Configure One Cloud can handle the most challenging configuration problems, regardless of industry. Every product is configured on-the-fly and customers can see live visualizations of their selected options. Point-and-click admin setup makes it easy to define the rules for each product.

A configure script is an executable script designed to aid in developing a program to be run on a wide number of different computers. It matches the libraries on the user's computer, with those required by the program before compiling it from its source code.

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Obtaining software directly from the source code is a common procedure on Unix computers, and generally involves the following three steps: configuring the makefile, compiling the code, and finally installing the executable to standard locations. A configure script accomplishes the first of these steps. Using configure scripts is an automated method of generating makefiles before compilation to tailor the software to the system on which the executable is to be compiled and run. The final executable software is most commonly obtained by executing the following commands in a shell that is currently pointing to the directory containing the source code:

One must type ./configure rather than simply configure to indicate to the shell that the script is in the current directory. This is because, as a security precaution, Unix configurations don't search the current directory for executables. So, to execute programs in that directory, one must explicitly specify their location.[1]

Software developers simplify the challenge of cross-platform software development by using GNU Autotools.[2] These scripts query the system on which they run for environment settings, platform architecture, and the existence and location of required build and runtime dependencies. They store the gathered information in or the now deprecated to be read by configure during the installation phase.

The first program to come with a configure script was rn by Larry Wall in 1984. The script was written by hand and produced a jocular running commentary when executed. It still survives as part of the build system of the trn program.[3]

No device was still able to use that SSID, so I again used Ethernet and browsed the GUI settings. Everything appeared OK, but it did show zero working access points. Tried setting to factory defaults again, but that had same issue. Tried reflashing the same firmware and after reboot and setup, the same issue remains. Access point appears stuck with Configure.Me and will not broadcast any other Wifi networks configured on device. Any ideas?

Additional update: AP appears to be working as expected. The issue is still repeatable if the AP is reset to defaults - unable to connect to Configure.Me, zero working APs and configured Wi-Fi networks not broadcasting. This was easily remedied by changing Admin/Services | System | IP settings from DHCP to Manual (same IP) and rebooting. Also, from a factory defaulted state, a restore of previously saved backup also puts AP in correctly saved config without need to change IP settings.

The configure script configures the source tree for compiling and installing the Apache HTTP Server on your particular platform. Various options allow the compilation of a server corresponding to your personal requirements.

To find out which modules are compiled by default, run ./configure -h or ./configure --help and look under Optional Features. Suppose you are interested in mod_example1 and mod_example2, and you see this:

Add one or more third-party modules to the list of statically linked modules. The module source file module-file will be searched in the modules/module-type subdirectory of your Apache HTTP server source tree. If it is not found there configure is considering module-file to be an absolute file path and tries to copy the source file into the module-type subdirectory. If the subdirectory doesn't exist it will be created and populated with a standard

The LoadModule directives for the chosen modules will be automatically generated in the main configuration file. By default, all those directives will be commented out except for the modules that are either required or explicitly selected by a configure --enable-foo argument. You can change the set of loaded modules by activating or deactivating the LoadModule directives in httpd.conf. In addition the LoadModule directives for all built modules can be activated via the configure option --enable-load-all-modules.

For the correct events to be audited and included in the Windows Event Log, your domain controllers require specific Windows server Advanced Audit Policy settings. Misconfigured Advanced Audit Policy settings can cause gaps in the Event Log and incomplete Defender for Identity coverage.

For example, to configure Audit Security Group Management, under Account Management, double-click Audit Security Group Management, and then select Configure the following audit events for both Success and Failure events:

For example, to configure Outgoing NTLM traffic to remote servers, under Security Options, double-click Network security: Restrict NTLM: Outgoing NTLM traffic to remote servers, and then select Audit all:

To collect events for object changes, such as event 4662, you must also configure object auditing on the user, group, computer, and other objects. This procedure describes how to enable auditing in the Active Directory domain.

Make sure to review and verify your audit policies before enabling event collection to ensure that the domain controllers are properly configured to record the necessary events. If configured properly, this auditing should have minimal effect on server performance.

The kubelet uses startup probes to know when a container application has started.If such a probe is configured, liveness and readiness probes do not start untilit succeeds, making sure those probes don't interfere with the application startup.This can be used to adopt liveness checks on slow starting containers, avoiding themgetting killed by the kubelet before they are up and running.

You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool mustbe configured to communicate with your cluster. It is recommended to run this tutorial on a cluster with at least two nodes that are not acting as control plane hosts. If you do not already have acluster, you can create one by usingminikubeor you can use one of these Kubernetes playgrounds:

If your application implements thegRPC Health Checking Protocol,this example shows how to configure Kubernetes to use it for application liveness checks.Similarly you can configure readiness and startup probes.

To use a gRPC probe, port must be configured. If you want to distinguish probes of different typesand probes for different features you can use the service field.You can set service to the value liveness and make your gRPC Health Checking endpointrespond to this request differently than when you set service set to readiness.This lets you use the same endpoint for different kinds of container health checkrather than listening on two different ports.If you want to specify your own custom service name and also specify a probe type,the Kubernetes project recommends that you use a name that concatenatesthose. For example: myservice-liveness (using - as a separator).

In my survey I have multiple questions that require a number as input. When looking at the survey answer results, the questions that require a number input have the following text: 'Please enable editing and configure widget'. I have no clue what is meant with this.

This page ( -do-i-acitvate-a-widget-with-text-iq) has the same problem, but I do not understand the instructions that are given to solve it. I do not know where to find dashboard settings - text as the solution states. Could anyone please instruct me on how I solve this so that I can see the answers to the question in the results?

I just had this same issue and wanted to provide the answer on how to proceed. When you switch the chart type, the metrics will disappear and you will get the error message to enable editing and configure the widget. In order to fix it, you will need to re-add the metrics. I've included the screen shots below. Just populate the fields with the metrics you want to use. 

ESLint is designed to be flexible and configurable for your use case. You can turn off every rule and run only with basic syntax validation or mix and match the bundled rules and your custom rules to fit the needs of your project. There are two primary ways to configure ESLint:

Highlighting with language detection.Accepts a string with the code to highlight and an optional array of language names and aliases restricting detection to only those languages. The subset can also be set with configure, but the local parameter overrides the option if set.

Starting with version 2108, the App Protection feature is now fully functional. The App Protection feature supports apps and desktop sessions and is enabled by default. However, you must configure the App Protection feature in the AuthManConfig.xml file to enable it for the authentication manager and the Self-Service plug-in interfaces.

Starting with Version 2106, Citrix Workspace app introduces an option to configure the anti-keylogging and anti-screen-capturing functionalities separately for both the authentication manager and Self-Service plug-in interfaces. 006ab0faaa

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