Alpha Backup is a free Android app designed by Buggysofts, which provides users with a comprehensive suite of features to manage their apps and backup their data. With Alpha Backup, users can backup, restore, and share their apps and app data, including system and user apps, installers, external and complete app data, system settings, contacts, call logs, and messages.

The app also features an advanced auto backup system that performs instantaneous and scheduled backups of apps and app data, as well as backups of other data types. Alpha Backup allows users to backup their data wherever they want, including internal storage, removable SD cards, USB storage devices, and any cloud storage, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, and others. Users can also share their apps and backups using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct, NFC, IR, and any app that supports file sharing.

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Retain is where you define how many and of which level backup you want to keep. These used to be called hourly, daily, weekly, monthly in older releases of rsnapshot, but were changed to alpha, beta, gamma, delta because the time interval between backups is arbitrary, so they were a bit meaningless.

So setting this means I end up with 6 backups which were done most recently, then one of those gets hived off to become the beta backup, which it keeps 7 of, one of which gets hived off as gamma, and so on. This means you have multiple alpha backups fairly recently, multiple older beta backups representing days then gamma representing weeks and delta backups going back months.

Finally the bit which tells rsnapshot what to backup. This is just a list of folders and where they get put in each of the folders above. These are the defaults, to which you can add folders which are important to you. I really only deeply care about my data in /home and configuration in /etc.

It probably all looks more complex than it really is. In essence you just need to have a drive to backup to, point rsnapshot to it, run rsnapshot regularly and check the log file periodically to make sure it worked. This has saved my bacon a few times. I can rummage around on the disk to find files I accidentally (or intentionally) deleted, in backups dating back weeks or even months. If I nuke my machine I can be confident I have copies of my important files right at hand.

I've been on several longer trips and my final conclusion is this: the fastest and safest way to backup is to bring more SD cards. Those are fairly cheap these days, you'll have several spares if a card ever fail (not happened yet) and a bunch of cards is smaller and lighter than any backup solution. On a longer trip I bring four or five extra 32GB cards. Never ran out of space, but I guess timelapse require a bit more.

Depending on how often you backup, or if you format your SD card after copying (probably not advised), you will get some duplicates. It's easy enough to discard the duplicates, but since this is a backup, this hopefully isn't something you'd need to do often... or ever.

Testing copying 7.85Gb of photo files from one SD card to another took 12 minutes via the adapter I posted earlier in this thread connected to my S4. A PNY 256Gb Elite Performance card is about $120. I have a couple of the 64Gb version of the PNY card for backups. It has the fastest write speed of any of my cards that I've tested on my computer. I currently use Sony 16Gb cards in the cameras.

Less than 30 minutes to back up 16Gb doesn't seem onerous, but this is only a hobby for me. The 128GB in backup storage has been plenty for my wife's and my shooting on a typical vacation and there is always the opportunity to add more cards as we travel if it's not. I can't really complain about the weight of the adapter and a couple of SD cards. The adapter uses a standard USB power cable, so I don't have to carry another wall wart, I just carry a five USB port 40W charge, and I'm going to have my phone with me anyway.

One additional note, the reason for the cloud upload is because it not only gives me an offsite backup but also synchs automatically to my laptop at home so when I get back I have all the files locally to work with.

I'm not ready to give up the MacBook Pro because I'm working and doing more than just image storage. Also, I think the level of backup depends on the how important the images are. From a space point of view, some big SDs (i.e. 64GB+) as backup to whatever you shoot in the camera would be enticing if the images are vacation-oriented and the travel didn't cost a fortune.

I do something similar to Colin Scott Johnson, but not quite as thorough. I bring an 11" Macbook Air and a 1TB Seagate SSD. Any processing that I do on the road is stored to icloud and on the 1TB SSD. I also take several spare SD cards, but I do delete files from my cards as they get full. I have three sony action cams each with a 64gb miniSD (that I take into the water), a6000 and A7 plus a 2yr old Olympus Toughcam also for in the water. I take timelapse photos and lots of video so backing up is essential. I process the timelapse using LRtimelapse and lightroom using my MBair and then backup the final video. Last trip to Hawaii I skipped taking the A7 because of kids and sand. I had one 128gb SD in the a6000 and three spare 64gb SD's, plus one spare 32gb miniSD. I used around 450GB for storage.

