There are no right or wrong answers in this quiz! Simply answer based on what you would do with your money in each situation. At the end, you'll gain a better understanding of why you do the things you do with your money.

Do you always get the bill? More importantly, do you always get the bill while making it clear to others that you were the one who paid? Cash splashers view themselves as generous, but they also use money to make others think more highly of them. They are likely to to wave their cheque books about at charity auctions, or spend on items (or commitments) that they could easily do without, from club memberships to expensive cars.

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Go on, admit it. You check your online bank account and track your spending as often as someone training for an extreme sporting event measures their calorie intake, resting heart rate and sleep quality. As well as obsessing over credit card points, you probably like to use comparison sites, spend hours arguing with people on money discussion forums, and download apps that track your budget and remind you when to remortgage.

To you, money represents security. You like to see enormous piles of it in your bank account. You are uncomfortable with investing because you fear making a loss. You do not enjoy shopping, and may question the spending habits of those close to you. If you have teenage children, you probably have clothes that are older than them. Even if you retire comfortably, you may still deny yourself luxuries, perhaps whilst fretting uncontrollably about inheritance tax.

At the root of your inactivity is anxiety. You see yourself as innately bad with numbers, and fear that making any decision about money could be worse than doing nothing. This is not a rational fear. The good news is that, by taking this test which involves thinking about money, you are not an incurable ostrich. Set aside an hour a fortnight, at first, to examine your finances taking a close look at your income and outgoings, and where being more organised and aware could save you money.

Motivate yourself by putting the money you save into a separate account and use it towards a reward, such as a holiday. As you get more confident, consider approaching a financial planner to discuss longer term investments and pensions.

Your own personal psychological relationship with money influences decisions over how to spend, save or invest it. But are you making the right choices? As our personal finances are usually a very private part of our lives, it can be hard to recognise potentially damaging patterns of behaviour.

For example, are you always the person who offers to pay in a restaurant at the end of a meal with friends? Or do you earn a fortune in finance, yet never spend money on new clothes? Perhaps you rate yourself as an investor - but could your frequent trading tip over into a gambling addiction? Or could you be spending beyond your means in order to boost your self esteem?

JA Money Quiz is a fun and engaging way for students to explore their financial literacy knowledge. The quiz is different each time a student plays. JA Money Quiz can be used as a stand alone activity or an enhancement to JA Financial Literacy programs for high school students.

Rutgers Cooperative Extension personal finance online quizzes are intended for information and illustrative purposes only. The quizzes should not be regarded as "investment advice" or as a personalized recommendation regarding a course of action. Quiz respondents should consult the services of a competent professional if expert assistance is required.

All kinds of factors can impact how you think about money. Where you grew up, what schools you went to and countless other formative experiences from early in life can have a significant impact on your relationship with your finances.

For example, if you grew up in a house where money was never discussed, you might still see it as a taboo topic. Alternatively, if your family saved every penny, you may be an excellent saver but nervous about investing in the stock market.

The LifeValues Quiz was a free resource designed to reveal the underlying values that drive financial decisions. The tool made an impactful conversation starter and provided insight to help adults understand their money behaviors. It received the Practitioner Forum Award at the 2019 Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE) Symposium.

Each of the 8 Archetypes has a unique set of money challenges and common self-sabotages that will hold back your business. Learn how to avoid these pitfalls and fast-track your success without hustle or overwhelm.

Learn to leverage your secondary Archetypes to grow your business on your own terms. Find out how your unique combination of Archetypes may magnetize your money-making opportunities or magnify your challenges.

Denise Duffield-Thomas is the money mindset mentor for the new wave of online entrepreneurs who want to make money and change the world. She helps entrepreneurs like you charge premium prices, release the fear of money and create First Class lives.

This quiz has been edited and excerpted from Money Harmony: Resolving Money Conflicts in Your Life and Relationships by Olivia Mellan (Walker & Company, US$19.95) A psychotherapist and consultant in the field of money conflict resolution, Mellan shows you how your hidden, intense thoughts and feelings about money may be preventing you from dealing with it effectively -- and causing major stress in your life and relationships. This excellent book offers innovative exercises, dialogues, and other communication techniques to help you make positive changes in how you think about and deal with money, and to communicate more productively about money matters.

Remember paper money? You probably handled it regularly before you got a debit card and started using direct deposit. Maybe you folded it up into a tight triangle to play that table-top punting game where somebody holds up their thumbs and forefingers like a field goal and inevitably takes one in the eye.

To help students across Europe crack the mystery of managing money, and do it in a fun, interactive way, the European Banking Federation (EBF) chose Kahoot! as a platform for running their first ever European Money Quiz earlier this year. Read this case study to learn how they engaged 40,000 students from 32 countries with topics around personal finance.

To help students prepare for the competition and let anyone interested in finance test their knowledge, EBF created a series of quizzes in different languages in cooperation with the Kahoot! team. In addition to personal finance, quizzes covered topics such as digital security, math, money and the European Union.

Teams from schools in participating countries signed up for the European Money Quiz via their national banking associations, For the national finals, a quiz was streamed live into classrooms from a studio in Kahoot! headquarters and teams competed online by joining the kahoot from each country.

Note: This quiz was developed by two university personal financial planning professors, Dr. Ruth Lytton at Virginia Tech and Dr. John Grable at the University of Georgia. By taking this quiz you will be contributing to a study on measuring financial risk tolerance. Your results will be recorded anonymously. We are not collecting any identifying information.

Many students believe that they are adequate managers of their personal finances. However, good money management is more than just creating a budget and checking your bank account. Money management involves many aspects of the financial world, including your saving and spending habits. In order to be good at managing your own money, you need to create a financial plan and be able to follow through with it.

As a college student, managing your income and expenses can be extremely difficult. Between the cost of tuition, textbooks, school supplies, and room and board, your budget could be stretched pretty thinly. Additionally, students are faced with the task of choosing between getting the most out of the college experience and saving for the future. Take the quiz below to see how well you would respond in these everyday financial dilemmas.

What did you think of your results? Whether you were great at managing your money, on the right track, or needing improvement, taking this money management quiz for students was a great way to begin thinking more about your financial future. Now that you have your results, take a moment to read more about these financial dilemmas from the quiz. That way the next time someone invites you to do something or asks to borrow money, you'll know how to handle the situation.

Registration is now open for the Irish finals of the European Money Quiz 2024 which will take place on Thursday 21st March. Click here to find out more about the quiz and how you can register your students to take part in the live online Kahoot! final where students across Ireland will play directly against each other in real time to win a chance to represent Ireland in the European finals of the quiz on the 18th and 19th of April 2024.

Teachers can register their school here to take part in the live online Kahoot! final at 12 noon, Thursday 21st March when students across Ireland will play directly against each other in real time to win a trip to Brussels where they will represent Ireland in the European finals of the quiz in May.

The quiz is open to students aged 13-15 years who are looking to test their knowledge of finance and monetary issues. Students play in teams of two and all students are entitled to take part, irrespective of the subjects they are studying. e24fc04721

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