Dow High Space Farmers
H. H. Dow High School Students | Space Botany Researcher | STEM
Featured Activity: ASGSR 2024
Featured Activity: ASGSR 2024
Our Mission Statement
Our Mission Statement
We strive to provide fresh vegetables and fruits in long-term space missions through conducting ISS-simulated space botany experiments and engaging in STEM practices.
Citizen Science, NASA Research & Lifelong Learning
Citizen Science, NASA Research & Lifelong Learning
The 2023-2024 space botany research and the origination of space farming in Midland Public Schools
What we learn and utilize through the Growing Beyond Earth Program.
Presented Space Farming at the MPS Board of Education Meetings (Oct. 2020)
Chat with NASA Scientist Webinar
Chat with NASA Scientist Webinar
We showcased our Mold sensor prototype (for early detection of plant stress and mold growth in the growing chamber) with Dr. Gioia Massa and Trent Smith from NASA Kennedy Space Center.
DHSF on the News
DHSF on the News