The aim of this package is to install the official Gmsh app and binary SoftwareDevelopment Kit (SDK) in a pythonic way, i.e. via the pipcommand. Installation should work under Linux, Windows and macOS for both Python2 and 3.

if it can help someone here, I recently compiled GMSH from source without difficulty, simply with the typical combination of cmake and make; their GitLab repository explains these few steps to follow 

Although this may vary, pay attention to few libraries which weren't present on my fresh Ubuntu installation (libpng, libjpeg, and FLTK libraries), cmake properly highlighted these missing libraries. FLTK is needed for the UI.

Download And Install Gmsh

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Here is a small script which installs everything inside the container (could be useful). Just save this script as, e.g., and execute it by sh ./ inside the container in the directory ~/shared (the script should be placed inside the directory of the host system where the container has been started before).

I just installed Ubuntu 14.04.3, chosen because right now is the Ubuntu version that will be supported for longest time, and I'd like to install the latest version of Gmsh (version 2.10.1, July 30 2015). I could download a tgz file (from here) but I've read that that kind of installation is not for Linux novice like me. Other ways, like PPA and deb installation files are for older versions of Gmsh or for newer version of Ubuntu (tried that but the installation unsurprisingly fails). Should I upgrade to last non-LTS version of Ubuntu or there is a (feasible for novices) way to install Gmsh 2.10.1 in Ubuntu 14.04.3?

This question is specific about Gmsh/Ubuntu 14.04.3, but my curiosity is more general; is it possible (and how much hard is) to install latest version of a software outside of Ubuntu Software Center and without PPA and deb installation files? (I don't pretend to install a new software on a 10 years old Ubuntu, but at least on the latest LTS version)

Downloading the SDK and an using include("...gmsh.jl") works, but I was hoping for something cleaner. Is there a way to get the package to work on Windows with just using Gmsh? Or, do I just need to make sure that anywhere my code is run, the SDK is downloaded and the path is known?

To be able to perform finite element analysis (FEA) within the FEM Workbench, FreeCAD makes use of two external programs: one is used for generating the FEM Mesh, and the other for numerically solving the actual analysis. You can test if your FreeCAD installation is ready for FEA by running the FEM CalculiX Cantilever 3D example which is included with every installation of FreeCAD since v0.17.

The default solver to perform finite element calculations is CalculiX, a simple solver for analysis of structures. FreeCAD writes a CalculiX input file, starts the solver, and reads the output, which can then be presented visually in the viewport; this means the CalculiX binary is standalone and independent from FreeCAD. Given that there are many programs that can generate a mesh, it is recommended to install the solver, and make sure it's working first.

If the program is correctly installed, you may run the command gmsh in the terminal to launch the graphical interface of the program. This interface is not used by FreeCAD but demonstrates that the program is installed.

In order to create a FEM Mesh, you can use Netgen as an alternative to Gmsh. Depending on your operating system and your FreeCAD installation Netgen may be bundled with the FreeCAD installation binaries.

The FreeCAD packages available from the download page already include Netgen and CalculiX, so no additional software needs to be installed. Some links where to get a better CalculiX executable than included in FreeCAD can be found here: alternative ccx executables

Linux distributions have different ways of installing software. Many distributions have software repositories and package managers; before compiling source code, look in your package manager for netgen, gmsh, calculix-ccx or ccx, and install them following the instructions of your own distribution.

The freecad-stable and freecad-daily personal package archives (PPA) provide a more recent version of FreeCAD than is available in the official Ubuntu repositories. These PPAs include the most recent netgen, gmsh, and calculix-ccx packages as well. See Installing on Linux for more information on setting up the repositories.

The freecad-community PPA also provides netgen, gmsh, and calculix-ccx packages for testing. If they are stable enough, they may be added to the daily or stable repositories. The binaries for ccx 2.14 work on Debian Stretch, but not on Debian Buster due to dependency problems.

Note: the thread Ubuntu Repository discusses the creation of the Ubuntu PPA packages. At the time it was written, CalculiX was not included in the Debian repositories, so there were several personal packages in Launchpad. Only one package should be installed.

