About Us

We want to show people what ice cream should be.

Most ice cream you'll find in the grocery store or at your local ice cream shop starts with a factory-produced dairy mix. This contains additives and stabilizers that affect the taste and consistency of the finished product. Many ice creams also incorporate a large amount of air, also known as overrun, into their ice cream, reducing its richness.

We thought this was a shame for ice cream lovers everywhere and set out to show our family and friends what real, scratch-made ice cream could taste like. After our first bite we were hooked, and we think you will be too.

The smallest of teams.

We are a husband and wife duo with a labor of love - premium ice cream. We started out making our own batches at home, sharing with family, friends, and coworkers. The reaction to our ice cream was incredible, so we decided to share the fruits of our labor with the world. We make our ice cream in small batches at The Cookery in Durham in our spare time, and sell at markets and special events on the weekends. We hope to see you soon!