Easily navigate our lyrics and artist collection either alphabetically or by using our advanced query capabilities to search by keywords. You can follow your favorite artists, discuss and rate existing work, and translate pieces to almost any language.

Lyrics are words that make up a song, usually consisting of verses and choruses. The writer of lyrics is a lyricist. The words to an extended musical composition such as an opera are, however, usually known as a "libretto" and their writer, as a "librettist". The meaning of lyrics can either be explicit or implicit. Some lyrics are abstract, almost unintelligible, and, in such cases, their explication emphasizes form, articulation, meter, and symmetry of expression. Rappers can also create lyrics (often with a variation of rhyming words) that are meant to be spoken rhythmically rather than sung.

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The differences between poem and song may become less meaningful where verse is set to music, to the point that any distinction becomes untenable. This is perhaps recognised in the way popular songs have lyrics.

In Baroque music, melodies and their lyrics were prose. Rather than paired lines they consist of rhetorical sentences or paragraphs consisting of an opening gesture, an amplification (often featuring sequence), and a close (featuring a cadence); in German Vordersatz-Fortspinnung-Epilog.[9] For example:

In the lyrics of popular music a "shifter"[10] is a word, often a pronoun, "where reference varies according to who is speaking, when and where",[11] such as "I", "you", "my", "our". For example, who is the "my" of "My Generation"?

As of 2021[update], there are many websites featuring song lyrics. This offering, however, is controversial, since some sites include copyrighted lyrics offered without the holder's permission. The U.S. Music Publishers Association (MPA), which represents sheet music companies, launched a legal campaign against such websites in December 2005. The MPA's president, Lauren Keiser, said the free lyrics web sites are "completely illegal" and wanted some website operators jailed.[12]

Lyrics licenses could be obtained worldwide through one of the two aggregators: LyricFind and Musixmatch.[citation needed] The first company to provide licensed lyrics was Yahoo!, quickly followed by MetroLyrics.[citation needed] Several lyric websites are providing licensed lyrics, such as SongMeanings[13] and LyricWiki (defunct as of 2020).

Many competing lyrics web sites are still offering unlicensed content, causing challenges around the legality and accuracy of lyrics.[14] In an attempt to crack down unlicensed lyrics web sites, a U.S. federal court has ordered LiveUniverse, a network of websites run by MySpace co-founder Brad Greenspan, to cease operating four sites offering unlicensed song lyrics.[15]

A 2009 report published by McAfee found that, in terms of potential exposure to malware, lyrics-related searches and searches containing the word "free" are the most likely to have risky results from search engines, both in terms of average risk of all results, and maximum risk of any result.[16]

Beginning in late 2014, Google changed its search results pages to include song lyrics. When users search for a name of a song, Google can now display the lyrics directly in the search results page.[17] When users search for a specific song's lyrics, most results show the lyrics directly through a Google search by using Google Play.[18]

Improve and practise your listening skills with the best music videos. Fill in the gaps to the lyrics as you listen and sing Karaoke to your favourites

Follow along as you listen to your favorite songs with perfectly timed lyrics that appear line-by-line and beat-by-beat. Adjust the vocals so that you can sing along to the music you love. All with your Apple Music subscription.

Follow along as you listen to your favourite songs with perfectly timed lyrics that appear line-by-line and beat-by-beat. Adjust the vocals so that you can sing along to the music you love. All with your Apple Music subscription.

My goal in creating this page is to maintain a record of all known Ani DiFranco lyrics. Her words are very powerful and i want them to be accessible to those who find power in them. I know that they have helped many people find solid grounding in difficult times. I do not intend to expand this site beyond the lyrics. The photos are to make this site a bit more aesthetically palatable but i do not intend to have a collection of photos, MP3s or other fan materials. I am unable to share MP3s either on this site or via email - i'm sorry. I strongly encourage you to support Ani by buying her albums.disclaimer: Most of the lyrics on this site were, at one point, transcribed from a bootleg. There are definitely inaccuracies, mispellings and the like. While i don't really like that reality, it just isn't possible for me to check all of the lyrics against the released albums. But! if you send me corrections, i will update the site.

"Soundtrack for a Revolution" is a window into the musical and lyrical soul of civil rights movement, as well as the men and women that used song to give them the strength and solidarity to stand up for justice in the face of staunch, often violent injustice and bigotry. These songs and chants of freedom, sung by protestors, activists, and civil rights leaders during the 1950s and 1960s, have now been taken up anew in "Soundtrack" by such contemporary performers as Joss Stone, John Legend, Anthony Hamilton, Wyclef Jean, The Roots, Richie Havens, and others. To read the lyrics of the songs that inspired the civil rights movement, click on the titles below or simply scroll down.

Lyrics can be performed in other ways than singing as well. Other common forms of expressing lyrics include rapping in the rap and hip hop genres, as well as screaming and shouting in punk and heavy metal. One less common way to deliver lyrics than singing is through spoken word.

This site provides footnotes for Grateful Dead lyrics. The standard procedure will be to provide links for words orphrases which might benefit from some elucidation, without attempting to give definitive "interpretations," since that's a very personal endeavor.

The standard text for Robert Hunter's lyrics will be his A Box ofRain (2nd ed., 1993). He has kindly agreed to allow me to use full text for all lyrics as of April 24, 1996! Hunter has also posted his lyrics on the web! For John Perry Barlow's lyrics, the standard textwill be his own library of lyrics, on the World Wide Web. Lyrics by others, such as Robert Petersen,Robert Weir, and Jerry Garcia, will be from legitimate song books, whenever possible.

As appropriate, some lyrics will include an analysis section, which will provide technical information on the lyric's construction, and some potentialavenues for interpretation. I actively encourage anyone with differing interpretations to send them to me via the links provided in each song's pages.

The scope of the project will be limited to lyrics of original songs performed by the Dead. The covers have been more than adequately covered byBlair Jackson in his columns on "Roots" in The Golden Road, which have been collected into a chapter of his book:Goin' Down the Road: a Grateful Dead Travelling Companion.. For a web site on the covers, see Randy Jackson's excellent Roots of the Grateful Dead. Additionally,Mike Carver is making an effort to collect annotations for songs which appeared in rec.music.gdead at his site. ff782bc1db

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