This is the first in a series of videos that offers a basic introduction to using Blender, an open source 3D modelling software. The series is aimed at those who might not be that confidant with computer software but want to gain knowledge of digital 3D modelling. First you need to download Blender. I use windows operating system so for other systems the download could be a bit different. This video has been edited so your download will take longer. Blender runs with a computer language called Python and if Python is not already on your computer this will also take a bit longer to download. With Windows, Control Panel -> Systems and Security -> System will tell you whether your system type is 32 bit or 64 bit. 

Before you make a start it is useful to know your way around the Blender 3D modelling work space. This video shows how to split modelling windows for multiple views. How to use the key board and the mouse buttons to aid with operating the program. The T key opens and closes the Tools menu while the N key the Properties menu in a 3D View. The Space bar is used for searching out tools. The Home key brings the modeling window to a home position while the S key will scale with the Left mouse press and the G key grabs an element with the Left mouse press. Select an item with a Right mouse press. Move your modeling world with the Center button/wheel pressed and zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. 

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This video shows how to saved and navigate through file directories in Blender. It also covers where to find the wealth of add-ons available and how to switch them on. Although using the windows version of the software, other operating system will not be that different. 


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