Mihail Sadoveanu Neamul Soimarestilor 11.pdf

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A Review of Mihail Sadoveanu's Neamul Soimarestilor

Mihail Sadoveanu (1880-1961) was one of the most prolific and influential Romanian writers of the 20th century. He is best known for his historical novels, which depict the lives and struggles of various Romanian people throughout history. One of his most famous works is Neamul Soimarestilor (The Hawk's Kin), published in 1925.

Neamul Soimarestilor is a historical novel that spans over a century, from the late 16th century to the early 18th century. It tells the story of a noble family from Moldavia, the Soimaresti, who are loyal to the Ottoman Empire and fight against the Polish invaders and their allies, the Movilesti. The novel follows the adventures and misfortunes of several generations of Soimaresti, who are brave, proud, and rebellious, but also suffer from internal conflicts and betrayals.

The novel is divided into 11 chapters, each focusing on a different period and character. The first chapter introduces Stefan Tomsa, the leader of the Soimaresti in 1612, who clashes with Potocki, a Polish nobleman, and Constantin Movila, a Moldavian prince who supports the Polish cause. The second chapter depicts Tomsa's son, Vasile, who becomes a renegade and joins the Cossacks. The third chapter narrates the fate of Vasile's son, Dumitru, who is captured by the Turks and sold as a slave. The fourth chapter describes Dumitru's escape and return to Moldavia, where he reunites with his cousin, Maria. The fifth chapter shows Maria's marriage to Gheorghe Stefan, a Moldavian prince who opposes the Turks. The sixth chapter portrays Gheorghe Stefan's son, Constantin, who becomes a hostage of the Turks and falls in love with a Turkish princess. The seventh chapter reveals Constantin's escape and his attempt to reclaim his throne. The eighth chapter recounts Constantin's death and his son's succession, Dimitrie Cantemir. The ninth chapter illustrates Dimitrie Cantemir's alliance with Peter the Great of Russia and his war against the Turks. The tenth chapter depicts Dimitrie Cantemir's defeat and exile in Russia. The eleventh chapter concludes the novel with Dimitrie Cantemir's death and his legacy as a scholar and a patriot.

Neamul Soimarestilor is a novel that combines historical facts with fictional elements, creating a vivid and captivating portrait of Moldavian history and culture. Sadoveanu uses a rich and colorful language, full of archaisms and regionalisms, to recreate the atmosphere and mentality of the past. He also employs various narrative techniques, such as flashbacks, dialogues, letters, poems, songs, legends, and dreams, to enrich the plot and the characters. The novel is not only a historical chronicle, but also a moral and philosophical reflection on themes such as freedom, loyalty, honor, love, faith, destiny, and identity.

Neamul Soimarestilor is a masterpiece of Romanian literature that deserves to be read and appreciated by anyone interested in history, culture, and human nature. 66dfd1ed39

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