Alien Swarm is a multiplayer top-down shooter video game developed by Valve. It is a remake of a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004, and it was developed by the original team, who were hired by Valve during the course of the development process.[1][2]

Alien Swarm is a top-down shooter, where four players can join a single co-operative game, the aim of which is to progress through science fiction-themed levels while eliminating waves of aliens.[3] Players can choose from 40 different pieces of equipment, ranging from weapons like assault rifles to grenade launchers and offhand items like mines and healing beacons. The game includes persistent statistics, unlockable equipment, and achievements.[4]

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Before the mission, players can change their character's loadouts and offhand items. After each mission, experience points are gained. While leveling up, the players will unlock new weapons and items to use.[6] The mission involves the team advancing in the same general direction, often with multiple objectives to accomplish.[7] As they advance through the level, they will find certain key points blocking the progress, which are cleared through a variety of methods, from welding to shooting to hacking.[8] Meanwhile, many aliens (known as Swarm) will attack the players from all sides. Swarm can spawn unpredictably, and will often attack the players with mobs of enemies, as described by their name. There are many different types of Swarm, with different behaviors and attack patterns. Players can fight Swarm using many tools, including weapons, explosives, or using environmental hazards (e.g. explosive barrels).

In the game's only official campaign, Jacob's Rest, a swarm of invasive aliens have taken over a colonized planet in December 2052. Marines deployed by the Bloodhound dropship arrive to search for survivors and, if need be, to destroy the colony to prevent the aliens from spreading. The task force kills a large number of not only "normal" Swarm aliens, but alien eggs, large tumor-like growths, parasites and other creatures. They soon find out that the colonists have all been killed by the alien infestation. The marines then guide a thermonuclear bomb (originally meant for excavation purposes) through the complex and activate its timer. They return to the drop ship before the bomb detonates.[citation needed]

A Source engine sequel to the original Unreal Tournament 2004 mod was announced in 2005, under the title of Alien Swarm: Infested.[12] However, by late 2007, the development blog had stopped updating, leaving its status uncertain.

An Alien Swarm software development kit (SDK) including buildable source code was released alongside the game.[14][15] It is free to all users of Steam, rather than only to owners of existing Source games (as is the case with the 'mainline' Source SDK). This allows total conversion mods, which do not rely on content from other Valve games, to be free to all as well - a significant business decision that echoes the strategy of the Unreal Development Kit. The SDK and software license allows arbitrary usage and sharing but only for non-commercial purposes.[16]

The main gameplay loop is using weapons to kill alien bugs. Aliens explode into blood and gore when killed. Bloodied human corpses can be found in some missions, but there is no graphic human dismemberment. Friendly fire with explosives can cause marines to break apart into cartoon "gibs".

Profanity such as "shit" is used in voiced dialogue. Strong language is also used in some optional written content.

Photosensitivity warning: There are some community-made missions that use a strobe light effect.

The game prompts you to heal to counter it, and even on normal difficulty our Medic was going through 2 group heal beacons each time just to prevent death. I feel like either we're missing something or this is just a rather annoying game mechanic that feels a tad overtuned at the moment.

You can remove infestations by using the electric armor item. Its often a good idea for the "point" soldier to have this equipped during heavy infestation runs, but if you're having trouble in general having everyone equip it can significantly reduce the pain of swarm parasites.

No, there is no way other than massive healing. Note that this is to remain true to the original UT04 mod. You're supposed to avoid getting infested in the first place, rather than trying to cure it. After infestation you can only drop a couple healing beacons and hope for the best.

The  Alien Swarm - SDK, also known as Alien Swarm Authoring Tools, is a set of software utilities that allow you to create your own missions, weapons, aliens and other gameplay elements. They include versions of Source SDK tools that have been updated to work with the Alien Swarm version of the Source Engine. Unlike other branches and Authoring Tools starting from Left 4 Dead engine branch up to CS:GO engine branch, Alien Swarm Authoring Tools also ships with the game's source code for free.

Alien Swarm SourceWebsitesteampowered.comForumsteamcommunity.comAlien Swarm is a game and Source SDK release from a group of talented designers at Valve who were hired from independent Mod community developers Black Cat Games. Available free of charge, the game thrusts players into an epic bug hunt featuring a unique blend of co-op play and squad-level tactics. With your friends, form a squad of four distinct IAF Marine classes. Plan your attack using an unlockable arsenal of weapons with countless loadout configurations against a wide variety of aliens. Blaze your way through an overrun, off-world colony, eradicating the alien infestation in environments ranging from the icy planet's surface, to a subterranean lava-flooded mining facility.

