A bio-inspired design strategy is a statement and/or sketch that articulates that function and mechanism without using biological terms. ABSTRACT Carefully study the essential features or mechanisms that make the biological strategies successful. Use plain language to write down your understanding of how the features work, using sketches to ensure accurate comprehension. The goal of creating a design strategy is to make it easier to translate lessons from biology into design solutions. Design strategies describe how the biological strategy works without relying on biological terms. This makes cross-disciplinary collaboration easier because a design strategy focuses on function and mechanism without the baggage of potentially unfamiliar biological terms.

Then we talked about Abstraction, which in the art world indicates a departure from reality. This departure from accurate representation can be only slight, or it can be partial, or it can be complete. Jane brought up the Tree series by Piet Mondrian as an example of varying degrees of abstraction.

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With responsibilities that span production operations and product engineering, SRE is in a unique position to align business case requirements and operational costs. Product engineering teams may not be aware of the maintenance cost of systems they design, especially if that product team is building a single component that factors into a greater production ecosystem.

This chapter presents a NALSD approach: we begin with the problem statement, gather requirements, and iterate through designs that become increasingly sophisticated until we reach a viable solution. Ultimately, we arrive at a system that defends against many failure modes and satisfies both the initial requirements and additional details that emerged as we iterated.

This AdWords example aims to design a system capable of measuring and reporting an accurate CTR for every AdWords ad. The data we need to calculate CTR is recorded in logs of the search and ad serving systems. These logs record the ads that are shown for each search query and the ads that are clicked, respectively.

Google uses an iterative approach to design systems that meet our goals. Each iteration defines a potential design and examines its strengths and weaknesses. This analysis either feeds into the next iteration or indicates when the design is good enough to recommend.

While we generally cover these phases and questions in this approximate order, in practice, we bounce around between the questions and phases. For example, during the basic design phase, we often have growth and scaling in the back of our minds.

Then we iterate. One design may successfully pass most of the phases, only to flounder later. When that happens, we start again, modifying or replacing components. The final design is the end of a story of twists and turns.

We know our advertisers care about two things: that the dashboard displays quickly, and that the data is recent. Therefore, when iterating on the design, we will consider our requirements in terms of SLOs (see Implementing SLOs for more details):

These SLOs provide a reasonable goal that we should be able to consistently meet. They also provide an error budget (see Chapter 4 in Site Reliability Engineering), which we will compare our solution against in each iteration of the design.

If we have more than a few advertisers, scanning through the query log and the click log to generate the dashboard will be very inefficient. Therefore, our design calls for our one machine to create an appropriate data structure to allow fast CTR calculations as it receives the logs. On a single machine, using an SQL database with indexes on query_id and search_term should be able to provide answers in under a second. By joining these logs on query_id and grouping by search_term, we can report the CTR for each search.

Our LogJoiner design showed that we can join our query logs and click logs, but the resulting volume of data is very large. If we divide the work into shards based on query_id, we can run multiple LogJoiners in parallel.

Evaluation. Hosting the sharded components in one datacenter creates a single point of failure: if either the right unlucky pair of machines or the datacenter is disconnected, we lose all the ClickMap work, and user dashboards stop working entirely! We need to evolve our design to use more than one datacenter.

NALSD describes the iterative process of system design that Google uses for production systems. By breaking down software into logical components and placing these components into a production ecosystem with reliable infrastructure, we arrive at systems that provide reasonable and appropriate targets for data consistency, system availability, and resource efficiency. The practice of NALSD allows us to improve our design without starting anew for each iteration. While various design iterations presented in this chapter satisfied our original problem statement, each iteration revealed new requirements, which we could meet by extending our previous work.

Enhance your manuscript and research paper with a visual abstract that summarizes the main findings of your research in a single and concise visual representation. Our experienced designers create academic-level designs that are ready to submit and publish alongside your article.

You can provide us with your drafted manuscript and chosen journal. One of our content experts will work with you to understand your research, then our illustrators create your graphical abstract that you can then submit to the journal with your manuscript. The final file you receive is a high-resolution file and formatted to the artwork guidelines of your chosen journal.

From what I have been reading, I see that the factory method pattern allows you to define how to create a single concrete product but hiding the implementation from the client as they will see a generic product. My first question is about the abstract factory. Is its role to allow you to create families of concrete objects in (that can depend on what specific factory you use) rather than just a single concrete object? Does the abstract factory only return one very large object or many objects depending on what methods you call?

The main difference between a "factory method" and an "abstract factory" is that the factory method is a method, and an abstract factory is an object. I think a lot of people get these two terms confused, and start using them interchangeably. I remember that I had a hard time finding exactly what the difference was when I learnt them.

What they're saying is that there is an object A, who wants to make a Foo object. Instead of making the Foo object itself (e.g., with a factory method), it's going to get a different object (the abstract factory) to create the Foo object.

Abstract factory creates a base class with abstract methods defining methods for the objects that should be created. Each factory class which derives the base class can create their own implementation of each object type.

In the example below we design an interface so that we can decouple queue creation from a messaging system and can therefore create implementations for different queue systems without having to change the code base.

The difference is that the intended purpose of the class containing a factory method is not to create objects, while an abstract factory should only be used to create objects.

I have explained here both Factory method pattern and abstract factory pattern beginning with not using them explaining issues and then solving issues by using the above patterns -Patterns/tree/master

1. My first question is about the abstract factory. Is its role to allow you to create families of concrete objects in (that can depend on what specific factory you use) rather than just a single concrete object?

Let us put it clear that most of the time in production code, we use abstract factory pattern because class A is programmed with interface B. And A needs to create instances of B. So A has to have a factory object to produce instances of B. So A is not dependent on any concrete instance of B. Hope it helps.

Helps to work with next generation of family members. Every painter has his own style like Impressionism, Surrealism... Factory Method uses abstract Creator as Factory(abstract method) and Concrete Creators are realizations of this method

Here important points: 1. Factory & AbstractFactory mechanisms must use inheritance (System.Object-> byte, float ...); so if you have inheritance in program then Factory(Abstract Factory would not be there most probably) is already there by design 2. Creator (MyFactory) knows about concrete type so returns concrete type object to caller(Main); In abstract factory return type would be an Interface.

Important points: 1. Requirement: Honda would create "Regular", "Sports" but Hero would create "DarkHorse", "Sports" and "Scooty". 2. why two interfaces? One for manufacturer type(IVehicleFactory) and another for product factory(IVehicle); other way to understand 2 interfaces is abstract factory is all about creating related objects 2. The catch is the IVehicleFactory's children returning and IVehicle(instead of concrete in factory); so I get parent variable(IVehicle); then I create actual concrete type by calling CreateSingleVehicle and then casting parent object to actual child object. What would happen if I do RegularBike heroRegularBike = (RegularBike)hero.CreateSingleVehicle("Regular");; you will get ApplicationException and that's why we need generic abstract factory which I would explain if required. Hope it helps from beginner to intermediate audience.

The client code has to work with both factories and products via their respective abstract interfaces. This lets you change the type of a factory that you pass to the client code, as well as the product variant that the client code receives, without breaking the actual client code. ff782bc1db

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