Dove Mountain Boulevard Improvement Program

Mission & Team

Dove Mountain Boulevard Improvement Team
Our team exists because we believe Dove Mountain residents deserve the quality of life promises that brought us to Dove Mountain, Marana’s premier resort and residential community.
Our goal: A smoother, quieter, and safer Dove Mountain Boulevard.
Problem Statement:
Dove Mountain Boulevard Road Surface, Traffic Noise and Safety concerns are an issue for many Dove Mountain residents. The new rough road surface exacerbates these chronic issues.
Enlist Dove Mountain residents in the improvement initiative, partner with Dove Mountain community groups, and collaborate with the Town organization on solutions. We will measure our success through resident feedback and traffic noise acoustic metrics.
· Shine a spotlight on road surface, traffic noise, and safety issues.· Use a petition process to get the Town’s attention.· Create a current state picture of the issues by analyzing current conditions and impacts.· Obtain resident testimony on how these issues impact the quality of their lives, the usability and value of their property.· Share information and data to build resident support.· Build alliances.· Collaborate with the Marana Public Works to develop solutions.· Present the “case for improvement” to Marana leadership and get their buy in.· Implement approved changes and measure the impact. Core Team:
Role and Responsibilities: Lead the improve DMB improvement effort. Engage, Communicate, and Coordinate with the Dove Mountain community & the Town of Marana to achieve DMB road quality, noise, and safety improvements.
Paul Calame
Linda (Worsley) Quirt
Jim Haleem
Karin Radzewicz
Steve Gladwin
Neighborhood Key Contacts:
Responsibilities: Engage, Communicate, Mobilize & Coordinate with the Dove Mountain Neighborhoods to assist in achieving DMB road quality, noise, and safety improvements

Improvement Petition - Click Here to Sign The Petition!

Results to Date

5/20/2022 Meeting Summary


  • Marana Town Mgmt & Operations:

    • Terry Rozema, Erik Montague, Fausto Burrell, Diahn Swartz, Andrea Caicedo

  • DMB Improvement team:

    • Jim Haleem and Paul Calame


  • Removing loose gravel from the road and bike lanes will get renewed attention.

  • The ‘below grade” manhole cover problem will be addressed by fall 2022 at the earliest.

  • Deteriorating and noisy cobble crosswalks were discussed. The town will work with the DM HOA on needed improvements and timing. These cobble crosswalks were created by the original developer for aesthetic reasons and the DM HOA is responsible for upkeep.

  • The traffic signal at the Moore Road east intersection has an approved Marana project number. Still holding to 2023 install.

  • Marana operations employees conducted a brainstorming session on the feasibility of removing construction vehicles from DMB by building a construction access road on the west end of DMB to Tangerine. For a variety of reason this idea was deemed infeasible.

  • The town agreed in principle to conduct a noise measurement study on DMB noise hot spots. This study would be conducted by a company that specializes in this kind of work. No date yet on when this study will be performed. Possible improvement actions will will be identified this study is done.

DMB Improvement March 17 2020.pptx


  • We need YOUR testimonials HERE. No need to provide your name. Just briefly tell us your neighborhood and street, and the road related issues at your home. Send your comments to :

  • "Our house is located in the Highlands, within 100 yards of Dove Mountain Blvd., so the added level of tire noise has become very obvious. We also remember the promise from the town, given during a meeting a year or so ago to repave the road with a "rubberized asphalt" to reduce the noise level. Using a sound meter, I performed a couple of tests to compare the noise levels inside my car, driving on the chip seal and then on smooth pavement. The tests were taken with 10 minutes of each other, at a constant 40 MPH, ac & radio off, and no other traffic in sight and over 1/4 mile or so. The reading on the chip seal was hovering around 71 db and 60.5 db on the smooth pavement. A 10 db difference inside a well insulated car is very significant, remembering that the db scale is not linear. One would assume that the external increase in level would be the same or even greater." DG - Highlands

