A martial arts uniform is an essential part of personal defense training for any student as part of their combat equipment. The uniform is called gi, and it usually comes in a white or other color.

There are different types of uniforms, but they serve the same purpose and all are designed to be light, flexible and very durable. This article will help you find the best uniform for you.

Offer a service to customize martial arts belts, uniforms, or fabric bags for embroidered weapons. You can put the name on one side of the belt and its name in Korean (for Tae Kwon Do, for example) on the other. You can also offer this service to martial arts dojo instructors by offering to embroider your company name and its label on uniforms and other martial arts apparel. You should be able to charge $ 50 for 25 characters or less.

You have to decide if you want your customers to provide uniforms and belts to customize them. You may want to buy these items in bulk and then you can promise shorter delivery times and deliver your personal items faster and with greater profit. You will also decide how many different language and font options you would like to offer your customers. The most common settings are English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.

You need to create a website that shows customers the different kinds of embroidery and clothing they can choose. This also allows you to create a price list and a user-friendly payment system. Be sure to include a link to a free translation site that will make your customers from all over the world who speak languages ​​other than English easy to read your site in their own language. Including information on your site would also be a good personal touch. Instructions for correct belt placement.

If you do not currently have an embroidered sewing machine, you can easily buy them in many places around the world as they become more common and are now much more affordable than ever. A single online search found resources to buy HSN embroidery machines from Sears and all kinds of intermediate companies. EBay and other auction sites are good sources for buying embroidery machines and digital embroidery software. You can buy reconditioned or new with a wide range of functionalities. You have to decide if you want to buy a machine that can be used with pre-programmed symbols and fonts or one that works with other types of software. Some are compatible with regular design programs and allow you to embroider any design that you can draw or design in person. This option provides much more freedom in font style and decorative design.

It may be a good idea to expand your business by offering to customize more general types of clothing with embroidered Asian symbols and words. Tell them that adding such designs will help add an Oriental mystique to your personality. For example, you can sew the Chinese blessing patterns of the "Fu" and "Shou" sign icons, meaning good luck and longevity. A chrysanthemum symbolizes purity and longevity in Chinese culture and is one of the four virtue plants, along with plum blossom, orchid and bamboo, the so-called "Four Gentlemen." Offering to customize items with these patterns can be a great way to add additional business while trying to create a name for yourself.

Finally, your customers need to know how to find it! It may be a good idea to advertise your services by placing a visible ad in a local directory, including your business in an online business directory and printing flyers and publishing them in places where people who would benefit from your services are likely to visit. Be sure to include primary schools, popular lunch places and coffee shops! Most post offices and supermarkets also have bulletin boards that allow you to place an ad. Be sure to take advantage of any public bulletin board in your immediate area to find the people who are looking for you and your services. In a very short time you will have accumulated a large customer base, many by word of mouth as they receive goods with their quality embroidery and want more.

Millions of parents throughout the United States enroll their children in martial arts programs to help them develop coordination, skills, self-discipline and a true sense of self-awareness. Martial arts emphasize self-control and are a great tool to help children who would otherwise not be successful in team sports find fitness, strength and self-esteem. Parents who are unfamiliar with the importance of uniforms associated with different disciplines must understand their importance and help teach their children how to treat and respect them. These are some of the basic elements of martial arts uniforms.

Not all uniforms are the same

The style of the uniform will certainly reflect the traditions of your home country, and designing the clothing will also be a means of distinguishing it from other disciplines. Japanese martial arts such as judo and karate cause their participants to wear a gi, a shirt attached by a belt; There are literally hundreds of different types of Chinese martial arts: those in the north have long sleeves, while those in the south have short sleeves. The correct uniformity is determined by the child's school.


There are various emblems that can be embroidered or attached to a uniform, and these patches are also determined by the child's school. Some emblems are centuries old and are associated with the martial arts style itself, while some represent the individual school. Emblems are what sets one school apart from one another during competitions, and is therefore something that can be used with pride. Emblems are as important to the uniform as the fabric itself and must be treated with the same respect.

Watch out for the uniform

Do not wear torn, poorly fitting or dirty uniforms as it would be disrespectful. The uniform should be washed and pressed if necessary after each use and never thrown to the floor either at school or at home.

Judo Gi / Judo Uniform

There are many myths in martial arts, but the two that I hear most mentioned in almost every martial arts school I know are (1) that martial arts originated in Shaolin Monastery in China and (2) how the belt classification system originated. I have talked in other articles about how historians have shown that martial arts did not originate in Shaolin Monastery, so here I will talk about the original origins of the belt classification system.

The most common version of the myth I hear is that martial arts originally only had one belt and it was white (sometimes they say it was a white rope). As the student practiced over the years, his belt darkened and darkened due to absorption of sweat, blood and dirt. The myth says that if you saw someone with a belt that had turned black, you knew he was an expert. While this may be romantic, it is completely false.

In fact, there are three different components that make up our modern classification structure, and we must analyze each of them to fully understand our history. The three components of our classification structure are the use of colored belts, the classification structure that symbolizes the straps and the concept of "broken black belt". Each of these has a separate story that is associated with the others.

