Looking back, it is incredible to see God's hands on my life. The list of ways He's guided and provided for me is endless. God has truly shown His strength through many obstacles and trials. A few years ago, going into college, I didn't have a relationship Christ. I followed the idea of "religion" and was living solely for myself. Growing up in a broken family with a very hard and abusive home-life was tough and I was constantly looking for ways out, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Through this broken background God was inviting me to take refuge in Him, inviting me to follow him. I failed to listen and found my escape in worldly things rather than Christ. Then one day about two years ago, I got into a serious car accident that should have taken my life. But instead I walked away without a scratch. Despite my decisions against Him, God was persistent and still showed His grace and love for me. After failing to see all the signs and invitations, God finally threw something my way that got my attention. After the accident, still in shock that I was alive, I couldn't help but wonder why, but also thanking God for giving me another chance at life despite my actions. I knew that from this moment on, I had to and was going to live my life differently. I chose to live for Christ, to find refuge in Him, to pursue Him, and to call on Him whenever with whatever. The path has been challenging, and each day has been a process, but also another opportunity to live out His will for me. Over time He has healed my hurts and taught me patience, trust, and unconditional love. He has shined light on the darkest areas of my past and continues to light the way for my future. I honestly don't know where I would be if it weren't for Jesus. With great obstacles come great strength from above. He blesses me day in and day out. God has been so faithful to me, even when I wasn't faithful to Him, and through these hard times has revealed how great of a God he is.

I am a visual artist who works in a variety of mediums - producing fine art, illustration and design commissions/products for clients. I have been creating since childhood and sharing my giftings for hire since 1989. I also love to write and have been expressing in this way for a number of years in private poems, stories and journals that have been shared with treasured friends or publicly. Thank you for visiting my blog. I value the time and interest you spend on my expressions, and I read every comment.

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Recalling the faithfulness of God is vital in the difficult times we are in! He is for you, with you, and working in unseen ways around our lives. We must unapologetically, and fiercely cling to the reality of His GOODNESS that is seen throughout our lives and trials in His FAITHFULNESS to Jesus, to His body, His Gospel, and His sons and daughters!

Help. My boyfriend of 3 and 1/2 years stopped having sex with me a year ago after a routine pap led me to discover that I had mild dysplasia and high risk hpv. He has accused me of cheating on him, which I have never cheated on him. He claims he was celibate for 23 years before meeting me. Both of us were pretty promiscuous in our younger days.I did have HPV when I was a teenager but had the procedure where they freeze your pre-cancerous cells off. I married at the age of 19 and was in a monogamous marriage for 20 years before meeting my boyfriend. All of my tests done over the years never showed any sign of recurrence. I even tested negative for HPV in 2007 - 8 months before meeting my boyfriend.\n

He claims that even if he did have HPV at one time, it's been so long ago that he had sex with anyone that more than likely I am the problem because I had it when I was younger. When I was younger, I did not know what type of HPV I had, but the doctor said I had Condyloma (genital warts) which she labled as a \"pre-cancerous\" condition. Little was known or discussed about HPV back in the late 80's so I believed once I had the freezing procedure and normal paps thereafter that I was cleared of this.\n

My boyfriend and I have gone round and round about this and he doubts he may ever have sex with me again. This is so devastating. I am 41 and he is 56 and I love him so much and he claims to love me, but this is the underlying cause of many of our arguments. \n

Hey there, From what I have read it can stay dormant for many many years... I don't think it can ever be cured. Everything I have read says that you can still have it living dormant in your body and test negative until one day it "wakes up" - Not sure if it is true but that is all I have read - being diagnosed with cervical cancer I thought my cancer was caused by HPV but I happen to be a special case and my cancer is not related to HPV at all - So I guess you could say I got lucky lol... Do not blame yourself for his actions - if you both have had it in the past my guess is it was dormant for a few years until something comprimised one of your immune systems and then it "woke". Have you explained to him that about 80% of the adult population has HPV and just don't know?