  • WE DESERVE BETTER! Marana pitches Dove Mountain as a Premier Recreation and Residential Community. Resident property taxes and sales tax contributions to the town are significant. It was shock that the Dove Mountain Boulevard resurfacing project delivered a result inconsistent with the image Marana is trying to sell, makes existing road issues worse, and negatively affects area property values. We don’t understand the reasoning behind the decision to put a low-cost rubberized chip seal surface on this road versus the spending justification for some of the other approved road projects. It appears to us that there is a road capital project funding allocation imbalance. Dove Mountain Boulevard supports nearly 4,700 homes (more under construction), Highlands Golf and restaurant, Gallery Golf and Sports Center and restaurant, the Club at the Dove Golf and restaurant, and the 5-star Ritz-Carlton Resort. The Camino de Oeste project has no homes, businesses and very little traffic. Lon Adams Road is used primarily by those going to the park, post office, and as a back entrance to the Civic Center. The funding imbalance doesn’t make sense to us. If there is reasoning and justification for this funding imbalance, we respectfully request an explanation. Cost Comparisons Examples Below:

$500,000 Dove Mountain Boulevard (approximately 5 miles). Resurfaced with rubberized chip seal

$1,760,000 Camino de Oeste Reconstruction (approximately ½ mile) Widening of the current Camino De Oeste roadway to 30 ft in width from Rain Cloud St. to Moore Rd. This road will have 6 ft shoulders, a multi-use path, and landscape improvements, and will produce a uniform appearance consistent with the Tangerine Corridor Project.

$4,130,000 Lon Adams Road Reconstruction (approximately ½ mile) This project will consist of replacing the existing pavement section, adding sidewalks, lighting, landscaping, and improving the drainage. It will accommodate pedestrian improvements for the existing Marana Municipal Complex to the Ora Mae Harn Park. Linda- Dos Lagos

  • This road this is awful and noisy. Ross - The Villages

  • As a home owner on Dove Mountain I was very displeased the the resurfacing that occurred this spring. I have been in Transportation my whole life and been apart of many State/County/City road projects and I was very surprised and frustrated to see what the final product was. I have never seen an application that increased road noise both in and out of a vehicle. Also the way the product applied to the surface in such a rough/rumbly way is felt with car, motorcycle and peddle bikes alike. The finished product is not proffered and we would really like for the council to make the right move and repair the road. Thanks in advance for your help. Todd & Heidi - Dos Lagos

  • My name is Jim Haleem and I helped start the petition activity for a quieter/safer Dove Mountain Blvd. I have owned property on Dove Mountain since 1999 and have been a resident since 2003. In the first 5 to 7 years the traffic of cars and trucks was pretty light. As our community has grown, the number of vehicles on DMB has increase substantially as has the noise level. I currently live in Dos Lagos about 300 yards from DMB, and was extremely excited to see the town move forward with resurfacing the entire Blvd. The contractor started the project north of the Ritz round-about, and my expectation was that we would mirror that surface south of the round-about to Tangerine. I saw the chip seal being put down and actually thought that it was the base coat for a smoother asphalt topcoat surface. Was I ever surprised when the contractor put the stripping on the chip seal from the Ritz roundabout to Tangerine. I then proceeded to call the Town Engineer who told me that the chip seal was in fact the final coat, and that they had replaced what had been put down nearly 20 years ago. Since the new surface was put down the noise levels on my back patio have increased 20 to 30%. After checking with a few friends in our neighborhood, we decided that a call to action was necessary. We then formulated the core team about 40 days ago to help influence necessary change for DMB. My wife and I moved from Chicago to Tucson and bought property on Dove Mountain because we loved the serenity of the desert and the beauty of the Tortolita Mountains. Quite frankly, if we had wanted to hear the noise of 2 to 3 thousand cars and trucks a day, we would have picked the Phoenix area to live. Please help us convince the Town of Marana that we deserve a quieter/safer Dove Mountain Blvd.

