To prevent this rework in future projects, I needed the app to perform real HTTP requests to an API. The solution was to start shipping all my frontend projects with a local mock API that matched the interface of the real backend API. This allowed me to build out the frontend and have confidence that by simply changing the environment (which should change the API endpoint URLs) of the app will make it work in that environment.

Having a local mock API also allows the app to be run without any other project dependencies. It allowed my team, myself and people outside my team to follow 3 simple steps to get the project up and running:

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I've had to work on projects that do not work locally by themselves. It was incredibly annoying when trying to get my local database into a certain state and configuring other local APIs that need to be running in parallel just to get the simple frontend app running. I was even recommended to point the local frontend app to our test environment in order to get it running, which for obvious reasons is a very bad idea.

svg cannot be rendered as a source in an img element in react like this. You are going to have to have a separate loop, going through each logo, importing each image directly. The same way you import a component.

I know that having a local React library is challenging because if I try to add it to one of my projects by using something like npm link or yarn link there will be two copies of React and so the Invalid hooks call error will pop up.

So, the require('react') in our library's bundle resolves to the copy of React that is inside the copied node_modules directory of example-ui-library (we have react there because it's a dev dependency) rather than the one inside the node_modules directory of some-project.

In this React tutorial, you will learn how to store state in local storage by using a custom React Hook. We will address the session storage shortly as well, but essentially it is used the same way as the local storage in React. Before reading about using the local storage in React, I will give you a brief overview of how to use it and when to use it in just JavaScript.

How to use the local storage in JavaScript? In your client-side JavaScript, running in the browser and therefore having access to the browser's API, you should have access to the localStorage instance which has setter and getter methods to write and read data to and from the local storage:

Both methods require you to pass a string (here: 'my-key') which identifies the stored value in the local storage. With this key, you can either set or get an item to or from the local storage. In other words, whereas the first parameter is the key to write/read the data, the second parameter -- when storing the data -- is the actual data.

What's important to note is that the data stored in the local storage should be in a JavaScript string format. For example, if you want to write and read an object to and from the local storage, you would need to use the JSON API to transform (JSON.stringify()) it from JavaScript object to JavaScript string (to write) and to transform (JSON.parse()) it back from JavaScript string to JavaScript object (to read):

Next we will focus our attention on using the local storage in React. In the example, we have a React function component which uses React's useState Hook to manage the state of a JavaScript boolean primitive. This boolean is toggled with a button HTML element and a React event handler. With the help of this boolean, we conditionally render text:

You can toggle the content on and off by clicking the button. However, if you refresh the browser (or close and open it again), you will begin with false as initial state, because React's useState Hook is implementing it this way. So what about using the local storage as a cache between browser sessions for it? A solution could look like the following:

At two places we established both reading and writing methods of the local storage. While we store the new boolean state as stringified value into the local storage in React's event handler, we read the from string to boolean parsed value from the local storage for the initial state used in React's useState Hook. If there is no value in the local storage, we default to false for the initial state.

The proposed solution works if local storage is available in your browser. Try to toggle the open state to either true or false and refresh the browser. The state should stay intact, because it is stored with every user interaction and retrieved for the initial state when rendering the component for the first time and therefore initializing its hooks.

However, the proposed solution is not a best practice for dealing with this kind of situations (called side-effects) in React. For example, what if the setOpen state updater function is called somewhere else? We would break the functionality, because we may miss to implement writing to the local storage there too. We could improve the implementation by reactively setting the isOpen state in the local storage whenever it changes by using React's useEffect Hook:

For example, when handling authentication in React, the user session can be saved in the session storage until the browser gets closed. Therefore, you would use the browser's session storage instead of the local storage:

Let's take the local storage usage in React one step further by using it as cache for remote data which persists over browser sessions. Therefore, in the next example, you will fetch data from a remote API and store it in your React component's state.

Next, you will store the data in the local storage too. By using the previous learnings about how to use local storage in React, we can store the result with a key/value pair into the browser's store -- whereas the key is the API endpoint's URL and the value is the actual result:

The last step enables us to use the local storage as cache every time the user performs a search request to the API. If you search for a keyword and the result for this keyword has already been saved (read: cached) in the local storage, we will read from the local storage instead of executing another API call. If there is no result in the local storage, we will do the usual API request:

With this implementation in place, there shouldn't be an API request made twice for the same query, because the result should be cached in the local storage. If there is a cachedResult in the localStorage instance, the cached result is set as state and no API request is performed. Keep this in mind as a learning exercise though, because in modern React data fetching libraries like React Query take care of such caching mechanisms for you.

When running my Rails backend by default, it will respond on localhost:3000. This is fine when everything is running on the same computer and I'm using the iOS Simulator. However, as my iPhone is definitely not on my computer, this will not work on my phone. Instead, I can use my computer's IP address while making sure my iPhone and computer are all connected on the same wi-fi network, as the testing is done over wi-fi.

2- Since you are using a localhost but if your office members are on the same network then might be possible for them to access your shared dashboard. If not then here are the following alternate ways to do this:

In this article, we will learn how to work with local storage in React by creating a simple light/dark theme toggle app. Although we are developing a beginner-friendly React app, there is much more to discover when working with local storage that is worth exploring.

We will first take a look at how to work with local storage in JavaScript. Then, we will learn what additional steps are needed when working with local storage in React, and finally, we will build the light/dark theme toggle app!

Local storage is a web storage API that allows you to store key-value pairs in a web browser. It is a persistent storage option, meaning the data remains in the browser even after it is closed and reopened. Local storage is useful for remembering user preferences or saving information in web applications. You can use JavaScript to store, retrieve, or delete data from local storage.

To retrieve and convert stored data back, you use JSON.parse(), but remember to manually reattach methods or functions as they won't be automatically restored. Be mindful of these limitations when using JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() with local storage.

In the anonymous function, we create a variable named initialTheme and set it equal to localStorage.getItem("theme"). This code will retrieve the value of the "theme" variable in local storage if there is one, or it will return NULL if there is not one.

The getThemeFromLocalStorage function uses localStorage.getItem("theme") to retrieve the value of the theme variable from local storage and set it to the savedTheme variable.

If there is not a value for the theme variable in local storage, NULL will be returned. If there is a value for the theme variable in local storage, in an if statement, we use the setTheme function to change the state variable theme to the saved theme's current value.

Understanding the limitations of local storage, such as its text-based data format, storage capacity, and unencrypted security concerns, is essential when working with web applications. Additionally, it's important to be aware of the differences between session storage and local storage to make informed decisions on which storage type best suits your application's needs.

There is great flexibility in how state is organized, since it doesn't matter (technically that is) which observables we read or where observables originated from.The examples below demonstrate different patterns on how external and local observable state can be used in components wrapped with observer. ff782bc1db

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