Since CalculiX is a standalone application, you can either install a binary packaged for your distribution, or compile it yourself. Any CalculiX version from 2.7.x onwards should work with FreeCAD, and since the code hasn't changed much in years, lower versions than 2.7.x may work as well.

The easiest way to install GMSH is to simply download the binary files for Linux/Windows/Mac, either Stable or Latest automatic Gmsh snapshot (recommended (by me)). The binary file gmsh is located in bin/gmsh in the compressed downloaded file. You can launch it directly

Sorry, continuing to experiment (unwisely) on the command terminal in bulk, I discovered that I was struggling to install gmsh the wrong way.

Freecad and kicad are compatible if gmsh is installed with:

sudo pip3 install --upgrade gmsh

sorry for the inconvenience, good evening

I've just been faffing around getting the included Python wrapper to work and I've got a suggestion: if you symlink /usr/share/gmsh/api/python/ to /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ then it'll work out of the box as a Python package. Otherwise you'll probably have to mess around with your PYTHON_PATH or something.

I found that a direct download of gmsh binaries from " " works fine when installed into a user directory. Just run the executible from the /bin directory of your install. No need to install the system gmsh from science repo.

As most Python packages, gmshModel can be installed in more than one way. Here,the two common ways of the package installation will be pointed out: theinstallation via the Conda and PyPipackage managers.

Using the supported PyPi and Conda package managers, all dependencies thatare necessary to run gmshModel will be automatically installed. Since the pythonocc-corepackage does not provide an installation for PyPi, the geometry visualization featurewill not be available for it.

If the package does not work after the installation due to an import error ofthe Gmsh-Python-API, your system probably cannot find the file In orderto fix this, a symbolic link from its installation location into the site-packagesdirectory of your Python installation can be created:

There are two workarounds, which you should perform immediately after importing the bempp-cl library. In both cases, you need to set the bempp-cl global variable GMSH_PATH manually. The first option is to run:

bempp.api.GMSH_PATH = bempp.api.utils.which("gmsh")

If bempp.api.GMSH_PATH remains empty (None), search for the Gmsh executable in your command window: where gmsh and copy-paste the entire path in Python:

bempp.api.GMSH_PATH = "full/path/to/gmsh/executable"

The FiPy finite volume PDE solver relies on severalthird-party packages. It is best to obtain and install those firstbefore attempting to install FiPy. This document explains howto install FiPy, not how to use it. See Using FiPyfor details on how to use FiPy.

A full FiPy installation is available for basic exploration onBinder. The default notebook gives a rudimentary introduction to FiPysyntax and, like any Jupyter Notebook interface, tab completion will helpyou explore the package interactively.

There are many ways to obtain the softwarepackages necessary to run FiPy, but the most expedient way iswith the conda package manager. In addition to the scientificPython stack, conda also provides virtual environmentmanagement. Keeping separate installations is useful e.g. forcomparing Python 2 and Python 3 software stacks, or whenthe user does not have sufficient privileges to install softwaresystem-wide.

On Linux and Mac OS X, you should have a pretty complete systemto run and visualize FiPy simulations. On Windows, thereare fewer packages available via conda, particularly amongst thesparse matrix Solvers, but the system still should befunctional. Significantly, you will need to download and installGmsh manually when using Python 2.7.

Details of the Required Packages and links are given below,but for the courageous and theimpatient, FiPy can be up and running quickly by simplyinstalling the following prerequisite packages on your system:

Alternatively, you may choose not to formally install FiPy andto simply work within the base directory instead. In this case or if youare making a non-standard install (without admin privileges), read aboutsetting up your Development Environment before beginning the installationprocess.

To avoid tampering with the system Python installation, you can employ oneof the utilities that manage packages and their dependencies independentlyof the system package manager and the system directories. These utilitiesinclude conda, Nix, Stow, Virtualenv and Buildout, amongst others.Conda and Nix are only ones of these we have the resources to support.

A git client application is needed in order to fetch files from ourrepository. This is provided on many operating systems (try executingwhich git) but needs to be installed on many others. The sources tobuild Git, as well as links to various pre-built binaries fordifferent platforms, can be obtained from e24fc04721

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