  • When I applied to our lender, Bank of America, to refinance our home loan, they required an appraisal. The licensed appraiser Bank of America hired, deducted $30,000 from our home value because our home is located close to Dove Mountain Blvd. This was before most of Dell Web was developed. I think you are confusing assessor, who determines the property tax bill, with appraiser who can have a greater influence on the resale value of a home and mortgage financing. Close proximity to Dove Mountain Blvd. definitely effects the value of a residential property. Anything the town of Marana does to cause more traffic and associated noise on Dove Mountain Blvd. will have a negative effect on home values, but not necessarily the tax bill. – Doug - Highlands

  • We live in Dos Lagos, not New Orleans or California so please understand that the ‘increased noise, not sound, but noise,’ affects our quality of life as well as our real estate values. The ‘noise’ begins at 5:30am with construction trucks, landscapers with trailers on the back of their trucks and other workers who travel on Dove Mountain to their jobs and the new road ‘noise’ has increased....a lot. When road surfacing is done past the round about and it’s done as cheaply as this, you will not want to live with it in your back yard. Be kind and help the Dove Mountain neighborhood community we all, yes all, of us live in. Robbie

  • Disgusted – We bought in Dos Lagos in 2006 with the intent of retiring in Dove Mountain. One of us retired this year with the other next year. Instead of enjoying the sunsets on the patio, we’re cringing living with interstate level noise. We’d informally placed our house for sale with one realtor if the right opportunity arose (to possibly downsize but stay in Dove Mountain). When a prospective out-of-state buyer who definitely wants Dos Lagos heard the horrendous traffic noise they commented it was a major concern – no deal. We’ve since decided to remain in Dos Lagos and are absolutely floored that Marana would resurface with such a low volume traffic type finish. We’ve lived in Oro Valley before and have no intention of relocating there due to repeated poor decisions by that town council and hoped we’d avoid such with Marana’s good reputation. Surely the significant and growing tax base Dove Mountain provides the Town justifies the right decision of “real asphalt” instead of that meant for a backwoods country road. Bill and Cindy

  • I cannot wait to sign this petition!! Sherrie – The Highlands

  • Thanks. I don't live close enough to Dove Mountain Blvd to hear the road noise, but...I'm a cyclist and it's horrible riding on it. I avoid it now that it's been chip sealed. Chris – The Preserves & Quail Crossing II

  • I’m also a cyclist and I hate the new surface it’s much bumpier. Clive – Golden Barrel

  • So it involves all the factors a reasonable person should realize and with this publication I hope they will. The one that stands out is traffic speed. Just for fun I have clocked vehicles on DMB +15mph Wells Fargo to the ritz. One gal coming down, 20mph over, was metered to 40 and had a fit. All said speed on surface increases or decreases noise. I’m not affected by it but best wishes to those who are

  • We live in Dos Lagos, not New Orleans or California so please understand that the ‘increased noise, not sound, but noise,’ affects our quality of life as well as our real estate values. The ‘noise’ begins at 5:30am with construction trucks, landscapers with trailers on the back of their trucks and other workers who travel on Dove Mountain to their jobs and the new road ‘noise’ has increased....a lot. When road surfacing is done past the round about and it’s done as cheaply as this, you will not want to live with it in your back yard. Be kind and help the Dove Mountain neighborhood community we all, yes all, of us live in.

  • There's "road noise" from pavement as was the original DM surface, and then there's 'ROAD NOISE' from the recent budget resurfacing chip and seal. No comparison. To label this very smooth is inexplicable. On one's next drive, please note the huge difference when just off DM blvd and on to Tangerine or Twin Peaks. You can then turn down the radio volume in your car. No, it won't change anything this time but hopefully would get actual repaving asphalt next time around. PS - would love to see it in the Highlands--we'd then hear 1200 homes then voice in unison about it. Can't wait to sign.