Along with the game get the complete code base for Alien Swarm that features updates to the Source Engine as well as the SDK. Alien Swarm adds 3rd person camera, depth of field, improved dynamic shadows and a wide variety of gameplay additions to the Source engine.

Back when Unreal Tournament 2004 was the game of choice for modders, you may remember a little game called Alien Swarm. Well, the game and the team have come a long way since those days and the two have grown a great deal. The game itself has seen some significant improvements both in gameplay and especially in the visuals.

The game seems to take a lot of influence from the film Aliens with the overall feel and style of the game matching that of the film. The art has been kept fairly simplistic and not overdone with crazy normal maps, micro details and tonnes of flashy animated architecture. But this is why I believe the game looks great and plays so well.

The environments are mainly built up of long corridors, small rooms and tightly packed outdoor areas. This amplifies the suspense and puts the player on constant alert as you'll never know what will be coming around the corner or fall on you from the ceiling. The asset designs are very simple geometric shapes, bold and built in a modular fashion to support the tile-based editor that was used to create the levels.

There is some good use of dynamic props within the game such as collapsing doors, which you can use to kill enemy aliens but also kill yourself if you find yourself trapped under it. There are breakable objects scattered around the world that contain hidden items and ammo/health packs, exploding barrels and doors which you can weld shut to prevent enemies from swarming you from behind.

The lighting plays an important role in Alien Swarm as this creates the mood and atmosphere of the game. It is used to attract the eye of the viewer to lead them through the level, and importantly to obscure incoming enemies until it's too late and they have fallen upon you.

The character designs for the game aren't that creative, but since when are space marines considered a creative design? However, the designs have been tackled smartly, as you are able to differentiate the different classes based on their backpack design and the armour colour. Aside from those two differences, the character models are entirely identical.

Personally, I would have liked to see the characters look more like their thumbnail image counter-parts. This would have given them significantly more character and style.

The aliens designs aren't far from what you would expect from a top down third person game, but even with the simple and cliche designs, some thought has actually gone into them. As you encounter one enemy type, you will notice that they are very unique in the way they move, they attack and also the level of difficulty it takes to destroy them.

Now! This is where the fun begins! Not only is this game free to download from Steam... That's right! FREE! Upon download, Valve will supply you with the Alien Swarm SDK as well. This includes the entire source code for the game, the tools and the level editor so you can create your own custom levels and scenarios. Plus an update to the Source Engine which include a third person camera, depth of field, improved dynamic shadows and more.

Alien Swarm is out! And free! A four-player co-op alien-shooting game. What better choice for a four-person blogging team to Verdict? Except that Kieron's on a plane, and Alec's locked in a cell deep underground. So it fell to Jim and John to dispense the only correct thoughts and opinions anyone should have. Thanks to Phill and John G. for making up our numbers. Read our thoughts on the game below.

Jim:: Okay, so. Alien Swarm was a game I played at a LAN about five years ago. It was amazing fun because it was so intense. Really tooth-and-nail co-op experience. And now it seems it's back, with the same name, and all shiny and beautiful. A phoenix-like work of developmental magic. I can't really explain that. CAN YOU?

John:: I think it has something to do with the death of the Sun. I never played the mod, because mods aren't good enough for me. I only play proper games. But I've played an awful lot of Shadowgrounds.

Jim:: Yes, it's very much in that school of Oh-This-Is-Aliens-From-A-Top-Down-Perspective

John:: But unlike Shadowgrounds and others, this is four-player co-op. And without four, it's not really worth trying.

Jim:: And, sadly for Team 17, it makes Alien Breed Evolution look a bit stiff and uninspired. Which is a shame, because that's a fairly entertaining game.

John:: Yes. Valve making a free game in your genre must be a bit like entering a county fair chilli cooking contest, and finding out Anthony Bourdain is participating.

Jim:: So, we have some describing to do. Firstly, this game is free, so there's no reason not to try it. Secondly, it's co-opy. There's no real single player, but you can play it offline, taking control of all four soldiers independently. Playing it offline is missing the point, a bit, because this is meant to be the kind of game where you are hollering across voice-comms to panicking chums.

John:: You're meant to be screaming and shouting and laughing.

Jim:: Not that we panicked, because we are stone-cold logic-bots.

John:: Well, WE were. But Phill Cameron was there, gibbering like a new-born baby. And Hexapodium was like, "I can't carry on - there's too much wee wee in my pants."

Jim:: That's true. Our brothers in arms were blubbers in... fnnarmes.

John:: Qualms. 152ee80cbc

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