This helps to explain how the themes of the various quarterly lessons are chosen, the choice of the principal contributors, and the editorial and review process before the lessons are published. This also explains the church policy on the translation of the Sabbath School Bible study guides from the original English into other languages. The translations are generally done by the responsible union conferences (e.g., the German union conferences would translate into German, and the Zimbabwe union conferences into local languages such as Shona or Ndebele). However, there are strict guidelines from the General Conference on how this should be done, in order to ensure there are no changes to the key message of the lesson.

Let us look specifically at the adult lesson study of this first quarter of 2023, on the broad focus of money. We are now mostly through the quarter, and the discussions on social network platforms are heated. I am not sure how the discussions in the classes in churches are going, but I suspect they are equally quite passionate.

Download 4th Quarter Sabbath School Lesson

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Through a free, conversational study of the Scriptures Dr. Jonathan Gallagher invites you to participate in an exciting analysis and discussion of the Sabbath school lesson in the context of the character of God and in the setting of the Great Controversy

The adult Sabbath School lessons are prepared by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, usually by one of the scholars or theologians of the church. These lessons are published in the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide which is published quarterly and provided free to each student. To study online, click the link in the previous sentence.

Sabbath school classes are the heartbeat of our church community. Each week we spend time learning from Scripture and from each other. The adult Sabbath School class is led by Dr. Ken McNulty using PowerPoint presentations to help students understand the information of the lesson and help focus discussion that will apply important biblical truths from the lesson to our lives.

Our Sabbath school fellowship begins at 11:00 a.m. Children's classes begin immediately while adult Sabbath school opens with a short program in the sanctuary which can consist of singing, inspirational thoughts, mission stories, and special features. After the opening program, the adult class is taught in the sanctuary beginning at about 11:15 am.

Step Four: Now careful consideration is given to the suitability of the manuscript. If it is accepted, it is given a first careful editing to make it conform to the style and other requirements of the Quarterly. Next it is mimeographed and sent out to the Sabbath school lesson reading committee, which consists of approximately forty members and is made up of ministers, editors, college professors, and overseas representatives. The reason for including overseas representatives is that these men from different sections of the world will know whether it will be possible for the suggested lessons to be translated into the respective languages. Also because of world conditions and political tensions, lessons that would be usable in one area might not be used in other areas without causing our people untold persecution and suffering.

Step Six: The suggestions made by the readers are carefully tabulated and typed in order that resident members of the committee in Washington may carefully study all suggestions made. On a set day each quarter at a regularly called meeting of the resident members of the Sabbath school lesson committee (fourteen in all), copies of the tabulated suggestions are placed in the hands of the members present. This committee then prayerfully goes over the manuscript page by page, considering the suggestions made by the larger reading committee from the world field and making final suggestions to the Sabbath School Department editors.

This will give you some idea of the tremendous amount of work that goes into a set of Sabbath school lessons. Sometimes there may be those who are concerned over certain points that are emphasized or not emphasized in the lessons. There is probably a good reason for this if we understood the full background of the problems involved.

Sabbath School usually begins at 9:30am or 10:30am on Saturday mornings before the worship service starts. The Sabbath School service for adults typically has two portions. The first portion begins with a song service, followed by a mission emphasis and a short talk. The second, and larger portion, is the lesson study. Different churches conduct Sabbath School in many ways, mostly teaching on the same topic or reading in a given week, as each quarter of the year has a different theme that reflects Bible, doctrinal, or church lifestyle teachings. The lesson booklet is called the "quarterly."

Adult church members are provided with the Adult Bible Study Guide (formerly known as Sabbath School Quarterly) issued four times a year. It is also known as the "Quarterly"[5] and the "Lesson". It is published by Pacific Press Publishing Association. Sabbath School quarterlies are Bible study guides that cover a specific topic or book of the Bible every quarter. The quarterly is designed to be read during the week, so that during Sabbath School, the class members are ready to discuss questions and topics raised in that lesson in small groups. The Adult Sabbath School always has a heavy focus on the Bible. All Seventh-day Adventists around the world use the same Sabbath School quarterly, translated into the necessary languages (with few exceptions such as Germany, where members cover the same topic with different material). As of 2012[update] the editor of the Adult Sabbath School lessons was Clifford Goldstein.

The South Pacific Division has produced a series of 13 short videos for Q2 2019 Family Seasons Sabbath School lessons. We are delighted with the quality of the stories that 4 couples shared of their Family Seasons in these 3-5 minute videos. These videos compliment each Sabbath School lesson for the second quarter of 2019. Each video features insights about the lesson on Family Life. Download or play them on your phone, tablet or laptop and use them as discussion starters for each lesson on family life throughout the second quarter of 2019. 2351a5e196

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