You can always use ping from your own computer but this does not mean your server or website ( your blog ) is reachable from all over the world. With online ping tool you can send ping request to any ip or web site from various locations of the world (US, Europe and Asia currently)

Colasoft Ping Tool supports ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously and list the comparative responding times in a graphic chart, which makes it outstanding other ping tools. Our users can not only view historical charts by saving them to *.bmp files, but also ping the IP addresses of captured packets in network analyzer (e.g. Colasoft Capsa Network Analyzer) conveniently, including the resource IP addresses and destination IP addresses.

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Colasoft Ping tool allows pinging multiple IP addresses and domain names at one time without upper limit of the addresses' number. Enters IP addresses and domain name into the address pane, separate each other with a blank space, comma or semicolon, then clicks the Start Ping button to execute ping command.

Ping works by sending ICMP "echo request" (ping) packets to the target host and listening for ICMP "echo response" (pong) replies. Per RFC1122, "Requirements for Internet Hosts," each host must send an echo reply when pinged.

A ping test checks whether the device or host is connected or accessible on the network. The test checks whether the host or the provided URL is online or offline and checks the delay between two computers. The Ping service sends several ICMP packets to an IP or domain and returns the detailed output. It also tells how many packets were transmitted and how many were lost during that ping activity.

Several internet speed test tools also display the ping results. A good internet speed test tool tries to create connections with multiple servers. However, the server with the lowest connection time runs the internet speed test.

Note: Online Ping tool uses the Network Tools' infrastructure to run a ping test. You cannot utilize that tool to test internal addresses on your local network. Therefore, you need a local ping tool to check the availability of resources on your local network.

A good and acceptable ping is about a 40ms-60ms mark or lower. However, if that goes over 100ms, that is a significant delay, and at around 170ms, the games will refuse your connection entirely. If you have a 10ms ping (0.01 seconds), your gameplay will be faster and smoother than playing with a 100ms ping time.

Ping Sweep Tool allows teams to send multiple packets across the network to several IP ranges. This helps in the management and allocation of IP addresses and in distinguishing active and unused IP addresses. Moreover, Proxy Ping software helps oversee the decentralized network. Using this software, admins can execute ping tests from remote locations to observe the latency between different remote locations. Teams can simplify various processes such as network management, remote administration, and network topology mapping. Try its fully-featured 14-day free trial to learn how it works and what all it possesses.

IP Address Manager is management software specifically designed to scan for a subnet in a network. It records the IP address status and hostname changes with the time stamp. The information delivered is highly valuable for network troubleshooting tasks. The tool saves time and helps prevent organizations from making costly errors. It uses active scanning to discover devices, subnets, and associated address blocks to identify abandoned IP addresses. Its ICMP ping sweep function allows teams to ping the entire network to get real-time data. The tool also integrates with DHCP, DNS, and IP address management software to administer the entire network environment from a single console. With its IP alerting and reporting feature, teams can easily troubleshoot IP address conflicts, and quickly resolve network issues affecting the overall performance of the organization.

Paessler PRTG is a network monitoring solution with a ping tool to test connections on your network. PRTG works on a sensor-based model, which means admins can add sensors to any device and create inheritable parent tags, set scanning intervals, and select a priority. Teams can define dependencies, automate responses, and prioritize tasks based on alarms. This helps them get notified via alerts if a system goes offline and cannot be reached. The ping sensors are extremely helpful in identifying packet loss, displaying minimum and maximum latencies, and monitoring the current network state.

ManageEngine Free Ping and Traceroute Tool effectively monitors the availability of servers, routers, switches, mail servers, and websites. This tool helps fetch packet loss percentage, round-trip time of ping and its response, and the number of hops. Teams can view the successful and failed pings and monitor the status of the host using alerts. To watch events, teams can fetch the DNS records of websites, namely SOA, A, MX, NS, and Text, in seconds. The tool gives a graphical representation of TCP connection time, redirection time, and response time of websites.

