Douglas Boubert

Junior Research Fellow at Magdalen College, University of Oxford

I am an astrophysicist studying the dynamics and history of the Milky Way Galaxy. I am currently a Junior Research Fellow at Magdalen College, University of Oxford, where I carry out my research and occasionally teach undergraduate physics.

My work revolves around solving the mathematical, programming and engineering puzzles that crop up whenever I try to ask a novel question of a massive dataset. I am an expert in the use (and misuse) of the European Space Agency's Gaia Space Telescope, which is mapping the positions, velocities, brightnesses and colours of two billions stars in our Galaxy.

Whilst my background is in astrophysics, I have dabbled in neuro- and materials science. I'm open to collaboration (or employment!) in any field where principled data analysis can make a difference.

Please feel free to contact me at douglas.boubert - at -!