Thanks for the info. The reason why the size of the Zoom client that is downloaded from the Google Play store is smaller is that Google Play Store will only download the contents that match your CPU architecture. If you download the full version of the Zoom client from the support for all CPU architecture), the app size will be much larger.

1) You cannot animate two things (like zoom in and go to my location) in one google map? So if I can figure out how to set the zoom before I set the animate, then this problem would be solved. That tends to be the issue, you can change one, but not both.

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A number of sites, like Instagram, disable zoom. Because of my vision, I sometimes have trouble reading the text on mobile devices. I would like to be able to zoom even if the site has disabled it. I noticed that this has been done on iOS (see [Could we have a Pinch and Zoom override please?]). Can this also be implemented for Android?

Zoom is an all-in-one intelligent collaboration platform that makes connecting easier, more immersive, and more dynamic for businesses and individuals. Zoom technology puts people at the center, enabling meaningful connections, facilitating modern collaboration, and driving human innovation through solutions like team chat, phone, meetings, omnichannel cloud contact center, smart recordings, whiteboard, and more, in one offering. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Get more info at

Yesterday I switched from a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with Android 4.4.2 to an iPhone 6 Plus with iOS 8.1. I already had an iPad Air and I knew what to expect in terms of zoom functions, and yet I wanted to come back to the Apple ecosystem. I am now starting to regret my switch to the iPhone and am thinking about returning it and buying a Samsung Galaxy Note 4. Here's why:

1. You triple-tap with one finger to zoom in, then you drag around with two fingers to pan or you pinch in or out with two fingers to increase/decrease the magnification factor. This is similar to the old Zoom functionality prior to iOS 8. It's very cumbersome when you are trying to read something and I don't use it.

2. You triple-tap with one finger and then, withoult lifting your finger, you slide it around the screen to pan. This is where the magic is. This feature makes reading text and browsing around the screen very easy. And when you lift your finger it zooms out immediately. iOS 8 has implemented something similar with a Controller button, but I find it an inferior solution. On Android, panning moves in perfect sync with your finger. Your finger sets the speed, direction and acceleration. When your finger stops, the panning stops. It's like using a mouse. The Controller button in iOS Zoom is like controlling a mouse ponter with a joystick. The speed is never exactly what you want it to be because of the acceleration/deceleration, changing direction is not as precise and a perfect stop is tricky to achieve quickly. When following lines of text, I often go too quickly or too slowly, when I'm trying to reach a certain part of the screen, I often overshoot or stop short. And I never know where I am on the screen, whereas in Android I know I am zoomed in exactly where my finger is. The iOS implementation might be fine if you use 2x magnification, but I often use 8x magnification.

There are also bugs in iOS Zoom. If you set it to fullscreen and a keyboard pops up, Zoom switches to windowed mode and doesn't switch back to fullscreen when the keyboard goes away. Also, the size of that magnified window sometimes changes randomly. When zooming out of windowed zoom, the Notification Center and the Control Center sometimes don't work. Even if you deactivate the "magnify keyboard" option, the keyboard is sometimes magnified. I find iOS Zoom to be almost Android-like (feature-rich and bug-laden), whereas Android Magnification gestures is an Apple-like feature (almost no customization, easy to use and it just works).

Hi @! Welcome to the Zoom Community. I just realized you didn't receive a reply to your post. Are you still having this issue? If so, please try removing the zoom client from your phone, restarting your device, then reinstalling Zoom. Also please check out the following knowledge base article and let me know if that helps! -us/articles/201362743

I also have the same issue and it also started recently in my android tablet. I have done the above delete and reinstall of the zoom client. But still have the same issue. I can go to gallery view but there I do not see those 3 dots which have Pin option or double tap also do not work.

In general, mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have smaller screens than laptops and desktop setups. This usually means that user interface elements and web contents are much smaller and that can make browsing on mobile more difficult. Luckily Vivaldi on Android comes with several zoom settings that you can adjust to reduce the strain on your eyes.

I have tried different about:config settings (maxpercent, minpercent, etc.), and the fix that would work for desktop firefox (browser.zoom.siteSpecific) doesn't exist for Firefox for Android, as far as I can tell.

