Follow the rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a photo composition principle that divides an image into thirds horizontally and vertically, creating nine squares and four places where the lines intersect. By turning on the grid feature on your phone and using the rule of thirds, you can help ensure your photos are straight and have good composition.

Inspect each room before you begin to take your Airbnb photos to ensure they are prepped and ready. Make sure the curtains or blinds in the living room are open, and that the coffee table has one or two magazines on it. For the bathroom, ensure the bathtub, shower, and sink have been thoroughly cleaned. You can add some candles around the bathroom, and some folded towels for a more luxurious feel. Ensure your kitchen countertops are sparkling, and that your pots, pans, and utensils are neatly arranged.

Download Airbnb Photos


Having great lighting in your Airbnb photos will make them look more professional. Natural light helps to enhance the contrast, depth, and colors of your property. When shooting photos for your Airbnb listing, first open the blinds and curtains to let in natural sunlight.

One thing that Airbnb photographers can overlook is that you should always turn on all the lights before shooting. Turning on the indoor lights will eliminate any dark corners from your Airbnb photos. It also provides your potential guests with a clear view of what your place has to offer.

Show the things that fill your property with personality and are there to make guests feel welcome. If you own collectibles, an outdoor shed, or have a veggie garden, add some photos of them to your listing. Guests want to see that your home has character and is more than just an upscale Airbnb property.

These types of photos will help attract specific types of guests to your property. You will likely earn more from certain demographics than others, so try to cater to your ideal guests in your photos.

Choose one photo from every room and area to upload first. This gives viewers an idea of what they can expect to see in your rental before browsing the pictures. Uploading your most attractive photos first will draw viewers in, and entice them to look at more.

Now that you know the basics of Airbnb photography and have prepared your rental for shooting, you need to ask yourself who will be taking your Airbnb pictures. Remember that your photos will be one of your primary factors driving bookings.

Although it helps to have high-tech equipment if you decide to go the DIY route, most smartphone cameras can also take high-res images suitable for professional photography. Utilizing an editing tool can help to sharpen and polish your photos.

In addition to enhancing your photos, an editing tool like Picsart can also help you get creative with your images. The AI picture generator feature uses artificial intelligence to apply unique styles and filters to your photos, allowing you to create one-of-a-kind art pieces that are sure to stand out.

Adobe Lightroom for mobile. Adobe Lightroom is one of the most popular editing apps for professional photographers. The app comes with a built-in camera that can take photos through your phone, which you can then edit and adjust for exposure, aperture, etc.

Creating gorgeous, eye-catching Airbnb photos to upload to your rental listing is a sure way to guarantee ongoing bookings and inquiries. Another way to drive business growth is to automate repetitive, time-consuming tasks. Vacation rental software, like iGMS, sets your short-term rental business on autopilot, allowing you to focus on business development and scaling. With iGMS on your side, you can:

I have recently had Airbnb professional photos uploaded to my site. I'm quite happy with the photos overall, but would like to take out a few and leave a few of my photos of details that the photographer didn't make. I'm having trouble making up my mind which photos make the best combination, so I decided to ask airbnb support how to go about it.

Since I couldn't find a "deleted photos" button/ option, or "undeleted" button/option, and I was transfered to another Airbnb assistant due to time lapsed, who pointed me to the photo upload instruction article, which I use quite efficiently, but is completely irrelevant.

My thinking is that I was given wrong instructions that are for the administrators. This would mean that the photos are stored somewhere on the Airbnb database. It should not be such a big deal to give us access to our photos which would enable us to retrieve (or undelete) deleted photos.

@Letti0 she did not say anything about Airbnb plus. In my experience with professional photography courtesy Airbnb, the photos appear on your listing, and you can delete/replace, but they do not give you any other copies. I got mine via a website scrape, but it's not trivial to do... and once they are deleted, I think they are gone.

Part of the problem is light. Even the brighter rooms in my apartment look a bit dim or have weird shadows. And part of the problem is camera quality - I took most of our listing photos on my phone.

I would like to be able to add photos to our house manual. I can't see where this has been suggested recently, though admittedly I did not slog through pages and pages of host-voice suggestions (though I did browse at least 5 pages worth of suggestions).

I need to add photos to the house manual to enable guests to accurately find our driveway. Our written directions are fairly clear, but we've found that photos paired with written directions have made it easier for folks and decreases any misunderstanding of where the driveway for our listing is located. I don't want to add these photos to the actual listing; they would clutter the listing and they serve no real purpose except to confirmed guests. Currently I am sending photos to guests through Airbnb messages. This is unwieldy and I'm worried this may be annoying to guests to receive multiple photo messages (you can't attach several photos to one message; each photo sends individually....another issue that could be corrected.....)

Another reason to add photos to the house manual would be to provide photo explanations of things like a/c or hot water operations, if those things are tricky. In our case, we have a switch panel in the RV that contols the awning, etc. At this time, I'm not comfortable having guests check themselves in due to the need to make sure they understand how to operate everything. If we could add pictures to the house manual, I would be more at ease with guest self-check in (though we would probably still make sure we checked with guests in person within a short time of their arrival).

I saw this feature advertise in the airbnb blog but I do not have it. I have look in my iphone and Ipad apps and in the pc and nothing. I can get to the check in instructions and mark the kind of self check in I offer but no options from there. Any word?

My photographer told me to find out the optimal size and resolution to submit my photos in. He said if I submit images that are too large/high res they will loose clarity if they need to be reduced . My new photos are absolutely spectacular. 

The best case would be if the AirBnb service would skip resizing given that the image was beneath a certain file size threshold and the max resolution. That would mean we could upload 1440x960 images directly without any alteration, fine-tuning the quality parameters for the file size threshold. I remember that Facebook's image upload used to work like this in past, so if you knew what you were doing you could bypass the quality deteriorating resizing process and get far better looking photos.

I use Photoshop to resize and adjust lighting for my photos. However that is not something that everyone knows how to do. There are some free or cheap programs like Gimp that all some photo resizing and enhancing. That said, I am still looking for the format. I believe horizontal or vertical will work but the verticals will not appear as large.

Aw photography can be the best thing, but it can sometimes cause a headache. I am not sure if you have seen this Help Center article regarding uploading photos. It says to have photos of at least 1024 x 683px to get a good resolution example of your listing, so perhaps this is a good base to work from.

And Considering AirBnB payf for professional photographers to make photos for hosts, it seems strange that they then turn around an decrease the quality of those photos to the point were people start complaiing.

Also AirBnB is competing with other sites like VRBO, home away, expedia... etc. so having good photos is actually benefitial to them as they would get more bookings due to the percieved higher quality that photos in high resolution will provide.

The system will handle photos under 2 Mgs but still gives good results with photo size down to 700Kbs. This photo is currently at 828Kbs it has been resized to 1808 x 1356 using the 're-size' option in 'Windows' Paint.

If you cannot get the perfect picture through natural lighting, free apps such as Snapseed and Lightroom can do the trick. Adjust the exposure and contrast or add a filter to your images to make them stand out. Once again, remember not to edit the photos too much or create an inaccurate portrayal of your home.

Under each photo, include a caption that describes what the photo is about. First, include what room is portrayed in the image, such as the master or guest bedroom. Next, highlight the unique features that the photo is capturing. Many hosts also quote their best reviews and include them in the captions of their photos. ff782bc1db

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