As a designer, I deal with a lot of custom requests from clients and a weather box is one that I get very often. I am glad I found this plugin, it saves me a lot of time. Good luck with sales.

Fabian F. (Germany)

Clear, concise forecasts for your iPhone. Weather Simple is exactly that; a simple and beautifully designed mobile weather app for your iPhone. Detailed forecast descriptions, stunning icons, and rich typography set Weather Simple apart from other complicated weather apps. Weather Simple uses reliable forecasting data from the National Weather Service that is accurate, timely, and within 1 mile from your desired location. There is no advertising, so your experience is quick, clean, and uncluttered.

Download A Simple Weather


simpleWeather is meant to be... well simple. You simply provide your US zip code, WOEID, lat/long, or any location in the world and it returns your local weather from Yahoo! This plugin won't spit out a bunch of HTML full of classes and IDs. It just gives you the data for you to use, display, and style as you need. Get a full list of data in the table below.

Since geolocation is a common question, it is now supported as of v2.5.0. This means you can use HTML5 geolocation to pass in lat/long to simpleWeather and get data back. See demos below.

Currently the Yahoo! Weather API only returns en-us and does not provide a way for you to change this. If Yahoo! adds this feature then I will update simpleWeather to make use of it. If you have any other suggestions on providing translations feel free to let me know.

Now if the current weather is snow then the code returned is 16 in which case the above code will look for a 16.png image or whatever the condition code returned is. Yahoo! provides a description of each code found in the link above. If your not up to making your own icons but still aren't satisfied with Yahoo's there are plenty of free weather icon sets around. Here is a list found at WebResources Depot and a search on deviantArt returns lots of quality sets. I also came across this great set recently - artill weather icons.

As of v2.5.0 the `location` param now accepts latitude/longitude which means you can now use a visitors geolocation to display weather. Here is a quick demo to get you started: geolocation demo.

This plugin came about because I wanted control over what was displayed. I've used other widgets and plugins and found that none fit my needs. The biggest issue was not having control over the code it was spitting out. This included some plugins giving me crazy HTML with a bunch of classes. Why not write your own HTML? simpleWeather gives you all the available data and you choose what to use and how it should be display. This includes using your own HTML and CSS. More then that this means you can use the plugin for more then just displaying current weather. An example would be to create a dynamic design that changes based on the weather such as a header or images. simpleWeather makes it... well simple.

Yes, you can use the plugin to display the weather for multiple locations by calling $.simpleWeather({...}); as many times as you want. This allows you to retrieve the weather for multiple locations and display each different if you wish.

I'm building a really basic weather app with React hooks, and OpenWeatherAPI.It's breaking at const temp = forecast.main.temp; and returning "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'temp')" It actually does run when I initially write it but breaks if I add another variable or have to edit the temp variable in any way.

Because I had few ESP8266 in my house already, I decided to use it again. Source code is very simple, there is one digital and one analog from rain sensor and one input is used for Dallas temperature sensor. Communication to my OpenHab is realized thru Wi-Fi and MQTT.

yup, this guy did it and looks very usable

 Instructables Bell Siphon Rain GaugeBell Siphon Rain Gauge: Traditionally rainfall is measured with a manual rain gauge.Automated weather stations (including IoT weather stations) normally use tipping buckets, acoustic disdrometers or laser disdrometers.Tipping buckets have moving...

For convention sake, the fields of the weather string here are W=Weather type, C=Coverage type, I=Intensity, V=Visibility (not used), H=Hazard (not used). I use "C programming" convention to refer to which word. [0] refers to the 1st, [1] the 2nd, ... [4] the 5th.

Hello Guys, In this Instructable I will explain how to make simple weather station to sense temperature and humidity using DHT11 sensor and Arduino, the sensed data will be displayed on LCD Display. Before starting this instructable you must know some information about the DHT11 sensor.

