What lovely photos and memories of Winters past. I love the photo of your Mom, she looks like a movie star from the past. Thanks for sharing these great photos. love You always! Your Mother-in-law Katie

More than thinking about realistic scenery, I approached the painting with a poetic mindset. I imagined the sounds and rhythm of a winter night and visualized those. I trusted that the result will look wintery even if the painting is abstract.

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Winter is one of my favorite seasons (the other being Fall). I know a lot of folks complain about the snow, but I love it! Cripes, we do live in Michigan after all. One of the memories that pop up with a big snow like we had last night, is sledding in Pinckney, Michigan.

Over Homecoming Weekend, we asked alumni from seven decades to tell us what they loved, or at least remembered, about winter in Middlebury. As 2017 draws to a close, enjoy this video snapshot of winters past.

The Aura Carver 10.1" HD Digital Frame is a great way to put your portfolio on display and a great way to surface forgotten memories. The colors are vibrant, and the build quality is solid, but the Carver isn't without a few quirks.

The winter months are fast approaching! Join us in embracing the chilly season as we explore a selection of winter fruits and vegetables, accompanied by comforting and inviting recipes. Learn some fun and engaging indoor activities to enjoy during the colder months so you can make enduring memories with those in your care.

Recently Wanda Stalcup, Director of the Cherokee County Historical Museum, talked with me about her memories of winter months spent as a child. Three yearly occurrences stood out to her as she looked back through the years.

In spite of being in my sixties (I do hate to admit this), I still have a love for winter that I had as a child. Winter was not only Christmas, but it was also a special time of year for me. My memories of winter are probably similar to other people who grew up in the fifties and sixties.

As I became older, I also learned that winter meant work. I soon would be recruited to shovel snow on our sidewalks. To me, it seemed like our sidewalks never ended. Shoveling this white stuff was not my favorite part of winter.

One last thing about winter that I remember was how cold my bedroom would become. The heat from the basement barely made it up to my second-floor bedroom. After reading to me, a story mom would cover me up with several covers and give me a kiss goodnight.

The winter appeared to go on forever. The snow stayed on the ground for three months. However, the snow would eventually leave the ground. The temperatures would rise, and spring would arrive. Baseballs would replace the snowballs. HIres Root Beer and Vernors would replace the hot chocolate. With warm weather, we would return to the alley to play our favorite games. However, the joy of winter would return.

Hello Denise, Perhaps, we did. I wrote on this blog about my experiences in Midland school. I need to revise them and republish them, but you can find them in my blog. You will probably have a lot of the same memories.

Rick, your reminiscences of childhood and youth always resonate with me and this one swells my heart and chokes me up a bit. They throw me back to my own memories, and forward to new ways of experiencing and considering them. Thank you!

Hey there, Mountain Vibes! Winter Memories, and it immediately took me back to my own fond recollections of winter days gone by. I loved how your vivid descriptions of snow-capped mountains and frosted trees made me feel like I was right there with you, experiencing the magic of winter.

I completely agree with your sentiment that winter has a unique charm that sets it apart from all other seasons. The way the crisp air feels on your skin, the way snowflakes twirl and dance as they fall from the sky, and the cozy feeling of snuggling up with a warm drink are just a few of the things that make winter so special. Your post also reminded me of my own memories of building snowmen, sledding down hills with friends, and sipping hot cocoa by the fire.

It's so important to take time to reflect on happy memories, and your blog post did just that. Thank you for sharing your winter memories with us and for reminding us of the beauty that can be found in even the coldest and darkest of seasons. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to read more of your writing in the future!

Winter Memories is a 12-month block-of-the-month pattern set that includes Santas, snowmen, pine trees, stars, and more. Entirely pieced, it includes many three-dimensional motifs, including Santa beards, snowmen scarves, and Santa caps. With plenty of detail in each block, the quilt is sure to be an eye-catcher that brings a smile to everyone's face.

In Month Twelve, you'll be making Santa, who is just about to begin a long winter's nap after traveling around the world on a single evening to bring joy and happiness to thousands of little children. You will also assemble all of the Winter Memories blocks and the outer borders. Mr. Sleepyhead may not get a lot of sleep, though... his hat will flop and jingle all through the night!