Hereformygirls is right! It can lay dormant in your system for decades. Stress is what brings it on! Maybe have your boyfriend go with you to your next doc appt. Maybe the doc can get him to listen! Good luck!

Your boyfriend is being absolutely ridiculous. You both have a history of HPV. It can re-activate in the future. It could have even been that his HPV reactivated and he re-infected you! We just don't know. He really needs to gain some understanding of how this virus works. I'm sure your doctor would say the same thing as we are saying here. Now go put him in his place! :)

Ditto what everyone else said! It can be dormant for years. I don't know if I was ever tested for HPV before or not, but I would think if I had been, and it had been positive, the doctor would have told me. I'm 45 and the first time I knowingly tested positive for it was in April and I have been married and I know we both have been faithful for the 23 years we have been together, so I have to have had it for a long, long time, and it just now decided to show up . . . . well, April was my first pap test in 10 years so it may have been active for a while and I didn't know it. Good luck getting through to your boyfriend!!

Furthermore, I find this whole thing kind of strange. You're still together yet you two don't have sex. Your boyfriend was celibate for 23 years. Are there perhaps some deeper issues going on here? Seems like he's not really all that into sex anyway! Is this some sort of excuse to not have sex and he is blaming it on HPV when in fact that may not be the issue? Think about it.

My boyfriend and I have an unconventional relationship...we have a long distance relationship and we live 1400 miles apart. He comes to where I live in the South for about 5 months because the winters are harsh where he lives, and I go to see him up North for 2 and 1/2 weeks in the summer and also in the fall. The rest of the time we talk by phone and email every day.

We are like Liz Taylor and Richard Burton. When things are good between us, they are very good. When things are bad, they are very bad. We both are passionate and sensitive people. When we were first seeing one another, he told me he had low testosterone and was afraid he would have trouble "performing" since he hadn't been with anyone in 23 years. We've never had a problem in the sex department until I was diagnosed with HPV. After that, everything came to a hault. He has a mental block and feels we need to wait for 1-2 years before having sex again because he's read it can take that long for the virus to clear. I've read that two monogamous sex partners can't ping-pong the virus back and forth to each other once they share it. Now, he's very concerned about getting oral head and neck cancer because NBC just came out yesterday with a story about the increasing cases of these types of cancers being related to HPV. He said he doesn't want to take any further risks, and doesn't know if he'll ever be able to have sex with me again. I can't force him to have sex with me, but the prospect of me never having sex again when I'm 41 is very depressing. In October, I am going back to get tested again. I've already had two biopsies in the last year which have come back ASCUS CIN 1 and CIN 2. After the October visit, if I still have this, I am going to have the LEEP done. Needless to say, I am trying to be very patient about this, but he tends to always want to blame me for this, saying at age 56 years old he didn't sign on for this. I keep pointing out that he could have given it to me unknowingly, but he refuses to believe that he could have been the culprit. It is a dirty stigma to him, and he just can't believe that he possibly could have been the one to infect me. Granted, I did have it when I was younger, but given the fact he was a former traveling musician guitar player and was admittedly with about 15 women, I think the possibility is there for him to have given it to me. You would not believe the arguments we have had about this.

It's been a long year since he has not had sex with you. One person can't desire one thing and the other another, that's not going to work out well. It's a recipe for a miserable relationship. You're putting his needs first and yours in the back burner and I find it disrespectful of him (as a grown man) to point the finger at you when I'm sure he has done his own research and knows that HPV can lay dormant in the body for years before it reactivates again. Therefore, like you said; he could have been the one to give it to you! I don't see the point of playing the blame game. If he was truly interested he wouldn't feel the need to make you feel awful in your time of need; should be supportive.

Hmm....sounds like there's definitely something he's not telling you about himself. Shameful that he's allowing you to take the heat. It takes two to be in a crazy relationship, but just one to have self respect, get out of it, and get healthy - both emotionally and physically. Good luck to you. ff782bc1db

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