Uploading is the transmission of data from a local device to a remote device. Typically, the remote device is a larger server. From a user's point of view, to upload a file is to send it to another computer, and to download a file is to receive it. Generally speaking, to upload a file is to transfer a copy of it to a server.

In an upload, the user initiates the transfer of data from the device they are using to another device they are not currently interacting with. In a download, the user initiates a transfer of data from the computer they are not interacting with to their local device. While not a hard-and-fast rule, if the data is moving between two peer client devices or between two pieces of local data storage, such as from a compact disc to a hard disk drive, it would be called transferring data and not downloading.

Download And Upload Definition

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It's a matter of perspective. An upload from the sending device is a download to the receiving device. So, it's important to consider the context and who is sending or receiving when choosing whether to say upload or download.

To illustrate, imagine a user wanted to send a picture on an iPhone to a friend using AirDrop. They would be uploading the picture to their friend. Their friend would be downloading the picture from them.

Upload speed is a measure of how much data can be transferred from a user's device to an arbitrary internet location in a second. It is typically measured in megabits per second. The higher the number, the faster the connection. The maximum capacity to transfer data of a wired or wireless network in a certain amount of time is referred to as bandwidth.

For most home or personal internet connections, the upload speed is lower than the download. This may be because the equipment to send data at high speeds is prohibitively costly or bulky to install at the end user's location. So, downloads are prioritized by the internet service provider. This is called an asymmetrical internet connection. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, cellular, cable and satellite internet typically have asymmetric upload and download speeds.

This is usually acceptable because, for most people, they need to download far more data than they need to upload. For example, in a typical video call or conference, the user only needs to upload one small video of themselves, while simultaneously downloading many other videos of all the other participants.

Businesses may benefit from having the same upload speed as their download; this is called having a symmetrical internet connection. Businesses often need to send and receive large files equally. Additionally, a business may need to run a server on its premises that uploads to other clients out on the internet. Many other modern uses also rely on fast upload speeds, such as cloud computing, internet of things data logging to a central server and big data services. Fiber optic internet connections usually have symmetrical upload and download speeds.

A clipboard is a feature in an operating system or application that temporarily stores data copied or cut from a document or other location, allowing the user to transfer or duplicate it elsewhere. See More.

I just went through the workflow myself. Although the tool prompted me with the same warning the upload went through successfully. Just to double check if click on file is 'Sign Out' and your user name listed?

I appreciate the screenshot and the additional information. If the hosted feature layer created from the service definition also fails to load, my suspicion is an problem with the service definition. I recommend recreating the service definition with test data. If you have ArcMap installed you should have access to the following file geodatabase.

Thanks for the update, it looks like ArcMap doesn't trust the certificate of the ArcGIS Server or Portal you are trying to connect to. Is there any difference in the URL you are using to connect to Portal or ArcGIS Server in ArcMap and the URL you use to access Portal in a browser?

I'm trying to establish some devops patterns around publishing services in ArcGIS Server without a Windows machine with access to our production enterprise geodatabase from which to publish my Pro documents.

Currently, from my development machine, I can configure my aprx with my layers pointing to dev tables. I can then get those aprx folders over to my production (Linux) Server via source control, and run a script with arcpy.mp.updateConnectionProperties to swap all my dev tables with production tables. Then i can go through the documented arcpy process to script map service publishing.

However, those arpx folders get large, and storing them in source control seems unnecessary. I'm curious how I might instead save an offline service definition file, pass that through source control, and use arcpy to swap out the enterprise geodatabase connection information, and publish that.

Instead of doing this, would your workflow support registering the dev database with your production GIS Server, but specify the production database connection to be used on the GIS Server side? I'm not sure if the sd method bypasses this setting, but it is worth a try.

