Dot Route Support Page


Hello Dot Route user,

So you are committed to the game so much that you want to visit my support page? Well, kudos to you my guy.

If you are having trouble with the game itself the rules are simple. First, on the home screen, hit the play button to start. After this happens, you should see a transition to the game itself. At the top of the page, your score will be displayed, and just below that is your high score. These will increase for however many routes you successfully make.

You make a route by dragging between the dots on the page, so that they connect to each other. The lines should jump to connect to the dots when you get close.

Again, your goal is to connect them in such a way that they create one long path, NOT A LOOP. It takes some getting used to, but once you get it, you should be all set.

Thanks for coming to the page, and I hope you enjoy the game!


Mr. Amazing

P.S. If you have any further questions, feel free to email me at