligning common functionality across all 2d apps.

ask_, you're right, PSD doesn't have multiple pages and InDesign shares the same layers between pages as well, so I'm not sure what your point is about "shoehorning" features into an old program. There are LOTS of things that are lacking in AI. I don't think multiple pages is to blame for that.

I wasn't inferring that photoshop had a multiple canvas utility, but in photoshop each file has it's own set of layers. In my mind, although I knew that an artboard wasn't a file, that is the mindset I was using. It seemed 'logical' to me that each artboard would have it's own set of layers because it is it's own entity. If each artboard is used for a separate piece of work then it is illogical to my mind that they don't have a separate layers pallet. The reason I deemed this a problem for me was because I had already designed 3 artboards and then on the fourth I discovered that there was still only one layer that had the content of the other three artboards and when I hid that layer it hid the content for every single artboard - this 'violates my mental model'

layers fr artboards might be what one might feel is correct but if you think of it it would probably be more powerful to be able to turn on and off the visibility of an art board and to be able to lock it was well or enter isolation mode for an artboard where you can only edit that artboard. 152ee80cbc

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