
from the 50th Anniversary Collection

Released: 2007

Production: Tom Bulleit '79

Engineering/Restoration: Phil York, Yorktown Digital Works

Business Management: Devid Lefkowith '78

Design: Yoshiki Waterhouse '95

A Note on the Songs:

Selecting the “best” recorded Duke’s Men songs, from 22 separate vinyl, cassette or CD recordings spanning the group’s 50 year history, proved an impossible task. There are numerous excellent renditions of many songs that were frequently recorded, and at least as many gems that were recorded only once or twice. Instead, this collection has the more modest intention of showcasing just really good recordings that are representative of the Duke’s Men’s talent and repertory over those years. In making the hard choices about what to include, preference was given to the premieres of frequently recorded songs (designated by “p”), to the alumni recordings made at the 50th Anniversary Concert in 2003, and to making sure that some special songs from each recording were included. Also, since recordings of increasingly surpassing excellence were made every 2 years beginning in 1990, each including some songs that premiered many years earlier, there are relatively fewer songs from each of those discs. The songs are presented in more or less chronological order, the exceptions being that the songs chosen to represent frequent concert openers and closers during the first and second 25 years are so-placed on each disc.