**No returns on patterns**

This winter, we got a total of 50 inches of snow, slightly more than last winter. In the winter of 2011/12, snow came very early (remember the snow storm at Halloween?) and not much was added during the winter, totaling half the amount of this winter.

It was a hard winter for Deer, as witnessed by this Leatherwood shrub, which got heavily browsed. This beautiful little shrub is rarely seen in Columbia County, and one reason might be just that: Deer love to browse it!

The photo above is an aerial shot taken from just south of the Sedona Mittens looking toward the north and the Colorado Plateau. On the horizon toward the left is Kendrick Peak and near center are the San Francisco Peaks and to the right of them is Mt. Elden. Further to the right are multiple volcanic cones located in the San Francisco Volcanic Field. Below the peaks is Oak Creek Canyon, and you can follow it down into the open canyon area below. A winter wonderland!

Recess during the winter months was a new ballgame. It was all about competition and teamwork. The school field could become a place for Winter Olympics training, genius engineering feats, and a brutal battlefield of snowballs flying through the air. Children were always engaging in competitions on the school field to see who could build the mightiest fort or who could slide the furthest distance on the ice without wiping out. We would split into teams to see who could work together to roll the biggest snowball and construct the most impressive snowman. It was a time of fierce survival training and endless fun.

Baby, it may be cold outside, but there are still memories to be made! The Winter months might seem like a bad time to make plans. The dropping temps and the sloshing snow at first seem daunting. But take a step back and you just might find the beauty of this season is underrated!

Within the circuit of this plodding life 

There enter moments of an azure hue, 

Untarnished fair as is the violet 

Or anemone, when the spring stew them 

By some meandering rivulet, which make 

The best philosophy untrue that aims 

But to console man for his grievences. 

I have remembered when the winter came, 

High in my chamber in the frosty nights, 

When in the still light of the cheerful moon, 

On the every twig and rail and jutting spout, 

The icy spears were adding to their length 

Against the arrows of the coming sun, 

How in the shimmering noon of winter past 

Some unrecorded beam slanted across 

The upland pastures where the Johnwort grew; 

Or heard, amid the verdure of my mind, 

The bee's long smothered hum, on the blue flag 

Loitering amidst the mead; or busy rill, 

Which now through all its course stands still and dumb 

Its own memorial, - purling at its play 

Along the slopes, and through the meadows next, 

Until its youthful sound was hushed at last 

In the staid current of the lowland stream; 

Or seen the furrows shine but late upturned, 

And where the fieldfare followed in the rear, 

When all the fields around lay bound and hoar 

Beneath a thick integument of snow. 

So by God's cheap economy made rich 

To go upon my winter's task again.

This return visit to the park triggered some fond memories for me and I began to wonder if they still had ice skating there in the winter. I walked around taking photos of the pavilion and the surrounding site. The doors were locked and the windows had blinds on them. The pavilion had an architectural style that reminded me of a Pilgrim hat. While I was there, a County Parks maintenance truck pulled up with two park staff people in it who were making their rounds and emptying trash receptacles. I asked them if there was still ice skating at this park, and they both looked at me with a puzzled glance saying that there has never been ice skating here as long as they can remember. I suddenly felt very old.

During the cold winter months of endless ice skating, the pavilion was a great warming house. It was furnished with bench seating and cubby holes for your boots. The floors were entirely covered with those thin, rubber-like mats so the skaters could walk around inside the pavilion. The smell of the rubber mats is also something that I will always remember, blended with the smell of hot cocoa, damp mittens and the cedar boards that covered the walls.

Luckily, all is not lost. There are still some excellent facilities and opportunities to enjoy a day of ice skating throughout the region, albeit fewer of them. Most likely, you will have to drive a car rather than walk to get to them, but they offer a great family and friendly experience. Park systems throughout the state have done an excellent job of providing facilities and amenities for ice skating, tobogganing, sledding, and cross country skiing. They have done their best to respond to the public needs while working within their means. While this results in fewer facilities and reduced hours of operation, there are still plenty of opportunities to create wonderful memories, including the smell of old leather ice skates mixed with slush. 2351a5e196

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