Syslog-ng is an open source log management daemon, providing implementation of the syslog protocol for Unix and Unix-like systems. You can install syslog-ng for Source log management. See Cloud Syslog Source for more information about configuring a Cloud Syslog Source for syslog-ng.

As a follow-up to my RPM blog, here are instructions installing syslog-ng Open Source Edition (syslog-ng OSE) on the Debian / Ubuntu version. If you read my previous blog, skip to the installation part at the end, otherwise: read on.

Download And Install Syslog-ng

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The syslog-ng application is part of all major Linux distributions, and you can usually install syslog-ng from the official repositories. If you use just the core functionality of syslog-ng, use the package in your distribution repository (apt-get install syslog-ng), and you can stop reading here. However, if you want to use the features of newer syslog-ng versions (for example, send log messages to Elasticsearch or Apache Kafka), you have to either compile the syslog-ng from source, or install it from unofficial repositories. This post explains you how to do that.

All of this means that syslog-ng in distributions is locked to a given version with a limited feature set from half a year to up to half a decade, depending on the release cycle. Thus, the included syslog-ng version can be five years old.

If you need a feature or fix not available for some reason in the distribution package, you can either compile syslog-ng for yourself or use one of the unofficial syslog-ng DEB repositories. Using the repositories is usually easier

Note: starting with syslog-ng 4.0 you also have to install the syslog-ng-scl package together with syslog-ng-core. Or just install the syslog-ng meta package, but that will pull in hundreds of megabytes of dependencies you will most likely never use.

Note: packages in the Open Build Service at :laszlo_budai:syslog-ng (which were previously recommended here) are no more maintained. If you are using those packages, it is recommended to switch the new repositories. First, follow instructions below to add the new repository, update syslog-ng, then remove the old repository.

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Thank you for this post. Thats all I are able to say. You most absolutely have built this blog website into something speciel. You clearly know what you are working on, youve insured so many corners.thanks

The syslog-ng application is included in all major Linux distributions, and you can usually install syslog-ng from the official repositories. If the core functionality of syslog-ng meets your needs, use the package in your distribution repository (yum install syslog-ng), and you can stop reading here. However, if you want to use the features of newer syslog-ng versions (for example, sending log messages to Elasticsearch or Apache Kafka), you have to either compile syslog-ng from source, or install it from unofficial repositories. This post explains you how to do that.

All of this means that syslog-ng in Linux distributions is locked to a given version with a limited feature set for anywhere from half a year to up to a decade, depending on the release cycle. Thus, the syslog-ng version included in old Linux versions can also be a decade old.

If you need a feature or fix not available for some reason in the distribution package, you can either compile syslog-ng for yourself or use one of the unofficial syslog-ng RPM repositories. Using the repositories is usually easier

2. The Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository contains many useful packages, which are not included in RHEL. A few dependencies of syslog-ng are available this repo. You can enable it by downloading and installing an RPM package (replace 8 with 7 for EPEL 7):

3. Add the repo containing the latest unofficial build of syslog-ng. By the time of writing it is syslog-ng 4.6 and it is available on the Copr build service. Download the repo file to /etc/yum.repos.d/, so you can install and enable syslog-ng (replace 8 with 7 for EPEL 7):

1. First you need to add the repository containing syslog-ng and its dependencies. Open :czanik:syslog-ng46 and you will find repository URLs on the right hand side behind the links named after distributions. For example on SLES 15 SP5 or openSUSE Leap 15.5 you can use the following command to add the repository:

I recently upgraded my Ubuntu Server 16.04 VM to 18.04. After the upgrade, syslog-ng was failing to start, so I purged it and tried reinstalling it. Every time I go to reinstall it, I get the "//Install failure" at the bottom of this post. The "//Status Output" is also listed as well for reference.

Things I've tried to resolve:-Manually remove any .service locations that I found via a 'find / -name 'syslog-ng';-Ensuring there are no other syslog programs installed (i.e. rsyslog) via an 'apt purge sy[tab tab]';-Deleted old kernel files via 'apt remove linux-[tab tab];-Ensure there are no other programs listening on 514 via 'netstat -ptan | grep 514';-Installed, purged, rebooted, and tried again. No success.

