lol dude... to each their own but... I think youll find youre with the minority on hating double dragon and contra. Final Fight was a good game but yeah... I play Double Dragon a whole lot more often than I do final Fight. It's just a much more fun game imo. I haven't played Contra 4 but hating Contra cuz of the spread gun is kind of like hating Super Mario Bros. because of the Fire Flower. Yeah it'll kick everythings butt while you have it but you better cherish it while you have it cuz it wont be for long

What follows is a delightfully bad and hilariously self-aware jaunt through neon-lit streets, a rocket-powered space dojo, an experimental genetic laboratory, and a haunted graveyard, to name a few. The Lees beat down legions of identical bad guys - spiced up with the occasional android or gigantic tank, of course - heal themselves using soda and high-fives, and collect cassette tapes to power up their abilities.

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The tapes carry inside them either a stance (set of stat boosts or passive ability), or a special combat move. The player can have one stance and one move activated at any time, and much of the game's fun comes from experimenting with different combinations. Mix high defense with the ability to steal items and go loot farming! Turn on health absorb and hurricane kick to suck the life out of opponents! Max out the special attack bar then go nuts with the screen-clearing dragon attack! This huge variety of gameplay-altering moves and augments take what could have been a merely fun two-hour brawler and raise its replayability level an incredible amount.

The avoid-and-attack rhythm of combat is strengthened by perks you unlock as you play. Called songs, these add passive and special abilities to your repertoire. If you're dying too quickly, you may want to imbue your character with more health, or you could add damage bonuses when you land successive attacks. Super attacks are just as specialized. A screen-clearing, flaming dragon deals out a ton of damage but drains your magic bar, whereas the one-inch punch doesn't deplete as much health, but you can pull it off more often.

Hey there, fellow gamers! Get ready to enter a neon-soaked world of bro-tastic beatdowns and epic nostalgia with Double Dragon Neon! This game is like a time machine back to the golden age of beat 'em ups, but with a twist of radicalness!

Join our dynamite duo, Billy and Jimmy Lee, as they unleash their martial arts skills to rescue Marian from the clutches of evil. And let me tell ya, it won't be a walk in the park! You'll need to punch, kick, and combo your way through waves of gnarly henchmen like Linda and Abobo. These guys are tough, but nothing our bros can't handle!

Prepare for a totally tubular gaming experience! The graphics are so bright and vibrant, you might just need your shades. And the new gameplay mechanics will have you throwing punches like you've never done before. With each successful combo, you'll unlock wicked power-ups and abilities to make your enemies quiver in their pixelated boots!

But hold on to your joysticks, because that's not all! Double Dragon Neon is jam-packed with poise and swagger. You'll be grooving to an absolutely awesome '80s-inspired soundtrack that will have you dancing while dishing out beatdowns. And don't worry, my meme-loving friends, the dialogue is as snappy as ever. Get ready for some comedic one-liners that will leave you ROFLing!

So, my fellow gamers, start stretching those gaming fingers and prepare for an adventure that will make you feel like you're back in the glory days of arcades. Double Dragon Neon is the ultimate fusion of vintage gameplay and modern flair. Get ready to knock out some baddies, save the damsel in distress, and bring justice to the neon-lit streets. It's time to show the world who's boss, GameGal style! Are you ready?

Movement and combat here have weight and require plentiful skill and timing in order to prevail. A high skill ceiling with the terrific "gleam" system - dodge attacks at the last second, do double damage for roughly a combo's worth of motions - means that you can always get better. It's not easy, either, even on the default difficulty. There's plenty of variety and while stages are lengthy they're just under what I'd consider the threshold for "going on a bit". e24fc04721

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