On or around August 9, 2022, the Specialized Criminal Court of Appeal resentenced al-Shehab to 34 years in prison, followed by a 34-year travel ban, for supporting and promoting terrorism (Art. 34 Law on Combatting Terrorism Crimes and Its Financing), aiding and abetting terrorists or a terrorist entity (Art. 38 Law on Combatting Terrorism Crimes and Its Financing), using the internet or electronic devices to conduct terrorist activities (Art. 43 Law on Combatting Terrorism Crimes and Its Financing), spreading false rumors or information with the intent to commit terrorism (Art. 44 Law on Combatting Terrorism Crimes and Its Financing), sending items that would prejudice public order (Art. 6 Law on Combatting Cyber Crimes), and other crimes. Al-Shehab's religious identity as a Shi'a Muslim is believed to have been a factor in her arrest and harsh sentencing.

Despite the fact that we share the same Canadian hometown, I first discovered Salma Abumeeiz on Instagram when I was living in Lorraine, France. I was captivated by the 23 year old's fresh new vision of Windsor, Ontario, a city in which I spent over 20 years. Salma tells me she loves "sightseeing, even in places she's familiar with," and it shows. Her pictures are sharp and vibrant. They made me miss Detroit, too.

We started chatting on Facebook. She informs me she acquired her Canon EOS M10 three years ago but "it is just about her favourite thing" as it remains user-friendly. "What scenes do you gravitate towards?" I ask. "A lot of vertical lines," she replies. "I'm trying to photograph more landscapes. Moving to Vancouver really gave me an opportunity to practice that. It's tricky; finding the right setting to compliment the lighting/environment is challenging, but I'm learning." 

As someone who worked in a public library for five years, I was delighted to discover that Salma was pursuing a Master of Library and Information Studies in Vancouver at the University of British Columbia. I must say her attention to detail is remarkable. I read a blog post of hers in which she details an inconsistency pertaining to an old copy of Tour of the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. 

[Hot air balloons are not actually present in the text yet the books have a hot air balloon on the cover. Discover why here.] 

The process of researching Tour of the World, she writes, "reminded me of the joys that books bring, not just in terms of their contents, but through the actual mystery their physical presence commands."

Although I've never been in Salma's physical presence, I can tell she is incredibly perspicacious. She completed her Master of Arts in History at the University of Windsor where she studied the 20th century Arab-Canadian diaspora. She tells me she's working on a couple of journal articles right now, but is somewhat self-conscious about her writing so "it is taking some time."

She was kind enough to message me from Washington, DC to answer some of my questions about her research interests. 

RS: You grew up in a culturally pluralist, multi-faith household. 

SA: My mom is a Canadian-born daughter of Greek-immigrants, and my dad is a former Libyan refugee who arrived to Canada in the early-1980s. Our family blended Greek and Arab influence which, in retrospect, taught me a lot about identifying human commonalities while celebrating differences.

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On 25 January, the SCC resentenced al-Shehab to 27 years in jail and a travel ban of the same length; this ruling is also subject to appeal. At the same time, the court convicted and sentenced a number of other women on similar charges, including blind 35-year-old Sakeena al-Othman, who was handed a 40-year prison term.

Salma was sentenced to six years behind bars in mid 2022, under the counter-terrorism law. However, at her appeal trial the prosecution demanded a harsher punishment. On 9 August 2022, after a grossly unfair trial, a judge raised her sentence to 34 years in prison to be followed by a 34-year travel ban from the date of her release. She won't be free for 68 years.

A Saudi Arabian woman sentenced to 27 years in jail and a 27-year travel ban over her tweets has been on hunger strike for nearly a week along with seven other women, the UK-based Alqst rights group said on Tuesday.

The dental hygienist, who is studying a PhD at Leeds University in the UK, made headlines last August when Saudi Arabia's Specialised Criminal Court (SCC) sentenced her to 34 years, and a 34-year travel ban, after she retweeted posts in support of women's right to drive, and calling for the release of activists including Loujain al-Hathloul.

In October, Saad Almadi, a 72-year-old retiree with dual Saudi-American citizenship, was sentenced to 16 years in jail, and a 16-year travel ban over his tweets, including ones referring to slain journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and criticising corruption inside the kingdom.