I did test this before I provided it to you, (as I said, I had to install openweather since I use NWS (which by the way, has a much better text description of the weather than openweather)) so I do know it works!

The Weather class defines a simple bean that is used to hold theweather information parsed from the Yahoo Weather feed. This feedprovides a wealth of information, from the sunrise and sunset times tothe speed and direction of the wind. To keep this example as simple aspossible, the Weather model object keeps track of only thetemperature, chill, humidity, and a textual description of currentconditions.

The main() method shown above configures Log4J by retrieving aresource from the classpath. It then tries to read a zip code from thecommand line. If an exception is thrown while it is trying to read thezip code, the program will default to a zip code of 60202. Once it hasa zip code, it instantiates an instance of Main and calls thestart() method on an instance of Main. The start() method callsout to the YahooRetriever to retrieve the weather XML. TheYahooRetriever returns an InputStream which is then passed to theYahooParser. The YahooParser parses the Yahoo Weather XML andreturns a Weather object. Finally, the WeatherFormatter takes aWeather object and spits out a formatted String which is printedto standard output.

The WeatherFormatter uses Velocity to render a template. Theformat() method takes a Weather bean and spits out a formattedString. The first thing the format() method does is load aVelocity template from the classpath named output.vm. We then createa VelocityContext which is populated with a single Weather objectnamed weather. A StringWriter is created to hold the results ofthe template merge. The template is evaluated with a call toVelocity.evaluate() and the results are returned as a String.

My primary use for my Smartwatch was checking weather. Samsung has a watch fave complication showing 'real feel' weather, UV index, rain chance, wind speed in addition to current temperature. I rarely read or responded to messages, so I made the switch to FitBit thinking weather was a basic function. I'm returning device since clearly not a feature coming soon.

I used the weather daily on my $50 Mii tracker on Amazon before I "Upgraded" - not sure why I would have assumed my almost $200 tracker would have this as a basic options. Guess that is asking too much, but I would greatly appreciate if this was implemented.

Just bought my first Fitbit (Charge 6) and can't believe it doesn't have a basic weather prompt. This is currently the sole reason I would not recommend buying the Charge watch. I had previously had an old Garmin Vivo and it told me the weather. Let's seriously make this a top priority. The Charge is not solely for exercise. It would be much more of an all around fitness watch if it also told you basic weather stats , which Google already offers on many different outlets. Seriously though, what needs done to make this happen?

I was really disappointed to see that weather is not on the Charge 6. I was looking to purchase a new watch to replace my Versa 3 and am seriously considering moving a way from fitbit altogether because there are other options out there that have ALL the features one would expect in a tracker in 2023.

What worked for me in getting the Fitbit weather app from the versa 2 onto my Fitbit charge 6 was pretty simple. Open the Fitbit app on your phone, and touch your profile picture on the top right. Then touch the gear symbol/Fitbit settings. Then touch connected apps from the drop down menu. Then select smartwatch apps and clock faces. From there, it's just a matter of finding that particular app, installing, and setting requested permissions from that app

I came here, while I was searching where is the weather app on my new charge 6 and how can I install that app, but to find out that it is missing and likely to be not added. I am coming form fitbit charge 3 which had this feature and it was very handy when I wanted to check next 3 days of weather from my fitbit. If I had known that weather app is missing and not going to be added, I would have not bought this, and I will certainly return this item and get a samsung sport bands. Fitbit you have just lost a good customer here over simple app, and I am pretty sure you will lose many more over this simple app.

I couldn't find the weather app again when scrolling back through the app gallery, but I could find it when doing a Google search for Fitbit weather app. I tried linking to it, but the forum wouldn't allow it

Do a Google search for "Fitbit weather app" in your web browser and you'll see a link for the weather app on Fitbit's gallery. I tried linking to it, but it wouldn't let me post. I didn't have to hack my phone or watch to get it to download at the time. It installed without any issues for me. 2351a5e196

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