The use of colored belts comes from Japan and was originally a way of organizing competitors for tournaments. The Japanese take the competitions very seriously and there is no shortage of things to compete in, such as swimming, flower arrangements, diving, running, painting, sculpture, dancing, singing, serving tea, etc. In organized tournaments, there were two different levels of competition: beginner and expert. Either you were an expert competitor with a local, regional or national classification, or you were a beginner trying to become an expert.

For example, if he were to hold a swimming competition, perhaps hundreds of competitors would appear dressed in their traditional kimonos and would need a quick way to know in which division each person competed. The organizers ’response was that someone competing in the specialized department should wear a black obi (a thick traditional fabric belt worn around the kimono) and a beginner should wear a white obi. This way of marking competitors gained popularity and more and more organizations decided to adopt it, but they didn't always use obi, sometimes they used headbands or headbands. It is from this practice that we get the white belt for beginners and the black belt for the expert practitioner.

The classification system also comes from Japan and is called the "Dan System" (pronounced "Don" and means "level"). In some competitions it was enough to have separate people in departments for beginners and skilled people, but for more complex and popular games they needed a way to classify people within those departments and the most complex and popular game of all was " Go ".

Go is an oriental version of chess and is taken very seriously in Japan, China and other countries of the world. At some point around 1680, a go-to competitor named Honinbo Dosaku, who is perhaps considered the greatest and most influential player in history, introduced the "dan system". Under this system, each player was classified at a specific level based on their experience, registration and disadvantage. The expert players received a range of "1" to "9", with the rank "1" representing that person was ranked in the first level called "Shodan" which literally means "lower level" and Rank of "9" representing the person, was ranked at the highest level, called "Meijin", meaning "bright man". Honinbo Dosaku based this rating system on the rating system already used in China for go-to competitions called "9 Pin Zhi".

Lessons for the Judo Beginner

Shisei or posture is a very important aspect of all judo training. The basic posture is called shizentai or natural posture. The back is held straight and the head up, with eyes straight ahead. The feet should be shoulder-width apart with the weight spread evenly on the balls of the feet, not flat-footed or on the toes, but with just enough space under the heel to push a piece of paper, allowing for fast movement in any direction.

If Tori steps forward about 30in (30cm) on the right foot, he is said to be in the right natural posture or migi-shizental; if he pulls forward on his left foot, he is in a natural, natural position or hidari-shizentai. This is the recommended attitude towards skills training, randoriand competition.

The second base position is called jigotaior defensive posture and involves bending your knees and sinking your hips to prevent you from being thrown by the opponent. Other more extreme defensive positions that aren't actually taught as part of Kodokan judo occur quite often in competitive situations, with both players grabbing the judo gi and bending 90 degrees from the waist to keep their hips as far away from their opponent as possible.


Ukemi-waza is Judo's pioneering technique and is another of Jigoro Kano's innovations to improve activity. It is important for everyone to learn to fall properly and safely, first to avoid injury, and secondly to allow them to move confidently without stiffening due to fear of falling and being injured. Ability to fall automatically improves an individual's ability to relax and move fluidly, leading to improved caste properties. The three main breakdowns are the forward rolling crash, the side drop, and the rear fracture. When these breakdowns are properly learned on both the right and left sides, week can be thrown with most techniques without fear of injury. Other crashes include the front crash, the somersault crash, the handstand crash and one arm cut away. Practicing the entire series of crashes leads to increased spatial awareness and eventually all fear of being thrown away.


Kumikata or grasping ability is an important part of judo and often means the difference between success or failure of a technique. The basic grip of judo and what is usually taught to beginners in the first months of training is the sleeve-suit. A right-handed player usually grabs his partner's left lap with his right hand and grabs the right sleeve with his left hand. This is the orthodox grip. The left-handed player takes the week's right lap in his left hand and the left sleeve in his right hand. If one player grabs the left hand and the other grabs the right hand, the situation is called kenka-yotsu, which means opposite grips. If both players are right-handed, or both are left-handed, they take the same grip on the judo uniform and the gripping situation is called ai-yotsu.

Usually in Japan, players adjust their attitude quite significantly, and a player who grabs the left hand will stand left, vice versa if they grab the judo with the right hand. European players are often more likely to remain in a square position. It is difficult, but not impossible, to throw left and right, and it is a good idea to practice changing sides as quickly as possible. This does not necessarily mean changing grips. If a right-handed player who specializes in harai-goshi from a basic grip-sleeve grip can be taught to do the left seoi-nage without changing the right-grip grip, he has a formidable combination available. The problem is often that it takes so long to develop a good move or a big throw that players realize the real need for a 'big gun' on the other hand when it's too late. This and other left-right switches like sode-tsuri-komi-goshi on the other hand (left in the case of a right-handed player) should be promoted from the start of a player's development ...

Judo - Techniques Tips and Tricks
To learn the modern dynamics of judo
Judo Martial Arts Training: An Introduction to Throwing Techniques
Judo Martial Arts Training - How to make bracelets
Judo: the mechanics of Judo throwing
Double Weave Judo Gi