The Apache HTTP server is the most widely-used web server in the world. It provides many powerful features including dynamically loadable modules, robust media support, and extensive integration with other popular software.

The default configuration for Apache will allow your server to host a single website. If you plan on hosting multiple domains on your server, you will need to configure virtual hosts on your Apache web server.

Download Apache Web Server For Centos 7

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When using the Apache web server, you can use virtual hosts (if you are more familiar with Nginx, these are similar to server blocks) to encapsulate configuration details and host more than one domain from a single server. In this step, you will set up a domain called, but you should replace this with your own domain name. If you are setting up a domain name with DigitalOcean, please refer to our Networking Documentation.

With your site directory and sample index file in place, you are almost ready to create the virtual host files. Virtual host files specify the configuration of your separate sites and tell the Apache web server how to respond to various domain requests.

In this tutorial, you installed and managed the Apache web server. Now that you have your web server installed, you have many options for the type of content you can serve and the technologies you can use to create a richer experience.

When using the Apache web server, you can use virtual hosts (similar to server blocks in Nginx) to encapsulate configuration details and host more than one domain from a single server. In this step, you will set up a domain that is referred to as your_domain, but you should replace this with your own domain name. To learn more about setting up a domain name with DigitalOcean, see our Introduction to DigitalOcean DNS.

Now the Apache config. When we installed Gitlab, it added a user group called gitlab-www. We need to allow the apache user access to that group. The following assumes you've installed apache and the user apache (48) exists:

Apache is a free, open source and popular HTTP Server that runs on Unix-like operating systems including Linux and also Windows OS. Since its release 20 years ago, it has been the most popular web server powering several sites on the Internet. It is easy to install and configure to host single or multiple websites on a same Linux or Windows server.

This section only useful, if you want to host more than one domain (virtual host) on the same Apache web server. There are many ways to setup a virtual host, but we will explain one of the simplest methods here.

I have configured a balancer-manager in apache with the login page so that the user has to log in to see the balancer-manager page. But once I log in to balancer-manager page using AuthName it stays logged in for an infinite time.

httpd: Syntax error on line 216 of /usr/local/apps/apache/etc/httpd.conf: Syntax error on line 2 of /usr/local/apps/apache/etc/conf.d/wsgi.conf: Cannot load /us r/local/apps/apache/modules/ into server: /usr/local/apps/apache/modu les/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So I set this up on a local server at my university, and it works 99%. One problem is that the forums are now served at $hostname:8888/ instead of just $hostname, and uploads are broken. See below topic for more details.

@AstonJ, how did you get around this issue?

I debating switching my web server (LAMP on CentOS 7 at the moment) to FreeBSD. I'm using FreeBSD at home for various duties including file server work, and it is great. But as for FAMP, I've never tried to run this stack on FreeBSD. So my question is: are there any strong advantages or disadvantages of using FAMP over LAMP?

This tutorial will address the installation of Apache, a free, open-source, and immensely popular web server to CentOS 7. This installation will allow for the testing of webpages served via the Apache web server.

I've literally tried everything to get my web server broadcasted to the public but it's just not working. Every time I type my server IP in a browser like firefox it just gets stuck on "Waiting for ipaddress..." forever.

And it responded with 200 OK.. Meaning everything was configured correctly. I opened all the ports and still cannot get a page to display when I type the server IP in my firefox browser. I don't understand.... What am I doing wrong?

I want to set up a web server on one of my computers (Dell Desktop) and decided on CentOS as the OS. Apache is installed properly (I think. pgrep httpd returns a bunch of processes that are running). I also think that my httpd.conf file is ok (I've read about 4 tutorials on apache setup). My ISP is comcast. I have httpd listening on both port 80 and 8080.

I have several questions:1) is there a way to test my setup without having an outside friend try to see my web page? My own browser on the server sees the page fine when I use its local address ( for the url, but the browser on another computer on my network ( cannot see the page.2) What, specifically, is needed to run a web server? Just a properly configured apache? Assuming I don't need php or any sql functionality.3) is it possible that comcast is messing up the system somehow?4) is it possible my own router is messing up the system somehow (can't see it if it is)?

1) The server may have been configured to allow connections only from the localhost. Check the configuration for allow directives. You likely want to restrict public access to your web content directory. This is likely /var/www or /srv/www. You may also be blocking incoming web access with iptables.

4) To allow your friend to connect from the Internet you will need to port forward port 8080 and/or port 80 to your webserver ( It may cause problems locally if both address are connected using WiFi and isolation is enabled.

4) If the router is between and it can cause problems if incorrecly configured. If it is not than the problem is either apache config, iptables rules or possibly some IPS if you have one...

The Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain anopen-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX andWindows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient andextensible server that provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTPstandards.

If the configuration changes that broke apache were made by certbot, you can use the certbot rollback (or ./certbot-auto rollback) command to revert those changes. Removing the httpd package will not delete the configuration in /etc/httpd AFAIK, so it would make sense that this does not fix your problem.

Once apache is working again, prepare the configuration for certbot:

Certbot works best if your definitions are in a separate file, with one tag per file. I would recommend moving all your directives to separate files in /etc/httpd/conf.d. For example, if you have two separate vhosts, one for and one for, you might have /etc/httpd/conf.d/ and /etc/httpd/conf.d/ The CentOS documentation on the certbot homepage should be sufficient once your configuration is prepared in this way. Certbot will then create two additional files with SSL vhosts for you.

Using this guide, learn how to set up Apache as a reverse proxy server on CentOS 7 to redirect HTTP traffic to an ASP.NET Core web app running on Kestrel server. The mod_proxy extension and related modules create the server's reverse proxy.

Run dotnet publish from the development environment to package an app into a directory (for example, bin/Release/{TARGET FRAMEWORK MONIKER}/publish, where the {TARGET FRAMEWORK MONIKER} placeholder is the Target Framework Moniker (TFM)) that can run on the server:

Copy the ASP.NET Core app to the server using a tool that integrates into the organization's workflow (for example, SCP, SFTP). It's common to locate web apps under the var directory (for example, var/www/helloapp).

A proxy server forwards client requests to another server instead of fulfilling requests itself. A reverse proxy forwards to a fixed destination, typically on behalf of arbitrary clients. In this guide, Apache is configured as the reverse proxy running on the same server that Kestrel is serving the ASP.NET Core app.

Proxies running on loopback addresses (, [::1]), including the standard localhost address (, are trusted by default. If other trusted proxies or networks within the organization handle requests between the Internet and the web server, add them to the list of KnownProxies or KnownNetworks with ForwardedHeadersOptions. The following example adds a trusted proxy server at IP address to the Forwarded Headers Middleware KnownProxies in Startup.ConfigureServices:

Configuration files for Apache are located within the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ directory. In Apache on Ubuntu, all the virtual host configuration files are stored in /etc/apache2/sites-available. Any file with the .conf extension is processed in alphabetical order in addition to the module configuration files in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/, which contains any configuration files necessary to load modules. 006ab0faaa

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