  • HOA members are well aware that pavement maintenance planning and funding is a years long advance process. Marana surely is already budgeting now for the eventual resurface of DM blvd. For those who are thrilled with this redneck country road surface we just got, no action required. For those who would like the next resurface to be a standard repave like the original DM blvd, Tangerine, Twin Peaks, etc, IMO this petition is an appropriate way for the city planners to hear resident concerns and budget accordingly. Bill Senn

  • So it involves all the factors a reasonable person should realize and with this publication I hope they will. The one that stands out is traffic speed. Just for fun I have clocked vehicles on DMB +15mph Wells Fargo to the ritz. One gal coming down, 20mph over, was metered to 40 and had a fit. All said speed on surface increases or decreases noise. I’m not affected by it but best wishes to those who are😎

  • As of yesterday we have 914 signatures on the petition and its gaining momentum. The issue is simple - noise and safety. We understand that the Town of Marana replaced the 20 year old surface of the street with a similar surface because it was cost efficient, but what we are asking for is a way to apply a surface that represents our community and makes Dove Mountain Blvd. consistent from Tangerine to the end of the Blvd. We are confident IF the Town of Marana had thought through the project, looked at multiple options, and the impact on the community and its residents, that possibly another decision would have been made. We are NOT asking the Town of Marana to rip out what they have done - it would be too expensive. What we are asking them to do is understand the problem and have the experts (internal to the town or 3rd parties) provide options. If you agree and haven't signed the petition, click on the link below and PLEASE add your name:

  • I've heard from my neighbors on Meditation Dr that are moving because the road noise from Tangerine Rd is loud now that it is 4 lanes. I take walks at night and I can hear the noise from Tangerine in the center of the Preserves. It isn't just DMB that has this problem.

  • There's "road noise" from pavement as was the original DM surface, and then there's 'ROAD NOISE' from the recent budget resurfacing chip and seal. No comparison. To label this very smooth is inexplicable. On one's next drive, please note the huge difference when just off DM blvd and on to Tangerine or Twin Peaks. You can then turn down the radio volume in your car. No, it won't change anything this time but hopefully would get actual repaving asphalt next time around. PS - would love to see it in the Highlands--we'd then hear 1200 homes then voice in unison about it. Can't wait to sign.

  • I suspect the terrain in various neighborhoods makes a big difference. We just had some potential buyers look at our place that is well off DM blvd but no hills or other houses to block the noise. Agent said their only negative comment was the significant road noise that gave them pause to consider buying. With original standard quality asphalt the noise could be heard during the day when very quiet out and then just a faint whir in the background, certainly not like now. Respectfully, Bill S

  • I would sign this petition because I am a cyclist and feel the roadways are much worse since they resurfaced them with chip seal. Unfortunately; I am not in one of the designated neighborhoods listed (Tangerine North). Wendy – Tangerine Crossing

  • I have been selling homes here on Dove Mountain since 2005 and there has been so much change during the past 15 years! Over the course of this time- I have seen many new developments constructed, Ritz Carlton Hotel built, several golf courses have gone in…so the traffic level has also increased dramatically! Our homes have suffered a huge impact on their values due to the road noise- substantial reduction in values! Some of the owners that paid “Premiums” for their golf course/view lot are now looking at a 10-20% reduction in value due to the loud road noise. I was hoping when they recently coated the road it would create little more of a buffer from the sound…but what happened is - it got louder! This community will continue to grow due to the Beauty & Serenity of the surrounding Desert…but just as we are so protective on what type of housing/businesses that are built we must be more sensitive to the Sounds of Environment! Please feel free to contact me for any other information, Lets work together to get this issue resolved! Maria Anemone Long Realty

  • I am a Highlands resident, currently in MI for a few more weeks. Have been following the Nextdoor comments and as usual, amazed! I ride a bike and the difference after the backwoods resurfacing job is inexcusable. I can’t even imagine what the city was thinking. I thought the surface was in good condition prior to them messing it up! Sorry to have rambled on there. What I wanted to say is thank you for taking the fight to them and please don’t let the naysayers on here discourage your efforts. I certainly wish we had a noise reading before this whole thing started, it would be inter to compare. Keep up the good work, and again thank you😊 Alex W

