Although iOS configuration profiles have long been a security concern for iPhones containing corporate data, advancements in mobile device management and the iOS operating system are easing some of those concerns and keeping configuration profile iPhones safe.

An iPhone configuration profile is an XML file that enables users to load settings and permissions onto an Apple device. In BYOD scenarios, configuration profiles define settings for using devices on corporate networks.

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Organizations can create them by using Apple Configurator or a mobile device management (MDM) platform. Deleting an iPhone configuration profile removes all the settings, passcodes, apps and data associated with the profile, thus rendering corporate systems, such as email, CRM applications or other back-end business systems, inaccessible to the device.

While configuration profiles are a useful tool, IT administrators might question whether they present some security vulnerabilities for iPhones in the enterprise. To decide how configuration profiles should fit into a mobile security strategy, it's important to understand how they fit into the landscape of iOS threats.

Attacks on configuration profiles gained notoriety before the prevalence of MDM platforms in enterprise organizations today. Today's MDM systems provision and secure configuration profiles, locking them down from unauthorized users throughout the mobile device lifecycle. Additionally, advancements in email security policies stand guard against emails bearing malicious configuration profiles sent as part of phishing emails.

As such, many security analysts see the threat of malicious attacks on a configuration profile as nothing more than an inconvenience. That doesn't mean IT should ignore this attack vector entirely -- there's always the possibility the configuration profile might play a part in some future iOS attack. There are no guarantees. Still, this shift goes to show the growing power and effectiveness of professionally managed MDM policies and native security features.

Containerization is built into iOS, and Apple User Enrollment offers even clearer separation of work and personal data for BYOD iPhones. Additionally, organizations can consider MDM providers, such as Jamf and Kandji, for extra support in managing corporate-owned and BYOD endpoints. Jamf Pro, for example, focuses strictly on Apple device security and enables IT to create a standard configuration profile for corporate-owned and BYOD iPhones.

Today's MDM platforms manage and secure configuration profiles starting at device onboarding. Consequently, if a malicious attack on an MDM platform-managed device targeting a configuration profile were to occur, the configuration profile would become locked down and immovable. While attacks evolve, removing a configuration profile on a managed device effectively locks it out of corporate resources, keeping the organization's data safe from the attacker.

Another new feature in iOS 16 is Lockdown Mode, an extreme security measure designed for users who may fall victim to nation-states and other sophisticated attackers. Lockdown Mode reduces an iPhone's attack surface from sophisticated spyware and strictly limits access to apps, websites and phone features, such as the configuration profile. This setting prevents installing a new configuration profile or enrolling the device in another MDM system. Nothing stops businesses and government agencies from mandating their employees use this mode if their travels take them to certain parts of the world.

Phishing remains a common attack vector and a primary driver of configuration profile attacks. This type of attack counts on recipients clicking on a malicious link or attachment to deliver malware. This is the main risk associated with configuration profiles: A malicious attacker could use phishing techniques to email a compromised configuration profile to an iPhone user and trick them into installing the file onto their device.

At one time, configuration profiles on Apple devices were seen as dangerous malware because of this possibility. However, configuration profiles are not inherently threatening to security -- iPhone configuration profiles are safe when created by IT and securely distributed to users. The only real threat is malicious configuration profiles, which attackers might distribute through phishing or another form of social engineering. As long as organizations implement the right data security measures and properly educate end users, iPhone configuration profiles are a safe and useful tool.

This page describes the built-in configuration profiles that can be used wheninstalling Istio.The profiles provide customization of the Istio control plane and of the sidecars for the Istio data plane.

demo: configuration designed to showcase Istio functionality with modest resource requirements.It is suitable to run the Bookinfo application and associated tasks.This is the configuration that is installed with the quick start instructions.

minimal: same as the default profile, but only the control plane components are installed.This allows you to configure the control plane and data plane components (e.g., gateways) using separate profiles.

preview: the preview profile contains features that are experimental. This is intended to explore new featurescoming to Istio. Stability, security, and performance are not guaranteed - use at your own risk.

So to start out with, my work is heavily secured and currently don't have APN or DEP up and running. It's in the works for the future but no available now. So currently, I created configuration profile, download it, package it, and push it to the user. I've been working on creating something better and need you help, since I'm almost there. The goal is to have something working until we can get APN and DEP running.

So our current imaging process uses user-enrollment done by techs on a special network. Everything is set up and computer is rebooted and given to user. During this process about 6 configuration profiles get put down via the packaging method.

Recently I was playing around with trying to get it working using actual pushes from the server. I've had luck using the following process:

1) Connect machine on special network

2)Enroll machine to JAMF Server

3)Disconnect from special server and put on outside network. This is done to enable the machine as a MDM capable in JAMF's eyes. Only keep it on outside network for about a minute.

4) Reconnect to special network and reboot. After rebooting the configuration profiles that I created are pushed down.

Not ideal..but it somewhat works. The thing I noticed is that if I add a configuration profile, or modify doesn't get pushed right away (which makes sense due to lack of APN connection). But if I reboot the machine it gets it. Or in some odd circumstances if I leave the machine alone for about 4 hours it gets it as well.

We aren't using a private network so APNS happens within minutes, but we have seen scenarios where profiles just don't install and ended up with a piece of code to basically wipe them and try again...

Removed the ipad from one group, added it to another, profile assigned to the new group. But it doesnt appear that the ipad is taking the new profile, and simply complains that it is conflicting with the restrictive policy, which it is no longer assigned to.

Just got done creating all the images for 10.12.2. Our configuration profile for Login and Password holds the screen saver preference. It worked in El Capitan, yet in Sierra it is defaulting to the message screen saver. The one with the apple symbol and the computer name. When the user logs in, the ghost of the apple symbol remains for around a minute each time.

Here is the config profile. On the bottom right you can see it is pointing to the Flurry.saver, which again worked for El Capitan. The file path did not change from what I can tell for Sierra. Flurry is also still available in Sierra.

"defaults -currentHost write idleTime 15" (This is where those at jamf and I differed. They said to put 900 instead of 15. It is working with 15 for me (or that could be the config profile), so I am leaving it but want to make you all aware).

@mdonovan - It is the same one used for all previous OSx. I was thinking of making one that is just for ScreenSaver and define it for Sierra. I'm new to this company, so I'm also guessing it has been used in previous versions of Casper. We have not had the chance to update from 9.91 yet. I know 9.96 is supposed to be compatible with Sierra, however config profiles have never worked the way everyone wished.

@cwaldrip - I did also set a "managed preferences profile" specific to "ScreenSaver by Host" I know it has one for "Login Window" too. I've tried turning off the setting in config profile for screen saver and vise versa, to see if one or the other worked. No luck.

@cwaldrip @peter.caldwell @mdonovan - Welp, there goes my last idea. Updated our binary to 9.97 (9.96 is compatible with sierra). I was hoping the config profile or managed preferences would magically work and do what they are supposed to. No such luck. I started looking into it more. Even those on El Capitan are getting the screen saver with the message (apple symbol and computer name), when I have it set to flurry. I figure at some point I'll contact the jamf poc and start bugging him and see what we can come up with. Oy.

I think there might be a better solution for this. Although I use Profile Manager and not JAMF, it's the same principle. After reading the official documentation from Apple ( ), there are two different Payload Types for this. We wanted to force the Idle Time for the screen saver. The problem with was that it would also activate a screen saver at the login window and sometimes it wouldn't disable after input from mouse/keyboard (at least in Sierra), so we abandoned that profile setting. ff782bc1db

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