Tenable Nessus Agents are lightweight, low-footprint programs that you install locally on hosts to supplement traditional network-based scanning or to provide visibility into gaps that traditional scanning misses. Tenable Nessus Agents collect vulnerability, compliance, and system data, and report that information back to a manager for analysis. With Tenable Nessus Agents, you extend scan flexibility and coverage. You can scan hosts and endpoints that intermittently connect to the internet without using credentials. You can also run large-scale concurrent agent scans with little network impact.

In a nutshell, traditional active scans originate from a Tenable Nessus scanner that reaches out to the hosts targeted for scanning, while agent scans run on hosts regardless of network location or connectivity and then report the results back to the manager (for example, Tenable Nessus Manager or Tenable Vulnerability Management) when network connectivity resumes.

Download Agent Tenable

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If traditional Tenable Nessus scanning is adequate for your environment and requirements, you may not need to use agents. However, for most organizations, Tenable recommends a combination of agents and traditional scanning to ensure full visibility into the entire network.

2 years later and this fix still holds true! I was able to unhide the real .NessusAgent.pkg and remove the . from it to unhide, uploaded it into Jamf Pro and successfully rolled out the agent after. Thanks @arekdreyer.

What is the best way to get the Nessus Tenable.io agent deployment to macOS? Can I keep it as a .dmg or do I need to convert it into a .pkg with composer? How do I push the nessuscli information out? Would that be done through a script, or do I need to do something fancy with that?

Below command only partly downloaded the filewget --no-check-certificate --post-data='accept="I accept the terms of this license"&x=""&sid=5mcia8gchg28attkc9oarah153&p=NessusAgent-7.4.2-amzn.x86_64.rpm' ' -agents' -O NessusAgent-7.4.2-amzn.x86_64.rpm

i am trying to uninstall Nessus Agent from multiple machines and task is running fine and i can see it deletes the reg and the agent itself but status of the task stuck on running . here is the line i am using.

Is anyone using Tenable Nessus agent in their environment? Have you noticed any issues with throughput for your backups? I ask because we have it installed on our Commvault servers and it is affecting the network but I'm being told that Nessus agent does not interfere with day to day operations. I ran a library throughput trend report with Nessus agent installed, uninstalled and reinstalled, there definitely is a issue there. Anyone else having similar issues?

@Damian Andre - We did have issue with a SQL server job where when the Nessus agent was removed the backups completed within minutes versus hours. I certain there is a correlation there but need to go through the channels to get a resolution.

@Tenzin I did have similar issues with Tenable Nessus before (about a year ago). Had always backed up different servers, various agents just fine prior the introduction of Nessus. Tenable Nessus was implemented and I started seeing CV ports being "scanned/blocked" interrupting CV Backup connection.

I`d say, select maybe 2 / 3 different agents you are having issues and create a total exclusion from Nessus, run a backup. It is likely you will see success. Grab the logs, enable Nessus and run another backup and compare the logs, see if you can spot any of the errors below and analyze with your security team.

Curious is anyone has seen this or how people are dealing with it. My understanding is that the SEM agent doesn't actually use any of the vulnerable classes in Log4j but Tenable is flagging the files based on version number which right now is 1.x which is out of support so it's flagged as a vulnerability. Whether or not it's exploitable doesn't really matter to our security team which wants us to somehow address this.

The agent hasn't installed

It is possible that your original install command contained errors (wrong filename, wrong path, name / NESSUS_NAME etc) so we would recommend going back and trying the installation process again.

Your system cannot reach out to tenable

You need to check that you are connected to the internet and that the agent can reach out to cloud.tenable.com on port 443. (This is the only relevant firewall rule). When you are certain that the system is connected to the internet, try running the command again. If it still says "not linked to a manager" then you will need to try the installation process again.

An internet proxy/filter is getting in the way

The agent cannot connect to the manager, this could be due to internal network controls such as an outbound proxy. If your environment has these types of controls, please refer to documentation here, and use the proxy parameters on install to ensure the agent connects to the manager via the proxy.

For anyone who uses Tenable cloud for vulnerability monitoring, this may be a huge help to you. Sometimes, the Nessus agents on remote machines will stop communicating with the Tenable cloud. What I have found in each instance is that the database has become corrupt. To verify this is the issue, you can run 'nessusd -R' from c:\Program Files\tenable\nessus agent\ on the affected machine. This command shows the version number and forces it to update as well. If it is experiencing the issue as noted above, it will say so in the command prompt. If you have a lot of remote agents, you probably do not want to log into each one to fix it, and simply reinstalling does not do the trick. To fix, follow the steps below:

Once the service is started, it will automatically generate the agent.db file again.

This took a little time to figure out, but after I nailed it down it only took a few minutes to fix about 17 machines that were not reporting back to our Tenable cloud.

Use Tenable.io agent groups to organize and manage the agents linked to the Tenable.io. Scans can use agent groups as targets. For more details about Tenable.io agent groups, see Tenable.io online documentation.

This script assumes you are using Tenable IO to manage your nessus agents deployed to endpoints, and you are curl'ing your nessus .dmg file from a Google drive folder that is publicly accessible. Modify as needed, then configure as a Command that runs as root.

Les agents Nessus Agent sont essentiels pour aider  protger les terminaux distants contre de dangereuses vulnrabilits et mauvaises configurations. Cet article offre des conseils pour faciliter le dploiement d'agents  grande chelle.

Alors que les entreprises ragissent  la pandmie de COVID-19 en permettant  un grand nombre d'employs de travailler  domicile, les quipes de scurit doivent s'assurer que leurs appareils IT ne prsentent pas de risques excessifs lorsqu'ils se connectent aux rseaux d'entreprise. Les scans avec agent constituent un outil essentiel pour acqurir une visibilit sur les vulnrabilits, les mauvaises configurations et d'autres problmes de scurit des appareils distants. Cependant, les quipes de scurit et IT font face  la mme difficult : savoir comment configurer et dployer au mieux des agents sans accs physique  l'appareil en question.

Vous dbutez avec les scripts d'agent ? Les services de conseil Tenable ont publi plusieurs articles pour dployer des agents via les plateformes courantes de configuration et de dploiement. Notez que Tenable ne fournit pas d'assistance pour les logiciels tiers mentionns ci-dessous. Ces exemples sont fournis  titre indicatif et doivent tre modifis pour tre adapts aux procdures oprationnelles de votre entreprise.

Friction can develop between development, operations, and security teams as the business strives for greater agility in building software. One leading cause of friction between these teams stems from vulnerability management requirements such as scanning agent installation and maintenance.

Please do not save a copy of the installation instructions as information such as the Tenable Vulnerability Management linking key can change. Attempting to install the Nessus agent with the incorrect linking key will result in failed agent registration.

One of our departments wants to avoid providing us root access for their Linux clients. The idea would be to use the Tenable agent on the client in order to get full scan results. What are the advantages, and especially disadvantages, for the scan results when using the scanning agent? 006ab0faaa

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