@Jay_Gregory - I realise this post is a bit old now, but yes you can do what you want. A Service Definition file is just a zip file. If you rename it to .zip, you can open it with 7-Zip or similar software. You won't be able to open the zip file with Winzip though. I have done what you are asking a few times for similar projects, e.g. when I need to remap datasources when publishing services to a different environment (e.g. DEV to PROD) without actually needing to go through the publishing process, and also when migrating mobile map packages from one environment to another. You can do all of this via Python. In your code, you would first stop the service by making a request to the REST endpoint that stops the service. Then you can unzip the SD file using the py7zr Python package, and locate the .mapx file in the unzipped files, then remap the datasources in the .mapx file. Then you can zip the files back up into an SD file, copy the files over to the server (using Python), then start the service again by making a request to the REST endpoint that starts the service.

What I ended up doing was just adding most of an aprx folder structure to my .gitignore file, so just the aprx files are sent through source control, which felt a little cleaner. But I'll definitely keep this in my back pocket - thanks for the tip.

@Jay_Gregory - You can also change .aprx to .zip and unzip and add the files to source control (same with any ArcGIS file). With older versions of ArcGIS Pro, my APRXs would occasionally become corrupt, and I didn't want to recreate them, so I put the unzipped files in source control, then when the APRX became corrupt, I was able to unzip the APRX and find what caused it to become corrupt. Fortunately, ArcGIS Pro is a lot more stable now, so I don't generally unzip the APRXs now. I do often modify .lyrx files though via code. For example, if I need to download all of the data from a public feature layer (i.e. a layer within a feature service), I have written Python code that will download the data, import it into a file geodabase, and create a layer file from the REST endpoint for the layer definition, then edit that .lyrx file via code to point to the new file geodatabase. You could of course do this by writing Python code to create an empty APRX, add the feature layer to the APRX, then share as a layer file. I sometimes do that, however, in my case, I needed to add some other steps to my script, and I also need to create layer files from secure feature layers, so I am doing this without creating an APRX manually or via code.

Uploading refers to transmitting data from one computer system to another through means of a network.[1] Common methods of uploading include: uploading via web browsers, FTP clients, and terminals (SCP/SFTP). Uploading can be used in the context of (potentially many) clients that send files to a central server. While uploading can also be defined in the context of sending files between distributed clients, such as with a peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing protocol like BitTorrent, the term file sharing is more often used in this case. Moving files within a computer system, as opposed to over a network, is called file copying.

Uploading directly contrasts with downloading, where data is received over a network. In the case of users uploading files over the internet, uploading is often slower than downloading as many internet service providers (ISPs) offer asymmetric connections, which offer more network bandwidth for downloading than uploading.

Remote file sharing first came into fruition in January 1978, when Ward Christensen and Randy Suess, who were members of the Chicago Area Computer Hobbyists' Exchange (CACHE), created the Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS). This used an early file transfer protocol (MODEM, later XMODEM) to send binary files via a hardware modem, accessible by another modem via a telephone number.[3]

The transfer of data saw a significant increase in popularity after the release of the World Wide Web in 1991, which, for the first time, allowed users who were not computer hobbyists to easily share files, directly from their web browser over HTTP.[5]

Transfers became more reliable with the launch of HTTP/1.1 in 1997 (RFC 2068), which gave users the option to resume downloads that were interrupted, for instance due to unreliable connections. Before web browsers widely rolled out support, software programs like GetRight could be used to resume downloads. Resuming uploads is not currently supported by HTTP, but can be added with the Tus open protocol for resumable file uploads, which layers resumability of uploads on top of existing HTTP connections.[6][7]

Transferring data from one remote system to another remote system under the control of a local system is called remote uploading or site-to-site transferring. This is used when a local computer has a slow connection to the remote systems, but these systems have a fast connection between them. Without remote uploading functionality, the data would have to first be downloaded to the local system and then uploaded to the remote server, both times over a slower connection. Remote uploading is used by some online file hosting services. Another example can be found in FTP clients, which often support the File eXchange Protocol (FXP) in order to instruct two FTP servers with high-speed connections to exchange files. A web-based example is the Uppy file uploader that can transfer files from a user's cloud storage such as Dropbox, directly to a website without first going to the user's device.[8] 152ee80cbc

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