Sonicwalls expect to have a public IP on their WAN interface. Any NAT policy you create will likely not include what Sonicwall considers 'management' traffic (e.g. traffic generated by the device itself pings included).

I was wondering what tool/program does everyone use to constantly monitor connections? I always run a .bat file with a ping command in it on startup, but its a hassle to have five of those running. I was looking for something that allows me to monitor multiple ip's at the same time, with graphs etc.


I have a customer that wants to perma-ping some IPs in the public web for diagnostic reasons. The customer has two WAN interfaces and one of these is reserved for connections to those public IPs he wants to ping.

Now normally I would simply say "use the UTMs tools" but he wants a continuous ping for likely hours which the UTM does not provide in the GUI.

So I tried to configure it in the multipathing and I get this:

Thus our customer is trying to get at least reproducable proof about what is happening, ideally with a timestamp. 

You can do that via scripted ping. At least this way you get the response times and timeouts with a time and date that he can hit the provider with. 

Only issue with that plan is that the ping would currently be sent over the default WAN and he has another WAN that is reserved for the connections to those webservers so we need to check over this specific second WAN interface.

Appearantly it is not only a problem with one IP but the others are used less and the problems have just not been apparent to the users yet.

I will have our customer set up the uplink monitoring after we have recorded a few days of pings to the servers (simultaneous ping to 3 IPs).

Parallel we will ping some neutral hosts like google and our datacenter in Frankfurt. This should give us some overview if there is any issue with the WAN from the ISP. We don't expect it to be, but you never know.

Whether you are looking at the performance of internal resources like your local servers or external services such as a cloud-based application, ping monitoring provides a comprehensive overview of your network.

Using Datadog requires installing an agent, even on your workstation, which makes it a less accessible option for ping monitoring. For example, solutions like UptimeRobot are entirely cloud-based and can be set up in just 30 seconds.

Pinging multiple devices simultaneously usually requires specialized software. Many ping monitoring tools, like UptimeRobot, offer this feature out of the box. You can set up multiple devices within the platform and monitor them all at the same time.

PingTool is a powerful utility for administrators and network admins. It's more than just a simple ping tool: PingTool is able to wake up computers via Wake-on-Lan, check the availability of TCP ports, scan the network and much more. A short overview:

The IPv6 Ping test is very similiar to our Ping Test tool but in this case it allows you to ping an IPv6 host or IP simultaneously from different locations. Ping is important when it comes to website latency. The tool sends out ICMP packets to an address to see how fast the response is. A faster ping means a more responsive connection.

Traceroute, Ping, MTR, and PathPing are network tools or utilities that use the ICMP protocol to perform testing to diagnose issues on a network. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is an error reporting and diagnostic utility. ICMPs are used by routers, intermediary devices, or hosts to communicate updates or error information to other routers, intermediary devices, or hosts.

As you can see in this test we dropped two packets but, due to the large sample size, this is negligible and is well within working parameters. If we had a sample size of just four pings this would be a loss of 50% and would not be a true reflection of loss on the circuit.

This network utility is a more advanced version of the Ping tool, which performs a ping to each hop along the route to the destination (unlike Ping, which just pings from the originating device to the destination device). It is extremely useful in diagnosing packet loss, and can help with diagnosing slow speed faults.

The advantages of PathPing over Ping and Traceroute are that each node is pinged as the result of a single command, and that the behaviour of nodes is studied over an extended time period, rather than the default ping sample of four messages, or default traceroute single route trace. The disadvantage is that it takes a total of 25 seconds per hop to show the PathPing statistics.

No packets have been dropped on hop 3, but it does have an abnormally high ping response time of 304ms. This could indicate that the hardware on that hop is not performing correctly, and this may be causing high response times and slow speeds. If the hardware on that hop is not performing correctly, you would see high ping times on all subsequent hops, in which case, investigate the hardware on that hop. e24fc04721

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