About DoughNuts

The object of the game is to be the first team to correctly guess what is being modelled by your team mate.

DoughNuts is suitable for all ages and is played with two teams of players.


Each team will require enough modelling dough to make a small model.

Preparing to play

Players divide themselves into two teams.

There can be any number of people in each team and it’s not necessary to have exactly the same number in each team.

Each team chooses a dough colour and selects the Modellers for the first round.

Modellers and Guessers

Team members take turns at being the Modeller. The rest of the team are the Guessers. A Modeller only wins a round when one of his own team mates guesses the correct word.

Modelling Rules

Modellers can gesture with their models, but are only allowed to say 'yes' or 'no'.

Playing the game

All Modellers begin their model making and continue until a team correctly guesses their model.

During the initial make time (Adjustable in the settings screen) no guesses are allowed to be made. Only when GUESS is displayed on-screen, the guessers can begin shouting out their guesses.

Winning the round

A round is won when the word has been guessed correctly.

There is no time limit on a round. But after a long period, it is ok to declare that round void by mutual agreement. Replay the round with a new clue.

First team to 10 wins.