By extension, academia has come to mean the accumulation, development and transmission of knowledge across generations as well as its practitioners and transmitters. In the 17th century, British, Italian and French scholars used the term to describe types of institutions of higher learning.

In Europe, the academy dates to the ancient Greeks and Romans in the pre-Christian era. Newer universities were founded in the 12th and 13th centuries, and the European institution of academia took shape. Monks and priests moved out of monasteries to cathedral cities and other towns where they opened the first schools dedicated to advanced study.

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Academic societies or learned societies began as groups of academics who worked together or presented their work to each other. These informal groups later became organized and in many cases state-approved. Membership was restricted, usually requiring approval of the current members and often total membership was limited to a specific number. The Royal Society founded in 1660 was the first such academy. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences was begun in 1780 by many of the same people prominent in the American Revolution. Academic societies served both as a forum to present and publish academic work, the role now served by academic publishing, and as a means to sponsor research and support academics, a role they still serve. Membership in academic societies is still a matter of prestige in modern academia.

Academies proliferated in the 20th century until even a three-week series of lectures and discussions would be termed an "academy". In addition, the generic term "the academy" is sometimes used to refer to all of academia, which is sometimes considered a global successor to the academy of Athens.

During the Age of Enlightenment in 18th-century Europe, the academy started to change in Europe. In the beginning of the 19th century Wilhelm von Humboldt not only published his philosophical paper On the Limits of State Action, but also directed the educational system in Prussia for a short time. He introduced an academic system that was much more accessible to the lower classes. Humboldt's Ideal was an education based on individuality, creativity, wholeness, and versatility. Many continental European universities are still rooted in these ideas (or at least pay lip-service to them). They are, however, in contradiction to today's massive trend of specialization in academia.

Most academic institutions reflect the divide of the disciplines in their administrative structure, being divided internally into departments or programs in various fields of study. Each department is typically administered and funded separately by the academic institution, though there may be some overlap and faculty members, research and administrative staff may in some cases be shared among departments. In addition, academic institutions generally have an overall administrative structure (usually including a president and several deans) which is controlled by no single department, discipline, or field of thought. Also, the tenure system, a major component of academic employment and research in the US, serves to ensure that academia is relatively protected from political and financial pressures on thought.

Within academia, diverse constituent groups have diverse, and sometimes conflicting, goals. In the contemporary academy several of these conflicts are widely distributed and common. A salient example of conflict is that between the goal to improve teaching quality and the goal to reduce costs. The conflicting goals of professional education programs and general education advocates currently are playing out in the negotiation over accreditation standards.For example, the goals of research for profit and for the sake of knowledge often conflict to some degree.[citation needed]

Gowns have been associated with academia since the birth of the university in the 14th and 15th centuries, perhaps because most early scholars were priests or church officials. Over time, the gowns worn by degree-holders have become standardized to some extent, although traditions in individual countries and even institutions have established a diverse range of gown styles, and some have ended the custom entirely, even for graduation ceremonies.

Simply dropping in a link to a YouTube video or other external content that is not of general interest to academia is not allowed. Provide context with external content and stay to disuss or post elsewhere. Posts simply intended to provoke, frequent link-dropping, or similar will be removed.

In my opinion, succeeding in academia is difficult with the cut-throat competition and the discrimination against candidates from marginalized communities, even without toxic professors and lab members.

My expectations of academia were low based on the experiences of previous students, especially those with disabilities and/or Asian students, who had often faced accessibility issues and racism in being selected for research labs, conference travel grants, etc.

As my first year progressed, I began to observe a number of similarities between academia and clinical practice, and places where mental health could be impacted. I also began to think about the strategies I had used over the years in clinical practice to protect my own mental health, and I gave serious consideration to how I could put those strategies into use in my academic career.

For the 11th consecutive year, the Beyond Academia Conference will gather panels, workshops, andkeynote lectures aimed at PhD professional development and careers outside of academia.Registration is free and open to graduate students and postdocs at any institution.Register now!

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is committed to maintaining a strong working relationship with European academics and researchers. Collaboration between the Agency and academia is necessary for the Agency to be prepared for future challenges and opportunities offered by advances in science and technology. The Agency has targeted engagement with academia, learned societies and research groups in a range of areas.

EMA is involved in a number of research projectstag_hash_108with academia, learned societiestag_hash_109and research groups, as part of its mission to foster scientific excellence in the evaluation and supervision of medicines. EMA believes that performing research following the regulatory standards brings public health benefits.

For more than 20 years, the Council on Linkages has enhanced collaboration between academia and practice within public health. Accomplishments of the Council on Linkages have helped to strengthen the public health workforce.

Women faculty are more likely to leave academia than men faculty throughout all career stages in U.S. universities, CU Boulder researchers revealed in the most comprehensive analysis of retention in academia to date.

The team published the findings Oct. 20 in the journal Science Advances. The researchers found that a harsh workplace climate, which can include harassment and feelings of not belonging, was the most common reason women left academia. This attrition affects not only early-career professionals but also those who have achieved the highest ranks in universities, the study found.

Many studies investigated faculty retention only among assistant professors, in STEM fields, or at high-prestige institutions, due to the difficulties in finding and reaching faculty who left academia.

The researchers found women are leaving academia at a higher rate than men at every career stage, especially after they receive full professorship. During their appointment as assistant professors, women are 6% more likely to leave their jobs than men each year. The attrition rate is higher among full professors, where women professors are 19% more likely to leave academia than men each year.

The team also surveyed more than 10,000 current and former faculty members for factors that led or could lead to their decision to leave a faculty job. The result showed women are more likely to feel pushed by a variety of factors out of their faculty positions, while men are more likely to be pulled toward more attractive jobs elsewhere. The most common reasons women, especially tenured women, reported for leaving academia were harsh workplace climates, which can include dysfunctional leadership, harassment, discrimination and feelings of not belonging.

While previous research has suggested that women are more likely to leave academia in pursuit of better work-life balance, the new paper found that male faculty were about as likely to leave for this reason.

There is a strong link between the neoliberalisation of higher education over the last 20 years and the psychological hell now endured by its staff and students. While academia was once thought of as the best job in the world - one that fosters autonomy, craft, intrinsic job satisfaction and vocational zeal - you would be hard-pressed to find a lecturer who believes that now.

Also, can we safely assume that PhD graduates are only interested in positions at universities? It would be useful to know what proportion of PhDs are employed in other sectors outside of academia, and whether any shifts are apparent. (Not that these alternatively pathways necessarily impact on the over-supply of PhDs.)

A conclusion from your article could be perhaps that academia is then a highly organized and efficient system, that could serve as a model for another tyoe of enterprises. In that, I think you are absolutely correct. Many of your other assumptions and conclusions leave out the fact that many in academia have studied a lifetime to become professors at higher education institutions because someone knowledgeable and worthy of admiration inspired them to do so. Many dedicated professors absolutely love teaching and making a difference in the intellectual and economic life of their students. Many become disappointed because they want the big bucks in return for their years of study without a purpose. If their objective was the big bucks and a research position in a big university, well, welcome to the reality that they are probably not yet fit for those positions.. Academia does not ressemble a drug gang. Criminals are not stupid, they modeled their unholy business from a system that has proven efficient until now, not the other way around. 2351a5e196

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