Amazon WorkDocs Drive enables you to open and work with Amazon WorkDocs files on your computer's desktop. By default, Amazon WorkDocs Drive appears on your computer as drive W:, and you use Amazon WorkDocs Drive like you would any other disc drive.

You must belong to a network domain in order to use Amazon WorkDocs Drive. Also, your system administrator may assign a different drive letter. If you're unsure about your network domain or drive letter, contact your administrator.

Download Amazon Workdocs Drive

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Amazon WorkDocs Drive only creates links to your files. It doesn't write copies to your hard drive. For example, say you open a word processor file from Amazon WorkDocs Drive. Editing that file changes the current version of the file in Amazon WorkDocs.

Amazon WorkDocs Drive is now available for macOS users. You can use Amazon WorkDocs Drive as a user drive to access to all of your files on-demand. You can also easily access any file on Amazon WorkDocs through your Mac Finder. All of your files are available on-demand from your device without consuming valuable disk space.

Amazon WorkDocs Drive is a mounted drive that enables customers to open and work with Amazon WorkDocs files on their desktops. Customers can copy a shareable link, lock, unlock, or open a file in the web client with one click. WorkDocs Drive automatically syncs any changes made to Amazon WorkDocs and vice versa.

Amazon WorkDocs Drive is a mounted drive that provides access to all of your files on-demand, without using your hard drive to store your content. You can access and edit files, just as if they were stored locally, using Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder, you can create a sharable link, invite uses to access your files, easily lock, unlock, and open any file in the Amazon WorkDocs web client. You can also favorite files for offline access.

With Amazon WorkDocs Drive, all of your content on Amazon WorkDocs is available on-demand through a mounted drive. You can access and edit files just like they were stored locally from Windows File Explorer or Mac Finder. When you add or edit files or folders in your drive, changes are automatically synced with Amazon WorkDocs Drive, and across your devices.

As an admin, you can select the drive letter of your choice at installation. This is done by specifying the drive letter at the installation time as a Command Line Interface (CLI) parameter. If the pre-defined drive letter is not available, then the user will be prompted to select an available drive letter during installation process.

I have been through that issue before with Windows 7 and 10 and I was able to solve the issue working on the Windows MSMQ Feature as per the workaround described in that troubleshooting documentation "How do I fix an Amazon WorkDocs Drive for Windows that is stuck or crashing after logging in" [ -center/workdocs-authenticating-user].

More background on that. I managed to install and run the WorkDocs on those two PCs with Windows 10 and 11. I was trying to load the local files to the drive when I realized that it got stuck. At that point, I decided to start over. Removed the directory from AWS but did not log out from the PCs. I then tried reinstalling the drive to log in to the new WorkDocs account and got stuck on Authenticating User on both PCs.

Once WorkDocs Drive is installed, it will show up as a mounted drive inside your WorkSpace. The W: drive will contain folders for both your documents and all documents shared with you. These will all be cloud-based files, meaning they have not been downloaded yet and do not take up any local storage space. As you begin to access them, WorkDocs Drive will automatically cache and sync as needed. You can see which files are already downloaded locally or have cloud-only copy via the status badges on the files.

WorkDocs Drive also provides information on your WorkDocs cloud storage quota and current usage. You can perform quick actions at the drive level in File Explorer to report issues, exit WorkDocs Drive, or open local recovered files that might not have synced to WorkDocs cloud.

Amazon WorkDocs Drive offers additional security benefits. By storing files on WorkDocs, all content is encrypted both in transit and at rest. Additionally, with WorkDocs Drive, administrators are assured that any files being accessed on WorkDocs Drive are entirely managed by WorkDocs. This means that once the file expires from the cache, it is simply no longer present on the machine. There is no risk that local copies of synced files are left or lost on an OS drive.

I just discovered RClone, and the 2nd thing I looked for was Workdocs. ( #1 was s3, and #3 was S3 versions)

This would be a great addition. Workdocs is used often in companion with AWS Workspaces (where you get a free workdocs account). Their first interface was a pure 'whole bucket' sync app - that failed miserably when you have more data in workdocs then you have space for on your local machine. Last year they came out with a much better version that is more of a cached remote mount. Available for windows and mac only. Same time they came out with the SDK. Ive used the sdk enough to implement a basic CLI -- to validate it works reliably. Its fairly similar to other cloud storage, has a kinda 'hokey' "Folder Root" concept ( implements the 'Shared By Me' and "Shared With Me' shares), under that is a hierarchical listing and get/put api. Files are in 'folders', both are identified by IDs. You can lookup IDs from names and reverse, but have to use the IDs for all API calls. Versioning and annotation/metadata is well supported. Webhooks/Notifications are well implemented (you can register a webhook to watch and intercept changes)

Files are stored in S3, but you don't get direct access to them except on 'download' were a signed S3 URL is exposed (per file, you cant go get the whole bucket except 1 at a time).

So far seems to be as reliable as s3, which of course is should be as it is s3 -- except a layer of document management API. The drive mounting on windows and mac is fairly reliable but can get 'stuck' occasionally, and makes heavy use of local cache so its hard to tell exactly whats going on.

Having some kind of consistent interface for versioned files in workdocs vs s3 vs other-verssionable-backends would be very valuable. I stumbled on rclone looking to see if anyone had implemented a S3 version GIT sync tool (turn each S3 version into a git commit) ...

A good basic use case for synchronized versioning is to sync backups from one cloud to another or within one cloud to different regions/buck3ets etc and preserve versioning.

Could not preserve the same version ID (natively), preserving the order and ideally dates would be awesome. An example: Im using S3 versions in one application as a form of auditing and replay of transaction events. But if I have to archive or move the data to a different bucket/region/provider all that vanishes, so Im stuck looking at having to extract version indexes as seperate files and manually collecting all the versioned files, renaming the etc.

One app called ExpanDrive also supports Amazon Cloud Drive by now due to user requests. That doesn't help much, though, since they also don't have a Linux version of their (commercial) app, yet, but they are also working on that apparently (originally to be released mid-summer 2015). There are a number of similar products such as Netdrive (only supports Windows). The (discontinued) DragonDisk already has linux command-line binaries and supports: e24fc04721

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