  • I have been a realtor for 29 years, specializing in Dove Mountain since 2004 and a resident of Dove Mountain since 2005. Due to the recent changes of Dove Mountain BLVD resurfacing, I personally believe it will have a substantial impact on the value of our homes. Granted, we have seen increased traffic flow as Dove Mountain has grown, and buyers were already expressing road noise concerns prior to the resurfacing. However, since the resurfacing there is a significant higher level of noise and buyers are choosing to walk away from the area or present low ball offers to compensate for the road noise Please understand, this decrease in property value impacts ALL of us, whether our homes back up the Dove Mountain Blvd or not. When a home in the area sells, the value of that home is used as a “comp” (comparative analysis) by appraisers, real estate agents and individuals to place a value on the next home to sell. As values decrease, the amount of taxes collected will also decrease, so Marana should have some interest in this matter as well. I hope by showing the Town of Marana a strong show of support from the community as a whole, in the form of a petition, we will have some influence as to what measures need to be taken to resolve the issues resulting from re-seal to our Boulevard. If you have not signed the petition at time, please give it another look in order to protect ALL our property values and the fabulous way of life that attracted us here in the first place. Linda Worsley-Quirt

  • Hi, thanks for organizing the petition. There is one other item that is important for the Marana Town Council to hear. I am planning to write a letter, but if there is an opportunity to bring for you to bring this up at the meeting - I would appreciate it. I likely will not be back to Arizona until late November or early December this year. The intersection at Dove Mt Blvd and The Gallery club house is very dangerous. I think it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed at this intersection. Because my husband and I live in The Cottages, perhaps I think of this more than those just parking for golf. Often, the visibility for making a left turn is impaired by brush growing in the median. But even when the medians are properly maintained, the cars traveling on the street are speeding at 50 mph or more. I think that there should be stop signs placed at this intersection, or better yet a traffic circle! Since the home construction beyond The Ritz traffic circle, the traffic has exponentially increased, along with untenable road noise. But the number of vehicles speeding is of greater worry. Slowing the traffic at this intersection will help with this, and make using The Gallery restaurant and club house safer for all of our members and guests. Best, Cheryl W

  • As an agent who has specialized in marketing and selling homes in Dove Mountain (over 70 properties a year), for over a decade, I am deeply distraught to be receiving escalating negative feedback from showing agents and their clients after viewing several of my listed homes up and down Dove Mountain Blvd. - regarding the excessive road noise present during the showings. Many of these agents have brought buyers into these subdivisions before and have noted how much louder it is now. Buyers and their agents want to bring offers in lower because of the very noticeable new road noise level. Other agents say their clients are just completely steering away from the homes near or against Dove Mountain Boulevard because of the road noise.

This escalation of road noise is very significant especially for the homes I’ve currently got listed in Canyon Pass including homes on and near but not on Dove Mountain Boulevard. There are also other non-listed homeowners sharing with me how they are now hearing Dove Mountain road noise for the first time since the chip seal. It is a very new noticeable annoyance and is and will continue to devalue these properties along with their marketability.

Dove Mountain was and still is suppose to be the peaceful, quiet, safe, luxury community of Marana. We have just lost several pieces – quiet and safe. Chip seal is less safe for cyclists and our vehicles. Quiet level has definitely been hampered. I strongly urge the full Dove Mountain Boulevard to be sealed/coated properly just as Twin Peaks and the area beyond the Ritz Carlton have been coated. Dove Mountain is a premium residential community and it needs to be maintained to the integrity level as it was designed. Sandy Northcutt, CRS, ABR, ALHS, SRS

Heavy Trucks and Traffic Noise Pollution.pdf

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DMB Traffic slides_03-15-2021_GREEN.pdf.pdf


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