The maps in the Maps SDK for Android can be tilted and rotated with easygestures, giving users the ability to adjust the map with an orientation thatmakes sense for them. At any zoom level, you can pan the map, or change itsperspective with very little latency thanks to the smaller footprint of thevector-based map tiles.

Because you can listen for user gestures on the map, you can change the map inresponse to user requests. For example, the callback methodOnMapClickListener.onMapClick() responds to asingle tap on the map. Because the method receives the latitude and longitudeof the tap location, you can respond by panning or zooming to that point.Similar methods are available for responding to taps on a marker's bubble orfor responding to a drag gesture on a marker.

The map view is modeled as a camera looking down on a flat plane. The positionof the camera (and hence the rendering of the map) is specified by thefollowing properties: target (latitude/longitude location),bearing, tilt,and zoom.

The zoom level of the camera determines the scale of the map. At larger zoomlevels more detail can be seen on the screen, while at smaller zoom levelsmore of the world can be seen on the screen.At zoom level 0, the scale of themap is such that the entire world has a width of approximately 256dp(density-independent pixels).

Increasing the zoom level by 1 doubles the width of the world on the screen.Hence at zoom level N, the width of the world is approximately256 * 2N dp. For example, at zoom level 2, the whole world is approximately1024dp wide.

The zoom level need not be an integer. The range of zoomlevels permitted by the map depends on a number of factors including target,map type and screen size. Any number out of the range will be converted to thenext closest valid value, which can be either the minimum zoom level or themaximum zoom level. The following list shows the approximate level of detailyou can expect to see at each zoom level:

CameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy(float)andCameraUpdateFactory.zoomBy(float, Point)give you a CameraUpdate that increases (or decreases, if the value isnegative) the zoom level by the given value. The latter fixes the given pointon the screen such that it remains at the same location (latitude/longitude)and so it may change the location of the camera in order to achieve this.

You may find it useful to set a preferred minimum and/or maximum zoom level.For example, this is useful to control the user's experience if your app shows adefined area around a point of interest, or if you're using a custom tileoverlay with a limited set of zoom levels.

Note that there are technical considerations that may prevent the API fromallowing users to zoom too low or too high. For example, satellite or terrainmay have a lower maximum zoom than the base map tiles.

There are two convenience methods for the common position changes.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng(LatLng)gives you a CameraUpdate that changes the camera's latitude and longitude,while preserving all other properties.CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(LatLng, float)gives you a CameraUpdate that changes the camera'slatitude, longitude and zoom, while preserving all other properties.

It's sometimes useful to move thecamera such that an entire area of interest is visible at the greatest possiblezoom level. For example, if you're displaying all of the gas stations withinfive miles of the user's current position, you may want to move the camera suchthat they are all visible on the screen. To do this, first calculate theLatLngBounds that you want to be visible on the screen. Youcan then use CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds bounds, intpadding) to obtain a CameraUpdate that changes the cameraposition such that the given LatLngBounds fits entirely within the map, takinginto account the padding (in pixels) specified. The returned CameraUpdateensures that the gap (in pixels) between the given bounds and the edge of themap will be at least as much as the specified padding. Note that the tilt andbearing of the map will both be 0.

In some cases, you may wish to center your camera within a bounds instead ofincluding the extreme borders. For example, to center the camera on a countrywhile maintaining a constant zoom. In this case, you can use a similar method,by creating a LatLngBounds and usingCameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(LatLng latLng, float zoom) with theLatLngBounds.getCenter() method. The getCenter() method will return thegeographic center of the LatLngBounds.

An overload of the method, newLatLngBounds(boundary, width, height,padding)allows you to specify a width and height in pixels for arectangle, with the intention that these correspond to the dimensions of themap. The rectangle is positioned such that its center is the same as that ofthe map's view (so that if the dimensions specified are the same as those ofthe map's view, then the rectangle coincides with the map's view). Thereturned CameraUpdate will move the camera such that the specifiedLatLngBounds are centered on screen within the given rectangle at thegreatest possible zoom level, taking into account the padding required. e24fc04721

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