Hundreds of hungry zombies are coming for you... Fortify and expand your base, upgrade your weapons and build more turrets because the battle for survival has just begun! 

Discover new zones, expand your base, try out various types of weapons, place traps or even jump into the tank and sweep the zombies out of your sight with a cannon to secure your base!

Unlock a combat drone that will help you deal with the horde or invite your friend to play in co-op multiplayer mode! Work together to defeat different types of zombies, from those that explode or spit acid to the ones that can freeze you!

If you want to take on a bigger challenge then jump into the endless mode where the zombie waves never end!


- extreme zombie waves

- various locations with new bases to expand

- large selection of short- and long-range weapons 

- co-operative multiplayer mode for two players

- zombies with different abilities

- bosses among the horde 

- weapon, turret, character, drone, trap and barricade upgrades

- combat drone

- character skins 

- bonus Arena level, where the longer you survive, the bigger the rewards you get!

- endless game mode, where you can shoot as many zombies as you want

Don't wait, run and shoot! Otherwise you will become one of them...

Zombie Survival is a survival game where you must protect your home from the zombie's attack at all costs! Shoot the zombies through your home windows and repair the broken ones to slow down the invaders. Unlock new rooms to enhance your defense area, and don't forget to upgrade your weapon to handle the increasing number of zombies at each wave. Avoid getting stuck in the corners, or the zombie will eat your brain! Release DateDecember 2022

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i think there was a game like this before on pc years ago, but this one is a little bit better. i saw on there channel that they fixed alot of bugs in it. my best score is 500,000, the leader boards says someome scored 5,000,000 which sounds un-beleiveable and it was solo too and that would have been around night 150. i'v only got to night 14 . i was just wondering what the best weapon was to use. i know the chainsaw is good at the start with grenades for the human zombies but how do i get them big monsters and dogs with three heads without having to spend my whole budget, them landmines cost alot and might only get one zombie so i dont think there great. and the laser gun cost the most, 29,000 i think, its the worst weapon you can buy. if you play this game. chat about it here if you like. aaaaagggggghhhhhhh.........................

In this mode it was a great challenge for us to budget our funds for ammo and new weapons and take turns figuring out good team strategies. There are also options to change money sharing to allow all the money to be pooled you collect as a team from zombie drops, or you only can use what you each pick up individually.

When a developer is named Awesome Games Studio you would expect that the created games are.. you guessed it, awesome. If that is the case for Yet Another Zombie Defense HD is something you will find out in this review. Important to know is that this zombie game is a very low-cost game, a hamburger in Belgium is more expensive. 

Yet Another Zombie Defense HD [Score: 71%] Is the game awesome like the developers name suggests? Yes and no, I really had a blast playing this zombie survival game with online strangers. It would be been cool to see a little bit better visuals and more variation but it is hard to not recommend this cheap game when you love playing something with friends, online or not. 

I could likely sum up this entire review by simply stating the title of the game in question: Yet Another Zombie Defense. Intended as a sideways joke at the ridiculous number of zombie themed games flooding the market, it extends beyond the name to every aspect of the game, resulting in a bland and unimaginative isometric shooter that even for the low price is hardly worth a second glance.If you've ever played a wave based survival shooter you already know exactly how YAZD functions. Enemies come at you in increasingly difficult swarms, which you then counter by buying guns and defense in between rounds. Rinse, repeat, and try to stay alive as long as you can. It's a formula that's been done dozens of times over, but when executed properly can be immensely addictive and rewarding.

You can probably see where I'm going with this, so I'll just spell it out: YAZD doesn't get it right. A surface summarization of the many games that inspired it, it has the right pieces to potentially make a great game but doesn't know how to use them effectively. Progression is severely limited and uninteresting, with only a handful of unimpressive guns to choose from and even fewer defenses, as well as no upgrade system or other means to provide something to keep playing for beyond a highscore. Enemies are repetitive to far too great a degree, making for a dull experience after the first few waves as you begin to go through the motions, and the banal presentation leaves a great deal to be desired.

Yet another Zombie Defense is a twin stick shooter where you are defending yourself and other players through waves of zombies in the three modes of defense, endless night, and deathmatch. Endless night and defense are both cooperative modes that consist of fighting off hordes of zombies. While similar in some regards, defense is the more intricate mode of the two, since you will have time between each wave to purchase items. New weapons and base building materials such as barriers and landmines will protect you from the waves of new enemy types, such as werewolves and demons. While these two modes focus on working as a team, there is also the deathmatch mode, which is a straightforward game where you will be against other players, as well as zombies, and whoever lands the most kills on the other players wins. I personally grew bored playing endless night and deathmatch after a few minutes of extended play, but I found myself coming back to defense mode, since there was a feeling of strategy when deciding how to set up bases and which weapons would complement the play style I was trying to achieve.

Yet Another Zombie Defense HD is a substandard game that has similar game modes and rough graphics. The only redeeming quality of this game is the interesting defense mode, which adds some strategy to shooting mindless zombies.

Yet Another Zombie Defense offers a variety of defenses and weapons that you can purchase in-between each night in the Defense game-type. In multiplayer, weapons and barricades are shared among the party, meaning that there is only one copy of a certain weapon available to the party as a whole. It is possible to buy more than one copy of a weapon so that the entire party has access to a particular weapon. There is no friendly fire; this applies to explosions as well as bullets. You can aim using the mouse and fire/use their weapon either by holding the left-mouse button, or by pressing the space bar. You can cycle through your arsenal of weapons by scrolling up or down with the middle mouse button. Reloading happens automatically when the yellow bar in the top left corner of the screen depletes.

The newest addition to Civilization VI though added in the Zombie Defense mode, which is completely different than anything the game has ever done before. While the player will still face off against the same societies they are used to they must still worry about the encroaching hordes of zombies that will spawn all around the world. This game mode forces players to think about Civilization VI completely differently, so this guide gives some tips for surviving in Zombie Defense mode.

One of the very first things that players will want to do when playing the Zombie Defense mode is ensure that they have selected the best civilization for the job. While technically any of the civilizations will work in this mode, there are some that are just better suited overall to success here. When choosing the player will want to select a civilization that is better either at defending themselves from incoming zombie attacks (not attacking them but strictly defending) or one that is suited to Naval transportation. Some great choices are Portugal due to its abilities to trade over sea routes, Georgia for its increased capabilities to construct walls or even the Maori for their focus on the sea.

One big change to this game mode is that there are now certain defenses and traps that the player can research in order to protect themselves against zombies. Traps can be constructed by Builders in either owned or neutral territory, which will then slow nearby zombies down and deal damage to them when they step on the trap. Barricades however deal slightly less damage than traps and deal their damage when a zombie leaves the tile that the barricade is constructed on. Both of these defenses can be made better by being constructed by a Military Engineer. Players should also invest in building walls around each of their settlements to keep zombies far away. ff782bc1db

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