
Education Association

Wyoming education needs your help! The state is facing a historic fiscal crisis. Without new streams of revenue to support education, the state is already beginning to sacrifice where we simply cannot afford to sacrifice: our students. Tell lawmakers that we can't afford more cuts to education. Tell them it's time we spend a penny to save our future. Lend your voice to supporting a one-penny sales tax for education.

Request that WEA Send a Postcard Supporting a One-Penny Sales Tax for Education to Your Legislators

Legislative Affairs Call to Action

We need to show Wyoming legislators that Wyoming voters care about the future of education.

Wyoming is at a crossroads. Facing a failing economy that has relied too heavily on the mineral industry, legislators now must decide to either continue down the same path and hang onto the unrealistic hope of an energy recovery or make a hard turn and keep Wyoming operational by seeking new revenue streams. Few options remain for Wyoming to continue to provide essential services to students and the citizens of this state. Our state needs revenue.

This is the fastest, easiest way to reach out to legislators to reiterate to them that Wyoming students and education employees need and deserve adequate funding and that we're counting on our legislators to explore generating new revenue for education. Tell them to have a meaningful discussion about revenue. Tell them to respect the priorities of Wyoming voters by prioritizing and protecting Wyoming education. Tell them you support taxes, especially if it is for education!

Finally, share this opportunity with your community! Start conversations with your friends, family, colleagues, and neighbors. Education is a public good; it benefits us all. We need the public to understand the uncertain future facing Wyoming education and step up to hold Wyoming leadership accountable for ensuring that we fulfill our promise to Wyoming students. You do not need to be a WEA member or an education employee to write pro-education messages to legislators using this form.

The Douglas Education Association is a united group of educators committed to providing great public schools and valuable learning experiences for every child in our community. We are teachers, librarians, counselors, paraeducators, bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodians, office staff, and administrators in Converse County School District #1 who have come together to fulfill our vision of educating the whole child, building informed citizens, and supporting professional practices that foster excellence.

The Douglas Education Association is an affiliate of the Wyoming Education Association and the National Education Association.


Why should I join Douglas Education Association?

As a member of the Association, you can vote and have a voice in DEA decisions and elections. DEA members serve on key committees throughout the school district and can also receive help with advocacy issues, if they need it. Non-members do not receive any services from DEA or WEA, including access to attorneys.

Is WEA a union?

By Wyoming law WEA is not legally a union, but WEA is affiliated with the National Education Association, which is a union. WEA is your professional Association. WEA and DEA present professional trainings that are available only to members, and NEA offers members valuable financial products and even online master’s degrees.

Do I have to join NEA, WEA, and DEA, or can I just join DEA?

We are an “umbrella” organization and you must join all three levels to be a member of DEA .

How much are annual dues?

DEA dues are $20 for certified members and $10 for classified. WEA NEA dues can be found on the WEA website. They vary depending upon your position in the district. Ask your building AR or a local officer for specific costs of joining.

Do I have to pay all at once?

No, you can sign up for payroll deduction or EFT and dues will be taken out of your paycheck over a 9– or 12-month period.

How can I off-set dues costs?

NEA has a program called “click and save”. Members who buy goods and services online can save enough money to pay for their membership.

Are dues dollars used for politics?

No. Contributions to candidates are a separate member donation and members decide which candidates WEA should endorse through an interview process.

Why is the Association involved in politics?

Every year bills are introduced that impact school funding, curriculum, student assessment, teacher evaluations, and many other education issues. These issues impact our daily lives and what we do in the classroom and our members need to have a voice to explain to legislators what those bills would mean if they became law.

Why does the Association endorse candidates?

To make a positive difference in our classrooms, WEA must help education friendly legislators get elected, and must educate them on bills that will come up for a vote.

Where can I find more information about WEA and NEA?