I would like to create a new workbook which appends all Lot 1 sheets together, Lot 2 together, Lot 3 together and so on. Essentially combining them all in their own respective Lot. Finally, remove all the blank lines. In each of the Lot sheets, Row 8 will have titles with row 9 being the start of data.

Now I have already use the Directory tool with RegEx (to remove any silly characters in the filenames) and Filter to provide a list of all the filenames I am interested in into a field, the problem is I don't know where to go from there.

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Which is not exactly what I am requiring as the schema between Lot 1 and Lot 2 maybe different (but only subtly) - which is why I needed each workbooks Lot sheets on their own respective Lot sheet in the final workbook.

If there was a way to make all schema's the same, then I would be happy with them all in the same sheet. Which is what I have to do manually currently now anyway. Once all sheets have been appended, I look at the columns and ensure they are all the same and in the same order (usually by adding dummy columns in the sheets where they are needed and rearranging columns as necessary).

Hi @Darren_Line, if you do not want to have one single table with all the data (all the Lot numbers together) and have a final table for each Lot (on a single Excel file, for instance) you will need a batch macro. This way you can read each Lot number at a time and process them by number. If you could provide some same files I can build a working workflow for you.

Thank you to everyone who has responded with ideas and suggestions. I'm tied up in meetings most of today, so when I get chance I will review the comments and spend some time playing with Alteryx based on the information above.

Hi @Darren_Line - not to overwhelm you with responses, but since you are new, I thought I'd share a workflow with you that gives you a variety of ways to bring in multiple Excel files (or any other type of files) with either the Input tool or the Directory tool. I believe one (or more) of the scenarios within covers what you are trying to do. Please check it out (attached) & let me know if it helps or if you have any questions :-)

Thank you for the examples you have posted above. I have spent a lot of time reviewing and trying to understand each of the examples provided.

Although they are very good examples, what I am struggling with is keeping the sheet name and filename in the final output.

I'm changing to such a sub-directory structure and my question is simply: roughly how many files should I expect to store in one ext3 directory while still getting acceptable performance? What's your experience?

Provided you have a distro that supports the dir_index capability then you can easily have 200,000 files in a single directory. I'd keep it at about 25,000 though, just to be safe. Without dir_index, try to keep it at 5,000.

Do not just blindly go making a several directory deep structure, say 100 entries in the first level, 100 entries in the second level, 100 entries in the third. I've been there, done that, got the jacket and had to restructure it when performance went in the crapper with a few million files. :-)

We have a client that did the "multiple directories" layout, and ends up putting just one to five files per directory, and this was killing them. 3 to 6 hours to do a "du" in this directory structure. The savior here was SSD, they were unwilling to rewrite this part of their application, and an SSD took this du time down from hours to minutes.

The problem is that each level of directory lookups takes seeks, and seeks are extremely expensive. The size of the directory is also a factor, so having it be smaller rather than larger is a big win.

So, what I'd recommend is one level of directories, each level being a directory 2 characters long, made up of upper and lowercase letters and the digits, for around 3800 directories in the top level. You can then hold 14M files with those sub-directories containing 3800 files, or around 1,000 files per sub-directory for 3M files.

I would suggest you try testing various directory sizes with a benchmarking tool such as postmark, because there are a lot of variables like cache size (both in the OS and in the disk subsystem) that depend on your particular environment.

I can confirm on a pretty powerful server with plenty of memory under a decent load that 70,000 files can cause all sorts of havoc. I went to remove a cache folder with 70k files in it and it cause apache to start spawning new instances until it maxed out at 255 and the system used all free memory (16gb although the virtual instance may have been lower). Either way, keeping it under 25,000 is probably a very prudent move

In my experience, the best approach is to not over-engineer the file structure in advance. As mentioned in at least one other answer, there are filesystem extensions that deal with the performance-issue end of things.

The problem that I have hit more frequently is usability on the administrative end. The least amount of work you can do to decrease the number of files in a directory is probably the approach you need right now.

A couple thousand files in a single directory sounds reasonable to me. Be your own judge for your own situation. To achieve this, try splitting the files into a single level of hash directories so that the average number of files per directory is about the same as the number of directories.

The spread of files will depend heavily upon the actual filenames. Imagine applying this technique to a directory of a million files each named foobar???.txt. There are ways to accomplish a more even spread, like hashing based on the value of a particular number of bits from the MD5 sum of each filename, but I'm going to dare guess that would be overkill for what you are trying to accomplish.

Hmm, I read this article recently. Essentially you leverage the distribution of your favorite hashing algorithm. I started playing with the numbers, a MySQL signed INT has a maximum value of 2147483647. You can also vary the desired number of files per directory and number of sub-directories to settle on the final number-of-sub-directories/files-per-directory split for a given data set, but it's hard to find empirical evidence on optimal directory/file organizations. This article does give some insight into performance differences across filesystems (some interesting metrics), but nothing about optimal organizations.

I think you're putting too much thought into this. If you even chose a single additional level of directories and were able to balance things evenly, you'd have 1732* directories and 1732 files per directory.

Hello all, I am facing some problems and would love to get some help. I need to monitor a directory for file creation, the files are named something like 27074.log or 57321.log, it basically is a process number name with the .log extention, once the file is created I need to monitor the content of the file loogking for an error, and if the error is there I need to raise an alert, is this possible?

This link is a bit technical as it will explain how to use the inputs.conf file. If you're looking for an easy solution go for this one as it's all GUI based and you can setup the data collection from a file without having to run any CLI configs : 

In either way if the data you are looking to collect is not on the Splunk server itself then you will need to forward it to your splunk deployment first. You can use forwarder for that, some info here :

Thank you very much David and Hoshyk, yes I am 100% new, I started a couple of weeks ago and I did not know it could be a directory, I thought it had to be a named file. I have a couple of weeks using Splunk and I was even thinking about first monitor the directory and calling a script when a file was created to move the file renaming it to somewhere else and there consume the file... Rookie overcomplication of things, I truly thank you both.

I am trying to find an elegant way to loop over a series of files contained in a folder. I tried implementing community examples ( -structures/loops/example-for-reading-a-list-of-files) and a few variants, but I keep getting an error that says: Errors loading flow variables into node : Coding issue: Cannot create URL of data file from \my_folder.

The Table Row To Variable Loop Start node will automatically create a variable out of the list passed on by the List Files node, so no need to create the My_list variable. Simply select the folder in the List Files node that you want to scan, add any filters and your loop will go through all of those outputs in the File Reader. Just choose for example the URL column in the File Reader node as the location of the files you want to read.

I just upgraded from Jabref 4.3.1 to 5.0.

I found that the function of copy the linked file of a selected entry to folder disappears. I could find it either in the File->copy linked file or via right-click menu.

I need this function just because I want to share the linked files with others. I organized the entries by group. But the linked files are organized by the Journal. It will be more convenient to share many papers under the same group.

It sounds like a very good function of JabRef, however, it does not work for me, I enter [groups:(unknown)] as a file directory pattern in the Preferences -> Import. Then cleanup entries and nothing happens (the attached pdf file in still in the primary file directory)

Linux does not use extensions. It is up to the creator of the file to decide whether the name should have an extension. Linux looks at the first few bytes to figure out what kind of file it is dealing with. 152ee80cbc

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