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Mr SquireToTheGiants did a nice thing on why organisations can be like the politics and game playing of Game Of Thrones, but without the deaths or dragons, explaining double loop learning in the process. Here it is and you should click to read more.

I am in the process of writing a dissertation for my doctoral program and would like to use your adaptation of the double loop model (with the wall and ladder). By chance have you published it in any journals that I can reference?

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My GL distributions were duplicated and yet there was no error message in eConnect (SmartConnect in my case). Hmm. I double-checked my source data, and there was no summing of my fields on grouping so it took me a second to realize what the issue was.

By leaving it unmapped, the default for this destination was used so my integration passed through my PM Distributions AND auto-created the distributions resulting in double the amounts. Here is what I should have done on the PM Transaction Insert node: map it with a 0 (zero), indicating "do not create distributions".

For your shame you shall have double

 Or, "for your double shame" F2; instead of being a reproach, a proverb, a taunt, and a curse, as the Jews now are everywhere; being converted, they will have double honour, both in things civil and religious, be in great esteem with Christ, and all his people:

and for confusion they shall rejoice in their portion;

 instead of the confusion and reproach they have long lain under; or of that they shall be thrown into, when first awakened and convinced of their sin, of unbelief and rejection of the Messiah; they shall rejoice in Christ their portion, and in all those spiritual blessings they will see themselves blessed with in him; they will now have the double portion of the firstborn, they once were, and to which there may be an allusion, as some think; or, as others, to the double portion of the spirit of Elijah on Elisha; they shall now have the spirit of grace and supplication poured upon them, and all the gifts and graces of the Spirit bestowed on them, all which will be cause of joy and rejoicing to them:

therefore in their land they shall possess the double;

 not only in the land of the Gentiles, where they have suffered reproach, shall they have double honour; but in their own land, the land of Israel, to which they shall be restored; they shall enjoy great plenty of all kind of blessings, temporal and spiritual:

Templar sends a message to the police and Anne, alerting them of Boss' existence and of the caf. Boss tries to kill Anne but Templar arrives just in time to save her life. Then he goes back to the 4 Bells Caf, but is caught by Boss and his henchmen, bound and gagged. Boss plans to kill him and transports him to a boat nearby to get rid of the body afterwards.

Having been inspired by Sandi Metz's approach to writing tests ( -railsconf2013-the-magic-tricks-of-testing), I am trying to refactor a test for a Rails controller to assert that it is sending a command message properly.

Can anyone suggest a possible reason for the failure or resources for further study? I am relatively new to object oriented thinking and using mocks with Rspec. Could it be that I have misunderstood the role of doubles?

I think you're expecting your instance_double to be used automatically somewhere within the index action. That's not how doubles work. You can create a double and use it for things, but your code in the controller doesn't (and shouldn't) know anything about that double and so won't ever call anything on it.

In another viral controversy, Jon Dileno, formerly a senior attorney at the Cleveland employment law firm of Zashin & Rich, lost his job after sending an insulting text message to a former colleague who left the firm for another job after returning from parental leave: \u201CWhat you did\u2014collecting salary from the firm while sitting on your ass, except to find time to interview for another job\u2014says everything one needs to know about your character. Karma\u2019s a bitch.\u201D Indeed.

Coastal plains are amongst the most densely populated areas in the world. Many coastal peatlands are drained to create arable land. This is not without consequences; physical compaction of peat and its degradation by oxidation lead to subsidence, and oxidation also leads to emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). This study complements existing studies by quantifying total land subsidence and associated CO2 respiration over the past millennium in the Dutch coastal peatlands, to gain insight into the consequences of cultivating coastal peatlands over longer timescales. Results show that the peat volume loss was 19.8 km3, which lowered the Dutch coastal plain by 1.9 m on average, bringing most of it below sea level. At least 66 % of the volume reduction is the result of drainage, and 34 % was caused by the excavation and subsequent combustion of peat. The associated CO2 respiration is equivalent to a global atmospheric CO2 concentration increase of ~0.39 ppmv. Cultivation of coastal peatlands can turn a carbon sink into a carbon source. If the path taken by the Dutch would be followed worldwide, there will be double trouble: globally significant carbon emissions and increased flood risk in a globally important human habitat. The effects would be larger than the historic ones because most of the cumulative Dutch subsidence and peat loss was accomplished with much less efficient techniques than those available now.

