Welcome to Dorrigo Plateau U3A! Join us for learning and friendship in a relaxed atmosphere. Learn about something new or become a tutor and help others learn in a supportive and social way.

U3A stands for University of the Third Age. Our group is part of a world wide movement where people from all walks of life get together and learn from each other, drawing on their experience, knowledge and interests. You don't need formal qualifications to join, and there are no examinations or tests.

Participating in classes in a friendly social atmosphere can help to keep your mind active and contribute to your physical and mental health. So why not come along and try it out? Join one of our courses or share your own expertise with others. We'd love to have you join us!

                                 Dorrigo U3A Schedule of Sessions for Term 2, 2024




Dear Members

Below are points to let members know what is being trialled from Term 2.

U3A talks once per month on the second Thursdays during school terms. These will be held at the CWA rooms at 2pm, with a cuppa and a slice available for purchase afterwards.

Bookings for talks either by contacting Carolyn (0437 977 189) or registering your name in the (new) dedicated U3A book in the foyer of Hickory House

For courses, groups or workshops advertised below, register with the facilitator named or in the U3A book at Hickory House or with Carolyn.

Members are invited to Sconversations on the first Saturday of the month at the CWA rooms at 10am for a cuppa, scone and a yak. Commencing 1st Saturday in May (4/5). By the way, if you would like to join Dorrigo CWA, their email is cwadorrigo@gmail.com.

U3A is a voluntary organisation running cultural, educational and social events for its members. Cost to become a member is only $10pa and if you join this diverse, interesting and interested group of people cost of attendance at advertised activities is only a gold coin donation for room hire. Bargain!

Contact membership officer on membershipu3a2453@gmail.com to join or download the application form from the U3A website. For non-members attendance at each event costs $5.

Members interested in a trip to Point Lookout followed by lunch at the Ebor pub on the last Friday in May can register their interest in the U3A book at Hickory House. Carpooling will be needed so indicate if you're willing to bring your car and how many you can take. Proposing $5 per person donation to car owner if there is a full carload.


Dorrigo High School on 9 May at 1.30pm (meet at the DHS Office)

As part of delayed Seniors’ Week activities, students from Dorrigo High School will be sharpening their public-speaking skills to present to you some interesting topics. These include:

The advantages of living in Dorrigo

The advantages of attending a small school

Why Australia should be a republic

Lives of children today are better than those of their parents

What does 'Treading lightly on earth' mean to you?

Students should still access their mobile phones at school

Dorrigo in 5 years would be like . . .

Students will speak for a few minutes each and there will be tea and bikkies at the conclusion of the talks.

RSVP Carolyn 0437 977 189 by 6 May


Course commencing in early May: Awakening Joy with Lyndell Bourke

This interactive course will be based on a book of the same name…a practical resource that helps identify where we are or aren’t experiencing joy in our lives.

The primary obstacles or beliefs that hinder joy are addressed, and ways in which we can expand , cultivate and experience more joy in our lives and within our own nature are included.

In monthly sessions, the blocks of a joyful contented useful life can be incorporated into your habits and outlook.

Numbers will be limited to 8 participants, creating a close, safe environment to increase your wellbeing.

Venue and date(s) to be advised. There will be a small charge each for room use.

RSVP: lyndellbourke@gmail.com, O423 411 473 or in the book at Hickory House

Course commencing in early May: World in Focus with Lyndell Bourke

A monthly discussion group covering world events and geopolitical shifts in a courteous, respectful

environment. Come and have a good yak.

Numbers will be limited to 10 so register early.

Venue and date(s) to be advised. There will be a small charge each for room use.

RSVP: lyndellbourke@gmail.com, O423 411 473 or in the book at Hickory House


Course commencing 14 May at 2pm. A Conversation About Voluntary Assisted Dying, with Karin Hannigan

Voluntary assisted dying (VAD) means an eligible person can ask for medical help to end their life.

Under what circumstances would you consider voluntary assisted dying?

Would you support a friend who has made the decision to end their life by assisted dying?

Come along and share your thoughts, ideas and questions.

Some recommended podcasts and articles to get you thinking:

Here is the official NSW Health site on VAD


Death With Love and Dignity on Conversations


Inquest into voluntary assisted dying begins in Queensland after man took his wife's end-of-life medication https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-20/voluntary-assisted-dying-coronial-inquest-vad-elderly-death/103490234

What if people with dementia could use voluntary assisted dying?


Venue and further date(s) to be advised. There will be a small charge each for room use.

RSVP Carolyn 0437 977 189 or in the book at Hickory House


13 June, 2pm at CWA rooms. Heart Coherence through Heart Biofeedback with Kaz Hannigan

In the early 1990s, HeartMath Institute researchers discovered the state of personal heart coherence and its incredible harmonising effect on the entire body. Practicing heart coherence can help you create more balance and cooperation between your heart, mind, and emotions, for significantly less stress, clearer thinking, and deeper connection with yourself and others. This session will cover some of the basics of heart coherence using the Inner Balance app from the HeartMath Institute. Technology gremlins willing, we will be setting up some stations for people to have a play on the app.

To get you started:

A short segment on the benefits of coherence and a simple breath and focus process to align coherence


RSVP Carolyn 0437 977 189 by 10 June or in the book at Hickory House


The following course will be offered in May, if enough members register interest:

Breath, Rest, Digest, Move, Restore: Gentle Yoga with Fran Clayton

Fran’s life, study and work have been focussed on health and wellbeing: From nursing, midwifery, yoga, reflexology, dance/movement therapy to palliative care.

It’s time to share. Together, let’s explore the deep life support available with a wider understanding of the exquisite function and design of our bodies. Sessions will be slow and quiet, incorporating breath, gentle movement and relaxation—not focussing on technique, rather curiosity and observation.

Any physical limitations most welcome.

Duration 1 5 hours. Venue to be advised. There will be a small charge each for room use.

Register your interest in the book at Hickory House or ring Fran on 6657 5362 or 0432 915 884


While not a U3A offering, you may be interested in Seniors’ Exercise Classes with Christine

This will be a weekly exercise class designed for seniors of all levels of mobility and fitness, with an aim to keep people moving.

Register your interest with Christine at ‘Zumba Fitness’ on Messenger.

Messenger registration must contain the word ‘Senior’.


Global Events discussion group on the third Monday each month, 10.30-12.00, Food Angel, with Warren Brisley. This group currently has a full complement.


Canasta with Tony Gam

Please contact Tony on 0427 570 107 for more details