The principal methodology is the Global Methodology for Rating Banks and Banking Organisations -methodology-for-rating-banks-and-banking-organisations (22 June 2023). In addition DBRS Morningstar uses the DBRS Morningstar Criteria: Approach to Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Factors in Credit Ratings -morningstar-criteria-approach-to-environmental-social-and-governance-risk-factors-in-credit-ratings in its consideration of ESG factors.

LzLabs, together with our partner CWS, today announced that major Italian retail bank BPER Banca (BPER) has completed the first phase of migrating core banking services to LzLabs Software Defined Mainframe (LzSDM). Working with LzLabs, these services have been migrated, incrementally, to open systems without any recompilation or data changes.

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BPER Banca was anchored in a outdated model of banking. Now we are helping the bank to reinvent a new model. Focusing on a few key-drivers, we give birth to a good example of branch design project which enhances and strengthens new parellel projects such as the paperless, Wi-Fi for consultants, smart work, safety at the workplace.

BPER Banca  uno degli istituti bancari pi diffusi sul territorio italiano. Nata come banca popolare in Emilia-Romagna, oggi  per quote di mercato uno dei pi grandi gruppi bancari italiani. BPER Smart Web  l'internet banking che ti aiuta a monitorare le tue finanze con pochi semplici click. Scopriamo come funziona e quali sono le principali caratteristiche.

Si tratta di un home banking con molte funzionalit e comprensibile a tutti. La facilit d'uso  infatti molto importante, soprattutto per quelle persone che hanno meno dimestichezza con le nuove tecnologie. Vediamo ora cosa puoi fare all'interno di BPER Smart Web.

Carige and bigger rival Monte dei Paschi di Siena BMPS.MI are the two main banking headaches Italy must address to complete a restructuring that has cost healthy lenders more than 10 billion euros ($11 billion) in recent years.

Cashfree Payments, a payments and API banking solutions company, has partnered with National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) to provide tokenisation solutions on RuPay cards for its merchants. With this partnership, Cashfree Payments becomes a certified and compliant payment tokenisation service provider across key card networks like RuPay, Mastercard, and Visa.

Mashreq Bank has named Rajeev Chalisgaonkar as its new head of business banking and digital bank NEOBiz. He will closely work with other business segments to capitalise on growth opportunities as well as help drive a strong value proposition through cross sell and strategic partnerships. ff782bc1db

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