There is not always a clear distinction between tracing and other forms of logging, except that the term tracing is almost never applied to logging that is a functional requirement of a program (therefore excluding logging of data from an external source, such as data acquisition in a high-energy physics experiment, and write-ahead logging). Logs that record program usage (such as a server log) or operating-system events primarily of interest to a system administrator (see for example Event Viewer) fall into a terminological gray area.

Difficulties in making a clear distinction between event logging and software tracing arise from the fact that some of the same technologies are used for both, and further because many of the criteria that distinguish between the two are continuous rather than discrete. The following table lists some important, but by no means precise or universal, distinctions that are used by developers to select technologies for each purpose, and that guide the separate development of new technologies in each area:

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Software tracing provides developers with information useful for debugging. This information is used both during development cycles and after the release of the software. Unlike event logging, software tracing usually does not have the concept of a "class" of event or an "event code". Other reasons why event-logging solutions based on event codes are inappropriate for software tracing include:

Another important consideration for software tracing is performance. Because software tracing is low-level, the possible volume of trace messages is much higher. To address performance concerns, it often must be possible to turn off software tracing, either at compile-time or run-time.

tracing also offers a number of macros with preset verbosity levels.The trace!, debug!, info!, warn!, and error! behavesimilarly to the event! macro, but with the Level argument alreadyspecified, while the corresponding trace_span!, debug_span!,info_span!, warn_span!, and error_span! macros are the same,but for the span! macro.

Users of the log crate should note that tracing exposes a set ofmacros for creating Events (trace!, debug!, info!, warn!, anderror!) which may be invoked with the same syntax as the similarly-namedmacros from the log crate. Often, the process of converting a project touse tracing can begin with a simple drop-in replacement.

In order to record trace events, executables have to use a Subscriberimplementation compatible with tracing. A Subscriber implements away of collecting trace data, such as by logging it to standard output.

In addition to tracing and tracing-core, the tokio-rs/tracing repositorycontains several additional crates designed to be used with the tracing ecosystem.This includes a collection of Subscriber implementations, as well as utilityand adapter crates to assist in writing Subscribers and instrumentingapplications.

log: causes trace instrumentation points to emit log records as wellas trace events, if a default tracing subscriber has not been set. Thisis intended for use in libraries whose users may be using either tracingor log.

log-always: Emit log records from all tracing spans and events, evenif a tracing subscriber has been set. This should be set only byapplications which intend to collect traces and logs separately; if anadapter is used to convert log records into tracing events, this willcause duplicate events to occur.

From April 2020 to December 2021, the Community Tracing Collaborative (CTC) supported local health departments in their contact tracing work on behalf of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The goal of the CTC was to assist local health departments and reach out to people who tested positive for COVID-19 and their close contacts, making sure they received the support they needed to isolate, quarantine, or get tested.

Actually, You can consider adaptive sampling to be a automatic branched path tracing. In branched path tracing you assign different samples to different kinds of materials, in the end that is assigning different sample counts to different part of the image. Adaptive sampling is doing roughly the same thing but better.

So branched path tracing and adaptive sampling are both assigning different samples to different parts of your imageBut adaptive sampling does it better because it actually dynamically look at the noise level of your image.

Well, if you have such a deep rendering technology knowledge to be 100% certain that adaptive sampling will never match up to branched path tracing, then you have sufficient knowledge to write your own renderer, probably far better than Cycles.

Distributed tracing allows developers to obtain visualizations of call flows in large serviceoriented architectures. It can be invaluable in understanding serialization, parallelism, andsources of latency. Envoy supports three features related to system wide tracing:

Request ID generation: Envoy will generate UUIDs when needed and populate thex-request-id HTTP header. Applications can forward thex-request-id header for unified logging as well as tracing. The behavior can be configured on aper HTTP connection managerbasis using an extension.

