Open Positions

Updated: July 2024

Advice for job seekers (all levels): When contacting the principal investigator (PI) of a lab, always address him/her by their name (e.g., Prof. [Last Name]) and personalize your message so it is clear that you have read their research papers and are serious about contributing to their research team. Candidates who send generic cover letters and mass email PIs will not likely receive any meaningful responses, if at all. 

Postdoctoral RESEARCH Associates

We do not currently have funds to support additional postdoctoral scholars. If you have independent funding or wish to apply for postdoctoral fellowships to work with us, please send an email to Prof. Loi Do ( and include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a list of references. 

Graduate Research Students

We are seeking 1 highly motivated graduate student to join our group in Fall 2024 on the polymerization catalysis project! Having prior undergraduate research experience is desirable but is not a requirement. However, candidates must have a strong work ethic, be willing to learn, and be a good team player.

Interested students should send an email to Prof. Loi Do ( Please include a cover letter explaining why you are interested in the group, curriculum vitae, and letter from your undergraduate research advisor (advisor letter can be sent separately by the writer to Prof. Do). Successful candidates will be asked to apply to the Ph.D. program in Chemistry at the University of Houston through the Collegenet online system.

Undergraduate Research Students

Only chemistry majors and those interested in careers in chemistry-related fields will be considered. Please email Prof. Loi Do ( a statement of purpose stating your career objectives and your academic transcript.