Kapanlagi.com - Every human being will surely feel love. Whether it is towards fellow human beings, more specifically towards parents, or family. It is also understandable if you want to express those feelings.

Moreover, because of the beauty of the meaning of 'ana uhibbuka fillah', there is an Indonesian song that uses this expression as its title. Well, in order for you to better understand the expression of love in Arabic, please read the following information.

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Loving fellow Muslims is something that should be done. One way to do this is by expressing beautiful words to convey feelings. One popular expression is ana uhibbuka fillah.Literally, the meaning of ana uhibbuka fillah is I love you for the sake of Allah. Yes, the meaning of ana uhibbuka fillah carries a deep meaning.It should be noted that the most important way to love is to love for the sake of Allah. Allah is the strongest bond of faith. The explanation of this can be found in the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud as follows."Whoever loves for the sake of Allah, hates for the sake of Allah, gives for the sake of Allah, and withholds for the sake of Allah, then he has truly perfected his faith."

Love is not a random feeling. It is not something that can be said casually. As explained above, the meaning of ana uhibbuka fillah, loving someone also has its own way, which is by loving them for the sake of Allah. Such love is a virtuous feeling.Here is a hadith that explains that loving for the sake of Allah is one of the experiences that a servant goes through to feel the sweetness of faith."Three things make a person taste the sweetness of faith: [1] loving Allah and His Messenger more than anything else, [2] loving someone solely for the sake of Allah, [3] hating to return to disbelief just as one would hate to be thrown into the Hellfire." (Narrated by Bukhari no. 6941 and Muslim no. 43)So, besides the meaning of ana uhibbuka fillah, there are also other expressions of feelings in Arabic that you need to know. There are also expressions to respond to it, as follows.- Expression: Ana uhibbuka fillah (I love you for the sake of Allah).Response: Ahabbaka-lladzii ahbabtanii lahu (May Allah love you, because you have loved me for His sake).- Expression: Inni uhibbuki fillah (truly, I love you for the sake of Allah (feminine)).- Expression: Inni uhibbuka fillah (truly, I love you for the sake of Allah (masculine)).- Expression: Inni uhibbukum fillah (truly, I love you all for the sake of Allah (plural))

In addition to the explanation above, how else can we understand the meaning of ana uhibbuka fillah through a song. The song titled "Ana Uhibbuka Fillah" is sung by Aci Cahaya and was released in 2015. Here are the beautiful lyrics that you can enjoy.When I first met youI felt something differentI wanted to get closer to youBut I was afraid you would distance yourselfThe longer this feeling is buriedThe more I want to get closer to youFrom a distance, I see youI hope you feel the sameYour faith and devotion that meltThis feeling becomes loveThe beloved that I hope forMay this love become realAna uhibbuka fillahI love you for the sake of AllahIf he is the best for meBring our hearts closer, O AllahThe longer this feeling is buriedThe more I want to get closer to youFrom a distance, I see youI hope you feel the sameYour faith and devotion that meltThis feeling becomes loveThe beloved that I hope forMay this love become realAna uhibbuka fillahI love you for the sake of AllahIf he is the best for meBring our hearts closer, O Allah

After knowing the meaning of ana uhibbuka fillah, you must be curious about other Islamic expressions of love. You can find them in the following list.1. "It is possible that you dislike something while it is good for you, and it is possible that you like something while it is bad for you. Allah knows, while you do not know." (QS Al Baqarah verse 216)2. "If I fall in love, love me for someone who loves you more, so that my love for you will grow stronger."3. "I entrust this love only to You, protect my heart and their heart from disappointment, until the time comes. Unite us in Your blessing and approval."4. "Allah has written the name of your partner. What you need to do is improve your relationship with Him."5. "If I love for the sake of Allah, your love will never die."KLovers, that is the explanation of the meaning of ana uhibbuka fillah as an expression of love that you need to understand.

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ANA uhibbuka fillah adalah kalimat yang dekat kaitannya dengan perasaan cinta yang dialami manusia. Dalam Islam, cinta adalah dasar persaudaraan antarmanusia dan perasaan yang melandasi hubungannya dengan makhluk lain seperti hewan dan tumbuhan. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(paralax); }); Ana uhibbuka fillah dalam bahasa Arab, latin, dan artinya   Ana uhibbuka fillah Artinya: Aku mencintaimu karena AllahCara menjawab ucapan ana uhibbuka fillah, yaitu:   Ahabbakal ladzii ahbabtanii lahuArtinya: Semoga Allah mencintaimu, karena engkau telah mencintaiku karena-Nya.Kalimat balasan tersebut adalah bentuk terima kasih karena telah mencintai dan mendoakan supaya orang yang melantunkan kalimat ana uhibbuka fillah supaya dicintai oleh Allah SWT.Kalimat ana uhibbuka fillah memiliki hadits Rasulullah SAW sebagai berikut,                                 Artinya: Tiga perkara yang apabila ada pada diri seseorang, ia akan mendapatkan manisnya iman: Dijadikannya Allah dan Rasul-Nya lebih dicintainya dari selain keduanya. Jika ia mencintai seseorang, dia tidak mencintainya kecuali karena Allah. Dan dia benci kembali kepada kekufuran seperti dia benci bila dilempar ke neraka. (HR Bukhari Nomor 16)Sebagai muslim yang baik, sudah sepatutnya kita selalu mengingat Allah dan kita harus selalu ingat untuk mencintai segala sesuatu hanya karena Allah, bukan karena hal yang lain. (OL-14)

Cek berita dan artikel yg lain di Google News dandan ikuti WhatsApp channel mediaindonesia.comEditor : Wisnu var adpushup = window.adpushup = window.adpushup || { que: [] }; adpushup.que.push(function() { if (adpushup.config.platform === "DESKTOP") { adpushup.triggerAd("1b4d321f-f491-4f54-8b3e-72e7d84364ba"); } else if (adpushup.config.platform === "MOBILE") { adpushup.triggerAd("3481e0bc-ec61-490f-aa75-536cfaec573a"); } }); SHARETags:# Literasi# Bahasa ArabBerita LainnyaMasuk Universitas Islam Madinah tidak Wajib Mampu Berbahasa Arab29/5/2024 19:16Mendaftar di Universitas Islam Madinah (UIM) tidak wajib mampu berbahasa Arab. Mahasiswa akan mengikuti kuliah bahasa Arab dulu di dua semester awal, bahkan ada yang sampai 4 semester.

Kalimat Ana uhibbuka fillah artinya sering dicari banyak orang karena memang kalimat ini adalah salah satu kalimat yang sering dilontarkan oleh umat muslim. Ana uhibbuka fillah merupakan kalimat yang sering kita temukan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, baik dalam dunia nyata maupun dunia media sosial.

Kalimat ini memiliki keterkaitan dengan perasaan cinta yang dialami manusia. Sebagai makhluk yang merasakan cinta, maka wajar saja kalau kita ingin mengungkapkan perasaan cinta itu terhadap orang yang kita cintai.

Rasa cinta sudah hadir sejak manusia pertama, Nabi Adam, diciptakan dan dipertemukan dengan pasangan hidupnya, Siti Hawa. Tanpa rasa cinta terhadap sesama, mungkin seseorang akan merasakan kehampaan dan kekosongan di dalam hidupnya.

Dalam Islam, cinta adalah dasar persaudaraan antarmanusia dan perasaan yang melandasi hubungannya dengan makhluk lain seperti hewan dan tumbuhan. Menurut Ibnu Hazm, cinta adalah suatu naluri atau insting yang terdapat dalam perasaan seseorang terhadap sesuatu yang dicintainya. 152ee80cbc

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