Envoy provides the capability for reporting tracing information regarding communications betweenservices in the mesh. However, to be able to correlate the pieces of tracing information generatedby the various proxies within a call flow, the services must propagate certain trace context betweenthe inbound and outbound requests.

The tracing providers also require additional context, to enable the parent/child relationshipsbetween the spans (logical units of work) to be understood. This can be achieved by using theLightStep (via OpenTelemetry API) or Zipkin tracer directly within the service itself, to extract thetrace context from the inbound request and inject it into any subsequent outbound requests. Thisapproach would also enable the service to create additional spans, describing work being doneinternally within the service, that may be useful when examining the end-to-end trace.

When using the Zipkin tracer, Envoy relies on the service to propagate theB3 HTTP headers (x-b3-traceid,x-b3-spanid,x-b3-parentspanid,x-b3-sampled, andx-b3-flags). The x-b3-sampledheader can also be supplied by an external client to either enable or disable tracing for a particularrequest. In addition, the single b3 header propagation format issupported, which is a more compressed format.

Envoy automatically sends spans to tracing collectors. Depending on the tracing collector,multiple spans are stitched together using common information such as the globally uniquerequest ID x-request-id (LightStep) orthe trace ID configuration (Zipkin and Datadog). Seev3 API referencefor more information on how to setup tracing in Envoy.

In the first mode, Envoy is used as a sidecar. The sidecar and its associated application are treated as a singlehop in the trace chain. If a tracing system with typed spans is used, the ideal trace chain might look like thefollowing snippet.

In the second mode, Envoy is used as a gateway. Or, Envoy can be used as a sidecar, but in this case,the sidecar and its application are treated as separate hops in the trace chain. If a tracing system with typed spansis used, the ideal trace chain might look like the following snippet.

To enable this mode, please setspawn_upstream_spanto true explicitly. This tells the tracing provider to generate a CLIENT span for upstream requests and treat Envoyas an independent hop in the trace chain.

Apart from installing FRT as a feature, most of the solutions that I found are either manual via the inetmgr console or ends-up in cumbersome XML manipulation, like here: IIS/ error for failed request tracing: "a failed request trace for this content already exists"

In short, I felt that we were stumbling a little bit around a shared vocabulary.I thought we could probably map out the domain of instrumentation, or observability, as a sort of Venn diagram.Metrics, tracing, and logging are definitely all parts of a broader picture, and can definitely overlap in some circumstances, but I wanted to try and identify the properties of each that were truly distinct.I had a think over a coffee break and came up with this.

I think that the single defining characteristic of tracing, then, is that it deals with information that is request-scoped.Any bit of data or metadata that can be bound to lifecycle of a single transactional object in the system.As examples: the duration of an outbound RPC to a remote service; the text of an actual SQL query sent to a database; or the correlation ID of an inbound HTTP request.

From here we can begin to categorize existing systems.Prometheus, for example, started off exclusively as a metrics system, and over time may grow towards tracing and thus into request-scoped metrics, but likely will not move too deeply into the logging space.ELK offers logging and roll-ups, placing it firmly the aggregatable events space, but seems to continuously accrue more features in the other domains, pushing it toward the center.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced very slow tracing since updating to ArcGIS Pro 3.0? Every time I go to create a new feature with the trace tool, I'll click on my first snapped point, move the mouse, and wait ages for the dashed line to show up if at all. I often trace roadway features which usually requires a lot of zooming, panning, and detangling, and the lag persists during all of this as well. Because of how long it takes for the dashed feature line to appear, I originally thought tracing was just broken altogether; it seems it's just very slow in 3.0.

Any other reports of this happening? I've done a complete reinstallation of Pro and still face this issue from project to project, dataset to dataset. It becomes unusably slow whenever I'm actively tracing a feature -- see below.

To help with the debugging, I've added the tracing crate as a dependency and started logging a bunch of things. This has helped me a bit, but overall I feel pretty drowned by the amount of data I get. ff782bc1db

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