As you can see, it is failing on I've looked around, and apart from some very old tickets on the RedHat bug tracker, I haven't found any information about this. I can't find this in the RedHat repositories, including EPEL and Fedora. How do I resolve this? Again, I'm very surprised that syslog-ng is so awkward to install in Red Hat, so I am wondering if I'm doing something wrong.

Centralized logging is crucial for managing complex systems and networks. It allows for the aggregation, analysis, and archiving of log data from various sources in a single location. Syslog-ng, the next generation of the System Logging Protocol, provides a flexible and highly scalable logging solution. This guide will walk you through setting up a centralized Syslog server using Syslog-ng on Ubuntu 20.04.

Next, we need to configure Syslog-ng to act as a centralized logging server. Configuration files for Syslog-ng are located in /etc/syslog-ng/. The main configuration file is syslog-ng.conf. You'll want to back up the original configuration file before making changes:

Security is paramount when setting up a centralized Syslog server. Ensure that only trusted clients can send logs to your server by configuring firewall rules and using encrypted transport mechanisms like TLS. Additionally, regular updates and monitoring for suspicious activities are essential for maintaining the security of your Syslog server.

For each client that will send logs to your Syslog server, you must configure the client's Syslog daemon to forward logs to your server. Here's a brief example of how to configure a client using the default rsyslog daemon on Ubuntu:

After setting up your central Syslog server and configuring your clients, it's essential to test the setup. Generate some log entries on a client and verify that they appear in the correct log file on the server. If logs are not appearing as expected, check the firewall settings, ensure that Syslog-ng is running, and review the configuration files for errors.

Implementing a centralized Syslog server using Syslog-ng on Ubuntu 20.04 can significantly streamline log management and analysis. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll have a robust logging system that can handle logs from various sources in your network.

If you need professional assistance with setting up or managing your logging infrastructure, consider the option to hire remote DevOps engineers who can provide the expertise required for a secure and efficient logging system.

You are telling the system here to only listen on the standard UDP port (514). This is fine if all you want are messages from other systems coming in. However, you will not get local server messages or internal messages generated by syslog-ng itself.

Filters can be based on various criteria such as IP address, Hostname, Netmask, Facility, Severity and even the message contents itself. Filters are optional, but you could use one, as an example, to only allow messages from a range of IP addresses.

You can name sources, filters, destinations anything you want, as long as you use that same name when calling on it again. It is also good practice to name sources as s_something, filters as f_something and destinations as d_something

If you use that and it still fails, i'd say you have found a bug in eudev/syslog-ng-nosystemd package.

You could try to build syslog-ng-nosystemd from AUR to verify if the problem is with the eudev repo OR in the package.

I installed syslog-ng from extra and it started successully and I can confirm it's running. I modified syslog-ng.conf according to your file. I do not have systemd. There are numerous log files in /var/log, does this mean syslog is running fine? Should I make any other modification? 

If syslog-ng is working as intended then maybe syslog-ng-nosystemd package is redundant.

Thanks for the input.

Currently attempting to configure syslog-ng 7.0.19 to send data to a GCP Cloud Function. If anyone has accomplished this before please let me know since there is scarce documentation on this integration. The Cloud Function has been tested and works with test triggers and other scripts but not with syslog yet. Can't use Pub/Sub function from Syslog 7.0.21+ yet since upgrade will be at future time. Any tips greatly appreciated.

syslog-ng is an open source implementation of the syslog protocol for Unix and Unix-like systems. It extends the original syslogd model with content-based filtering, rich filtering capabilities, flexible configuration options and adds important features to syslog, like using TCP for transport. As of today syslog-ng is developed by Balabit IT Security Ltd. It has two editions with a common codebase. The first is called syslog-ng Open Source Edition (OSE) with the license LGPL. The second is called Premium Edition (PE) and has additional plugins (modules) under proprietary license. 152ee80cbc

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