The SCC originally sentenced Shehab to six years in prison for using the internet to cause public unrest, but increased her sentence to 34 years and a 34-year travel ban after a public prosecutor reportedly asked the court to consider other alleged crimes.

Numbness. Vision problems. Pain and exhaustion that wouldn't go away. Loss of balance. For actor Selma Blair, the symptoms began at a young age. Seeking answers, she saw multiple doctors over many years. They blamed her symptoms on everything from depression, anxiety, and exhaustion to hormones and malnutrition. Some said it was all in her head. When she finally got a multiple sclerosis diagnosis in 2018, the "Cruel Intentions" and "Legally Blonde" actor felt relief.

As a MadeStrong warrior, this article brought back memories of the time it took to be diagnosed. Although my PCP said it was after reviewing my brain MRI neurology an exam by a neuro-ophthalmologist to diagnose optic neuritis and question why I had not been placed on therapy to slow down the progression. Finally having a confirmed diagnosis was a bittersweet moment. Fear of the unknown came but I was also relieved to finally know why my body was rebelling. 17 years ago my life changed but from day one I accepted the mindset I have MS but MS does not have me!! Unpredictable as it may be the fight continues inside of me!

In August. 2018, Mahmud faced the unthinkable: Saying goodbye to his wife of more than 20 years. Salma Sikandar, now 54, was facing deportation to Bangladesh, leading Mahmud to sit for a hunger strike as more than 50,000 signed a petition against her being deported.

Sikandar came to the United States illegally about 24 years ago. According to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, she overstayed her visa by more than 18 years and was ordered by an immigration judge to leave the country in 2016.

He said the family has so much gratitude for everyone who signed the petition against the deportation, everyone who shared their story and for all the elected officials who supported them over the past five years.

In January of 2021, the mother of two young boys, aged 4 and 6, was detained while on vacation in Saudi Arabia days before she had planned to return to her residence in the United Kingdom, where she was a PhD candidate at the University of Leeds. In March, she was sentenced to six years in prison on charges related to her social media activity.

Al-Shehab is a mother of two young boys, aged 4 and 6, who, if her sentence is upheld, will be 72 and 74 years old when their mother is fully free. Al-Shebab had also planned to adopt an orphaned child in Saudi Arabia and had submitted an application to do so in December 2020.

A Saudi court has sentenced a doctoral student to 34 years in prison for spreading "rumors" and retweeting dissidents, according to court documents obtained Thursday, a decision that has drawn growing global condemnation.

A special court for terrorism and national security crimes handed down the unusually harsh 34-year sentence, to be followed by a 34-year travel ban. The decision came earlier this month as al-Shehab appealed her initial sentence of six years.

The specialized criminal court handed down the unusually harsh 34-year sentence under Saudi counterterrorism and cybercrime laws, to be followed by a 34-year travel ban. The decision came earlier this month as al-Shehab appealed her initial sentence of six years.

She was initially handed a six-year sentence last year but on appeal this was increased to 34 years, including a discretionary five years added by the judge. She has also been slapped with a travel ban for a further 34 years following her sentence.

Salma al-Shehab was sentenced to 34 years in prison for tweeting in support of women human rights defenders in #SaudiArabia. Two years on from her arrest we stand in solidarity with her and demand her release #FreeSalma. Join the campaign >> 

Context: Salma quote-tweeted a tweet supporting Saudi human rights defender Loujain AlhathloulSalma al-Shehab was arrested two years ago today for tweeting her support for prisoners of conscience including Loujain al-Hathloul. I believe no crime has been committed and I call on #SaudiArabia to release her without delay #FreeSalma _Salma1988/status/1343717831435825156?s=20&t=MLVHBwVwpHUBtNiHdLfVhg

Context: Salma quote-tweeted a feminist account in which they ask people to name respected women rights activists. Salma tweeted the names of some of those who flouted the ban on women driving in Saudi Arabia.Salma al-Shehab was sentenced to 34 years in prison for tweeting in support of the 47 women of the 6 Nov 1990 driving ban protest in #SaudiArabia. Two years on from her arrest I stand in solidarity with her and demand her release #FreeSalma _Salma1988/status/1313923423547121666

In 2019, Paralluelo left her hometown club to join Villarreal, where she spent three years, scoring 23 goals in 37 appearances but suffered a ruptured ACL in her left knee in April 2021 that kept her out for nine months.

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