The Dutch coastal peatlands were drained very persistently for a thousand years, and have been thoroughly exploited for fuel. The results of this study hold a strong warning message: the cultivation of coastal peatlands, even without peat mining, inevitably brings double trouble. It turns huge carbon sinks into carbon sources, and the burden presented by the mitigation of an ever-increasing flood risk, caused by subsidence, will eventually become unsustainable.

I have three upcoming trips, all visible in my account. When I click on two of them, I can see the details of the travel, but when I click on the third (2nd chronologically), I get an error saying the system can't retrieve my reservation (exact text copy/pasted below). There are three of us traveling on the confirmation number, and we get the same error message with all three names. The travel was booked on the web site.

I had the same situation Last Friday Evening. I called the 1-800 number and they told me that I needed to rebook my flight because for some odd reason they had my name two times in the reservation on their system. I was so furious when the error message popped up. But I will say that in regards to the situation I received a LUV Voucher on Monday. The voucher is for me to use for when I am ready to rebook my flight. I just would like to know if anybody has had the same situation that I had. I even tried to view it on my laptop and it still said that there was a system error on my reservation.

"Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble." This is the well-known refrain in the witches' speech. They chant these words as they throw various ingredients into a bubbling cauldron.

One of the most well-known passages in William Shakespeare's Macbeth is the "Double double toil and trouble" quote. It appears in Act IV scene 1 of the play. Long before their appearance in Act IV, however, the witches, also known as the weird sisters, have played an integral role in Macbeth. In the opening act of the play, they participate in a witch's Sabbath. When they encounter Macbeth, they present him with the possibilities of political advancement. When the first of their predictions comes true, namely that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor, he is all too willing to accept their words as truth. Naturally, he wants their predictions to be true because the witches describe everything Macbeth desires.

In the "double, double toil and trouble" passage, the witches chant as they add ingredients to their cauldron to make a spell. The three witches, who speak both individually and together in the passage, gather in a cavern around a bubbling cauldron. Ominous thunder booms in the distance.

This speech is particularly significant because it actually works as a curse on Macbeth. The witches stir the cauldron to wind up or activate the charm as they summon more and more trouble for Macbeth. But the phrase is also a warning that their words sometimes have double meanings. Shakespeare's Macbeth is known for its doubling. In fact, it is such a significant part of the play that some form of the word "double" appears thirteen times in Macbeth. For example, Lady Macbeth prepares for Duncan's stay at Macbeth's castle, saying, "All our service/In every point twice done, and then done double." When Duncan visits Macbeth's castle, Macbeth says, "He's here in double trust." As Macbeth's guest and king, Duncan feels safe because of this "double trust." Of course, he is unaware that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are plotting to kill him.

With the passage "double, double toil and trouble," Shakespeare shows the witches at work once again. Just as they complete this chant, Macbeth appears and asks for more of their prophecies. This time, the witches call forth apparitions to deliver the predictions.

"Witches mummy" is used because at one time pieces of mummified flesh were used to treat certain diseases, so perhaps this ingredient was readily available. The witches add hemlock, a deadly poison, to the mix. Another poisonous herb, yew, is also included. While naming the ingredients, the witches repeat the phrase "Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble." This phrase is an incantation designed to vex Macbeth and bring all his plans to ruin.

The witches, are also known as the "weird sisters," which is meaningful because "weird" likely derives from the term "wyrd," meaning fate or destiny. Macbeth is eager to embrace the witches' glorious predictions as his destiny, yet he fails to consider the double meaning conveyed in their words. 006ab0faaa

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