Well I am not an extensive traveller, but recently went on an extended holiday and wanted to back up my images without a laptop. I ended up with one of these: -storage/my-passport-wireless.html I configured it so that as soon as I put the SD card in, it makes a backup of the contents automatically. You can then connect your phone or ipad whatever, to the device to view/edit the images, or use it as a conventional external HDD. It's rechargeable, so you can use it in the middle of nowhere if needed (assuming you have charge) It certainly worked for me. I just saw also that there is also a "pro" version, not sure what extra that adds, but if this concept appeals to you, I think is well worth checking out

I've been using the WD Passport wireless HD lately. It has an SD card slot and backs up a 32GM sd in a few minutes without a computer. The HD has a rechargeable internal battery that makes completely independent of a computer or external power supply for backup.

Alpha Anywhere allows you to backup your desktop application with a single menu selections by selecting the Tools, Backup/Restore Database, One-step Backup command. Before you can run a one-step backup, you must first have saved backup settings.

Alpha offers a complete family of AC and DC powering solutions for today's complex headend, hub site and optical

 transition node (OTN) powering requirements. Our systems are custom engineered to backup sensitive

 electronic equipment, providing Internet access, telephony service, VoIP and expanded video services.

We regularly add new backup jobs to SnapShooter. We take requests and can create custom jobs for specific customers. If we think a custom job will have a wide reach, we can make it available to all customers.

Since v2 Athom verifies all input on Homey. What I restore is what I backup so chances of corruption are almost nul.

Guess same risk as that an Athom developer breaks something in the configuration due to bugs in the app.

For me downloading a backup of all config, including adv flows, would be enough.

I use the backuped json files to search for where e.g. variables or flows are used.

Is there a way to download all config already?

Hello I have sucided to do a backup (at least got a zip with json with my stuff in).

But when I tried to remove a zon and change a flow and then read in the stored file market sepretly the zon and tried to restore and the flow the vchanges doest come back?

Do I need to restart?

the warning of that it dont work on 2.0 and click to confirm is not disepering if that could be the problem. have a homey early 2018 and run it on crome browser

A backup is a consistent copy of the database at a point in time.The backup contains all data and index configurations at that pointin time. A backup does not contain database time to live policies. A backup resides in the same location as the source database.

Backups have a configurable retention period and are stored until the retentionperiod expires or until you delete the backup. Deleting the source database doesnot automatically delete related backups.

Cloud Firestore stores metadata related to backups and backupschedules related to a database. Cloud Firestore retains this metadatauntil all backups for the database expire or are deleted.

The examples below demonstrate how to set up a backup schedule. For eachdatabase, you can configure up to one daily backup schedule and up to one weeklybackup schedule. You cannot configure multiple weekly backups schedules fordifferent days of the week.

Note that deleting a backup schedule will not delete backups already created bythis schedule. You can wait for them to expire after their retention period, orto manually delete a backup, see delete backup.

A specific system will be used to sort and clean up applications. Alpha Backup Pro assists you in keeping track of all the content installed on the device. Your saved data will be backed up to a secure location in memory. Call information, messages, and old settings are among the reorganized data types. Users can either schedule backups for the application or use it right away. The data could be saved in memory or another support tool. SD memory cards are one of the more logical options. Furthermore, users can transfer them to USB for more secure storage. However, you must connect to these tools to complete the archiving operation quickly.

Alpha Backup Pro can analyze and manage the components of your device. Applications can be arranged, edited, checked, and removed with just a few taps on the screen. Additionally, backups and copies of this data are made on Android devices that are very similar. You can look up other applications by entering keywords into the search bar and then waiting for the results. Users can personalize their experience space by selecting from one of four unique material designs. Improvements in features help with security operations and strengthen the outer layers of defense. You are going to operate the device with an increased level of care. The system will enhance the features that enable users to manage operations more streamlined and straightforwardly. 2351a5e196

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