You are okay. Some may argue, but this is not a bad bot. I research these things as part of my research and while I do have a lot of activity from, I do not have any bad bot activity doing a quick search.

This should be okay to block if you do not want Russian traffic. Otherwise, is said to follow robots.txt and I do not see any problems after doing a quick check of my database. It seems to be well behaved.

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RFC 2616 states that the Accept header SHOULD be present in all requests. Note that this isn't an absolute requirement, so a user-agent is still conditionally compliant (as defined in the RFC) if it doesn't send this header.

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I have been into DB mail and set that up with a profile/account and sent a test email with no problem.

We have code that uses sp_send_dbmail and that works fine too.

Operators are set up with the correct email addresses.

We use SQL Sentry and this sends us emailed alerts as and when required for the new server.

The thing is that I will get a daily email (spawned from SQl Sentry) to warn me that "Database Mail is not enabled for agentnotifications. Cannot send e-mail to xxx"

The tool is sometimes referred to as "Mail.Ru", "Mail.Ru ?????", "Mail.Ru ???????". Magent.exe,.ru.exe,, Mail.Ru.exe or Mail.Ru Agent.exe are the common file names to indicate this program's installer.

so my pc has gotten a malware and i have tried multiple things to remove it , i deleted files from regedit , local temp , uninstalled from uninstall/remove programs but yet google chrome is infected. Every site i go i get a shit ton of ads ( it doesnt happen in mozilla etc) ( my search engine is google etc i have deleted specific page and anything there is said in google but it doesnt help it) , thanks in advance :/

Ivan Smirnov, Oleg Malafeyev, Yuri Kuperin, Irina Zaitseva, Marina Leshcheva, Tatiana Uryadova; Investigation of multi-agent interaction processes in socio-demographic systems. AIP Conf. Proc. 1 November 2022; 2647 (1): 020027.

The article provides a conceptual description of the structural-demographic theory and examples of its mathematical implementation. The method of multi-agent modeling is described. As a test of the structural-demographic theory, a multi-agent system of demographic-structural interactions, including the state, is pro-posed. The proposed method opens up a wide range of studies of the influence of culture, ideology, and information wars on internal and geopolitical dynamics.

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The RePEc plagiarism page Simulation of the socio-economic system of the Eurasian continent using the agent-based modelsValerii Makarov (Obfuscate( '', 'makarov' )), Albert Bakhtizin (Obfuscate( '', 'albert.bakhtizin' )), Elena Sushko (Obfuscate( '', 'sushko_e' )) and Alina Ageeva (Obfuscate( '', 'ageevaalina' ))

Additional contact information 

Valerii Makarov: Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation

Albert Bakhtizin: Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation

Elena Sushko: Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation

Alina Ageeva: Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Moscow, Russian FederationApplied Econometrics, 2017, vol. 48, 122-139Abstract:In the paper we describe the construction of an agent-based model of the countries of Eurasia, imitating the basic processes of population movement in these countries, their economies, as well as the consequences of implementing large projects as a result of the actions of many independent agents. There are two types of agents in the model: a) countries that are capable of lobbying for the implementation of projects, and b) people who live in these countries, who create families that choose the type of activity and place of residence. The results of a computer experiment are presented. In the simulations the countries were choosing the route of the New Silk Road from a set of predefined options, taking into account their own interests, as well as the influence of international unions. Keywords: agent-based modelling; software; demography; demand and supply of labor; international migration; labour migration; project analysis.Keywords: agent-based modelling; software; demography; demand and supply of labor; international migration; labour migration; project analysis (search for similar items in EconPapers)

JEL-codes: C53 C63 C88 F22 J11 J20 O22 (search for similar items in EconPapers)

Date: 2017

References: View references in EconPapers View complete reference list from CitEc 

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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Anatoly Peresetsky (Obfuscate( '', 'p.ekonometrika' )). var addthis_config = {"data_track_clickback":true}; var addthis_share = { url:" :ris:apltrx:0334"}Share This site is part of RePEc and all the data displayed here is part of the RePEc data set. Is your work missing from RePEc? Here is how to contribute. Questions or problems? Check the EconPapers FAQ or send mail to Obfuscate( '', 'econpapers' ). EconPapers is hosted by the rebro University School of Business.

of material, energy and labor resources while ensuring its high quality. Concrete technology currently has a wide range of tools to reduce resource intensity without compromising its technical properties. One of these tools is the use of active mineral fillers in concrete mixes in combination with effective plasticizing agent. There is a large amount of experimental and theoretical studies in this direction, and considerable practical experience has been gained in the use of fillers and additives such as gliege and electrothermophosphoric slag. As a result, significant economy of cement, increase in strength and durability, improvement of a number of other properties of concrete has been observed [1].

Concrete mix with mineral fillers and AFR additives in a wide range of workability have less water demand at sand-rubble ratio r = 0.33. Plasticizing effect of the combined use ofAFR additive and coarse-dispersed fillers is manifested due to decrease in total surface of contact, depending on initial mobility of concrete mix. So, as one would expect, water demand of concrete mixes with mobility of concrete mixes equal to 2.6, 10 and 20 cm with slag (gliege) fillers in the amount of 25 and 50% at the consumption of binding agent 290, 370

agent substantially depends on the adsorption activity of the filler. For example, water demand of a mix with slag is 5-10% less than with gliege, which is explained by the greater activity of the latter. The influence of quantitative content of coarse-dispersed fillers on water demand is manifested depending on the flow rate of binding agent in concrete mix. So, at a binder consumption of 370 and 450 kg/m3, an increase in fillers content from 25 to 50% contributes to a reduction in water demand of concrete mix, regardless of initial workability. At a consumption rate of binding agent 290 kg/m3, water demand of concrete mix with 50% of filling agent is slightly higher than at 25%. This increase in water demand is explained by the fact that in a mix with such content of binding agent the proportion of sand (its wetting ability is significantly higher than that of gliege or slag) increases.

Water content of concrete mix is favorably affected by relative increase in the strength of concrete with mineral filler. The greater the amount of water in initial composition of the mix, the higher the increase in strength. It. This can probably be explained by the fact that when the active clinker part of cement is replaced by mineral fillers, conditions are created for greater hydration of the binding agent and as a result less un-responded particles of the binder remain in the cement stone. On the other hand, the presence of a large amount of water in concrete provides favorable conditions for the hardening of the mixed binder in a moist environment. So, if the increase in the strength of concrete with gliege (slag) at the consumption of a binder of 290, 370 and 450 kg/m3 and sand-rubble ratio 0.5 and the mobility of concrete mix 2 cm is 15-35, respectively, then the increase in cast concrete is 35-43%. At an increase in fillers up to 50%, the strength of concrete with 0.15% ofAFR obtained from concrete mixes with mobility of 2-20 cm and binder consumption of290-450 kg/m3 reaches the values of reference concrete [4; 5]. 2351a5e196

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